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Anth 375 Paleoanthropology: Human Origins and Evolution
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2004
Course Syllabus

NOTE:  The printed and amended course syllabus that is distributed in class is the ultimate
authority for this class and supersedes information posted in this on-line syllabus.

Instructor Contact Information                                                               

Email: darlene.applegate@wku.edu

Office: FAC 280        745-5094

Lab: Rock House    745-6511

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00-11:00, Rock House; Friday, 1:30-3:30, FAC 280; and by appointment

Course Objectives                                                                               

The course examines the origin and evolution of humans in biological terms, though some consideration is given to developments in material culture and cultural behavior. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of paleoanthropological research, evidence of human evolution, trends in human evolution, important fossil finds and sites, and phylogenetic relationships.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will
This course does not fulfill General Education requirements. The course prerequisite is Anth 125 or consent of the instructor; Anth 300 is recommended but not required.

Course Materials                                                                                   

The required text is Principles of Human Evolution by Roger Lewin and Robert Foley (2nd edition, 2004, Blackwell Publishing). The text may be supplemented with additional readings.

We will be using Chapters 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 from Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology by Diane France (5th edition, 2004, Wadsworth).

Additional course materials and assignments are accessible on the course web site at

Videos related to course content will be shown periodically throughout the semester.

General Expectations                                                                               

The educational endeavor is a two-way street.  To insure a productive and stimulating learning environment, students and instructors must meet certain expectations.

It is my expectation that students will attend class regularly, prepare for each class, exactly follow directions for completing assignments, complete assignments on time, participate meaningfully and respectfully in class, ask questions, monitor their performance, and seek assistance before matters get out of hand.

Students are expected to make themselves aware of the provisions set forth in this syllabus. Students are expected to bring the syllabus to every class meeting and to make any adjustments to the syllabus announced during class.  Students are strongly encouraged to review the information in the syllabus on a regular basis.

Students should expect from me organized presentations, current information on the subject, thoughtful evaluation of assignments, timely return of graded assignments, access during office hours, and guidance in completing course requirements.

Please come see me if you have any concerns during the semester.

Attendance Policy                                                                                   

The University attendance policy states that "registration in a course obligates the student to be regular and punctual in class attendance" (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 29; emphasis added).  In addition, if an instructor “determines that a student’s absenteeism is inconsistent with the instructor’s stated policy” the instructor may “request that the Academic Advising and Retention Center arrange a counseling session with the student” (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 29). 

Punctual arrival to class is expected.  Students who arrive to class late are expected to find out what they missed.

Class attendance is tracked with sign-in sheets.  Students are responsible for making sure they sign the attendance sheet each day.  Students who are present but forget to sign the attendance sheet will be recorded as absent.

In order for an absence to be excused, all of the following requirements must be met.

1.    The excuse must be a legitimate reason for missing class. Legitimate excuses include serious illness, death in the family, University-sanctioned activities, out-of-town job interview, jury duty, and religious holidays.  Non-legitimate reasons for missing class include but are not limited to chauffeuring friends, airplane reservations, family celebrations, meetings with other professors or advisors, work, and unsanctioned University activities.

2.    Written documentation must be given to the instructor and will be kept on file.

3.    Written documentation must be submitted at the next class meeting after the absence.

If you are absent from class, it is your sole responsibility to find out in a timely manner what you missed.  You are responsible for learning the material you missed.  It is not possible to make up some missed class work like videos.

Though your grade will not be lowered for unexcused absences, they will likely contribute to poor academic performance in this course.  In addition, excessive unexcused absences make students ineligible for earning extra credit, as explained elsewhere in the syllabus.

Attendance policies related to exams and other course assignments are explained elsewhere in the syllabus.

According to University policy, “excessive absenteeism may result in the instructor’s dismissing the student from class and recording a failing grade, unless the student officially withdraws from the class before the withdrawal deadline”  (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 29).  So if you don't attend class, don't satisfactorily complete the course requirements, and don't withdraw by the scheduled date (October 18), you will fail the class.


