by Chip Kraus
Conner Hawke  was made from a BTAS Robin. Rubber bands were used for his straps and boot cuffs.  His quiver was brought to you by the letter "V" (one of those plastic magnetic letters).  Finally, he was painted with acrylics and displayed with a Tarzan bow.

(I saw another figure on the web using this combo which inspired Chip to make this one.  I wasn't a member of the Customizing Listserv at the time, and I can't remember who it was or I would give him or her credit.  Let us know if you were the inspiration.) 

Parts Used:
Base figure: B:TAS Robin 
Straps and boot cuffs: Rubber bands
Bow: Tarzan
Links in this table will connect you to customs made from other parts of same figure.

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