by Chip Kraus
At some point while I was working on Captain Marvel, I told Chip that if he would make Captain Marvel, Jr. (aka CJ3), then I would go ahead and start on Mary Marvel.  He started and finished (I believe) that evening. I started on Mary Marvel that very night. 

I was very unsure how I was going to make the cape.  Remembering some ideas we'd seen at Leslie Hancock's website, I started formulating a plan.  We ended up making a small pattern and making one from cloth.  Then, Chip cut me a wire from a annoying-toy-twist-tie, and I ironed it into the yellow borders that I attached to my cape using a iron-activated fabric bonding agent (similar to the Stitch-Witchery brand).  

Wire was also braided/twisted together to form the corded clasp for his cape (and, incidentally, I noticed WAY after this picture was taken that I never painted it yellow -- I'll do that when I make the other Marvels' capes). 

I was very happy with how the cape turned out.  It's very flexible and yet holds it's shape completely.  The small size of the cape, however, made it a difficult task, but I think when I get around to making other capes, it'll be easier.  After all, I now have some experience to learn from.

Parts Used:
Base figure: CF Robin
Boot Cuffs: Rubber Bands
Cape: Cloth & Ribbon
Links in this table will connect you to customs made from other parts of same figure.

See Also:  Marvel Family; Young Justice

This custom featured at

Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel and all related characters, names, and indicia are ©2000,  DC Comics (a division of Time-Warner Communications), and are used WITHOUT permission. All rights reserved.

 This webpage ©2000, H. Davis Stone, and may not be used or replicated by any means without permission.