Joe Glaser, CH 11, 745-
Prerequisite: ENG 100
Catalog Description: A study of the sounds, word structure, and sentence patterns of modern English, with emphasis given to parts of speech, phrases, and clauses.
Texts: Martha Kolln and Robert Funk. Understanding English Grammar, 7th Edition.
New York: Pearson-
Keith Denning, Brett Kessler, and William R. Leben. English Vocabulary Elements. Second Edition, Oxford, 2007.
As the only required language course for English majors, this class offers a general grounding in English language topics, including sentence patterns, phrases, clauses, word classes, syntax, and sentence construction. We will also work on vocabulary, morphology, etymology, and the history of English—all important topics for understanding how the language actually works. Most classes will center on the text books. We'll average about sixty pages a week, working our way through the texts with a mix of discussion, group activities, exercises, and quizzes.
Five basic grades will make up your semester average:
Attendance, exercises, daily grades 20%
Three one-
Final 20%
Tests will combine short-
Daily grades are quizzes over the day's readings or brief written comments on some
aspect of what you've read. Missing grades cannot be made up. You may miss two
daily grades with no penalty, but further misses count against your average. If
you pass all quizzes and get all short written assignments in on time, you qualify
for an 5-
Attendance Policy: You are allowed up to three unexcused cuts. After you've missed
three classes, I'll want valid excuses. Anyone missing more than six classes without
a cast-