A PICTORAL HISTORY -- The 1990s..Page Three

Welcome to Page Three of David Keeling's Pictoral History page for the 1990s.

Lecturing in the Ecuadorian Amazon jungle, August 1998

With Argentine colleagues in Mar del Plata, Argentina, May 1994

Geography Department Field Trip, Willamette River, Oregon, Summer 1991

Samurai Warrior, Akita, Japan, December 1991.

Greg Ringer's Graduation, Oregon Geography Department, Summer 1993

Graduate Student hard at Work, Oregon, August 1992.

On Chimborazo, Ecuador, with students, Summer 1997

All material is © Copyright David J. Keeling and may not be copied, downloaded, or reproduced without written permission. Individual photos are copyrighted by the photographer.

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If you have any comments, you can email me directly by clicking on:  david.keeling@wku.edu

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Last updated: 11/16/06