Anth 375 Paleoanthropology: Human Origins and Evolution
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Spring 2004
Review Material for Exam 3 (Final)

Study Guide       Practice Questions



For each species you need to know the the time period and geographic location (regions of each continent, not individual countries).


For specific fossil specimens, know why each is significant (most are type specimens). For other sites, know what species it is associated with and why it is significant (e.g., Mojokerto is oldest fossil evidence of Homo erectus).


What significant discoveries or research projects are credited to each of these individuals?






1.    What is significant about the site of Drachenlock, Germany?

A.    The oldest wooden spears associated with Homo neandertalensis were found there.
B.    Evidence of a cave bear cult associated with Homo neandertalensis was found there.
C.    It yielded the type specimen for Homo neandertalensis.
D.    William King’s initial description of Homo neandertalensis was based on skeletal remains from the site.
E.    Blade tools associated with Homo neandertalensis were recovered there.

2.    Which of the following explanations for the decline/extinction of the neandertals assumes they were a subspecies of anatomically modern humans?

A.    demographics
B.    disease
C.    war
D.    outcompetition
E.    interbreeding

3.    What do the sites of Bodo and Krapina have in common?

A.    They are sites where humans were intentionally buried.
B.    They are the sites where the oldest fossil evidence of a particular human species was recovered.
C.    They yielded evidence of defleshing.
D.    They yielded evidence of possible art and personal ornamentation.
E.    They are sites where the type specimens of two species were recovered.

4.    What famous site has yielded the skeletal remains of at least 40 individuals, over 100,000 stone tools and animal bones, and evidence of the controlled use of fire?

A.    Zhoukoudian, China
B.    Boxgrove, England
C.    Terra Amata, France
D.    Cro-Magnon, France
E.    Divje Babe I, Slovenia

5.    Which species is associated with blade tools, pottery, ground-stone tools, and religion?

A.    Homo erectus
B.    Homo heidelbergensis
C.    Homo antecessor
D.    Homo neandertalensis
E.    Homo sapiens

6.    True or False:  The oldest musical instrument was recovered from the neandertal site of Divje Babe I, Slovenia.  

7.    True or False:  Stone tools used by neandertals include Mousterian, Levallois, blades, and Aterian types.

8.    True or False:  The only human species known to have buried the dead are Homo neandertalensis and Homo sapiens.

9.    True or False:   The type specimen for Homo sapiens is E687 from Kabwe, Zambia.

10.   True or False:  Levallois and Mousterian stone tools are prepared core tool technologies that produced uniform flake tools.

11.    Recent fossil discoveries of Homo sapiens at Herto, Ethiopia were made by  _____________  .

12.   The time range for Homo antecessor is  ___________  .

13.   The type specimen for Homo erectus is  ___________  .

14.    The easternmost fossils of neandertals were recovered from the site  ___________  .

15.   The oldest human skeletal evidence from Australia is from the site  ____________  .

Click here for answers to the practice questions.


1.    Discuss the replacement and regional continuity theories as they relate to the phylogenetic relationships among late Homo species.

2.    Evaluate the naming of the new species Homo floresiensis.

3.    Discuss possible phylogenetic relationships among late Homo species.

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Last updated on December 8, 2004
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