Welcome to the Stoic Place

maintained by Dr. Jan Garrett

Last updated January 27, 2006

The Stoic Place website is included in Academic Info's list of online
Philosophy and Ancient Philosophy links.

This website has been designed as a "place" where Stoics and persons interested in Stoic ideas, classical and contemporary, can find resources to pursue their self-education in the ideas of Stoicism and related philosophies.

Its "Historical Materials" section contains links to recently written pieces and teaching devices designed to introduce the student of Stoic philosophy to the ideas and issues of classical Stoicism. This section includes materials composed by Dr. Jan Garrett plus articles by Dr. Keith Seddon. Links to additional material of this sort found outside this website are provided in the "Links" section.

The "Classical Works" section contains links to translations of classical works by ancient Greek, ancient Roman, and Renaissance Stoics that are available on the internet. This section also contains links to a translation of Cicero's On Duties, a work believed to depend heavily on the writings of the Stoic Panaetius (otherwise lost).

The "Links" section permits quick access to websites of individuals who are devoting their talents and energies to explaining, updating, and trying to apply Stoic wisdom.

The site also provides information about joining the International Stoic Forum. The Forum is the online "stoics" discussion group virtually located at Yahoo! Groups.

Visitors to this site who are aware of valuable Stoic materials on the web to which the Links page has not provided a link are urged to inform Dr. Garrett about these materials.

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