Windsor School in Boston, Massachusetts, is an example of a successful girls'
school. Windsor has five methods to help girls achieve in the "male dominated" subjects.
Girls work in groups, which helps increase their mutual understanding. Cynthia LaMothe,
math department chair at Windsor, says "It's more teacher-
Subjects Displayed
Windsor School in Boston, Massachusetts, is an example of a successful girls' school.
Windsor has five methods to help
girls achieve in the "male dominated" subjects. [really an infinitive phrase, but who's counting?]
Girls work in groups,
which helps increase their mutual understanding.
Cynthia LaMothe, math department chair at Windsor, says
"It's more teacher-
You don't really learn something
until you've taught it to another.
Most girls don't completely understand a problem
until they explain it to someone else."
The students are encouraged to take risks,
and the teachers try to build their self-
Math and science are shown in real world experiences.
Girls' verbal skills are put to use in papers and oral presentations.
Female role models and career examples are brought into the classroom
so the students will have someone to relate to.
Pretty good coherence, a strong feature of the passage.