Following is a list of assignments for the course. Each is described in more detail elsewhere in the syllabus and on the course web site. Students should keep track of their grades on the assignments and track their progress toward their target grades.

     Assignment                    Points                Grade

Examination 1             100 points                                   
Examination 2             100 points                               
Examination 3             100 points                               
Lab Exercise 1              50 points                               
Lab Exercise 2              50 points                               
Lab Exercise 3              50 points                               
Lab Exercise 4              50 points                               
Lab Exercise 5              50 points                               
Lab Exercise 6              50 points                               

        TOTAL            600 points

Though it is unlikely, the instructor reserves the right to add or eliminate assignments during the course of the semester. If this is necessary, students will be given prior notification during class.

Due Dates                                                                                           

Two of the skills I expect that students will acquire in college are time management and responsibility. Therefore, I expect that all assignments will be turned in at the beginning of class on the days they are due. Be warned that I will not accept/grade lab assignments that are submitted after the due dates. If you can't be in class on a day when an assignment is due, you need to submit the assignment early or have someone turn it in for you on time. Students who need to submit assignments early and can't find me on campus may slide the assignments under my office door or leave them in my mailbox in the department office (FAC 237).

Under unusual circumstances, students may petition for an extension of the due date for a lab assignment. The instructor reserves the right to deduct points from extended assignments. Extensions will be considered only if all of the following requirements are met.

1.    A written request for an extension, explaining a legitimate reason why extra time is needed, must be submitted to the instructor. (Computer failure, work schedules, extracurricular activities, and an overload of work in other classes are examples of non-legitimate reasons for requesting an extension.)

2.    The student must meet with the instructor at least three days before the due date to submit and discuss the written request. If the extension is granted, a new date will be established by the instructor.

3.    The student must complete the assignment by the new due date.

Grading Procedures                                                                               
Numerical grades are given for each assignment. If curving is necessary, it will be done on individual assignments; curving usually involves adding points to the numerical grade earned by each student on a particular assignment. Letter grades are not given for individual assignments.

The final course grade is calculated by dividing the points earned (including any extra credit points) by the total points possible (excluding extra credit). This percentage is then translated into a letter grade based on a 10% scale (A=90-100%, B=80-89%, etc.). Final course grades will not be curved. In some cases, students with borderline percentages (e.g., 59%, 69%, 79%, 89%) are given the higher grade based on class attendance, class participation, improvement, and/or attitude.

Tests and Testing Policies                                                                       

Three exams (two midterms and a final) are scheduled over the semester. Exams cover material presented in lecture, lab, readings, and/or videos. While midterm exams are not comprehensive per say, it is assumed that students will build and draw upon a foundation of material from previous tests.

Each test is worth 100 points. Most of the questions are subjective (identification, essay), but there may be a small proportion of objective (multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in) questions. Review material is posted on the course web page about one week prior to each exam.

Students are expected to arrive on time for tests.  To insure that you arrive on time, I suggest that you set two alarm clocks (one battery operated), have a friend call you, and leave home early enough to beat traffic and find a parking place.  In the case that a student is excessively late in arriving to take a test, the instructor reserves the right to deny that student the opportunity to take the test with no possibility of a make-up exam.  If a student arrives late to an exam and other students have already completed and turned in their tests, then the tardy student will not be permitted to take the exam and will not be given a make-up exam.

To insure security during tests, students will be instructed to place all their materials in a closed book bag under their desks.  Students wearing ball caps must remove them or turn them backwards.  Once a student starts an exam, he/she cannot leave the testing room for any reason until the exam is turned in.  Students cannot get into their book bags during the test, unless permission is granted by the instructor.

Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Office for Student Disability Services, Room 445, Potter Hall.  The OFSDS telephone number is 745-5004 V/TDD.  Please do not request accommodations directly from me without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services.  Students should inform me in writing of accommodation needs at least three days in advance of each scheduled test date.

Full attendance on exam days is expected.  However, the following policies will apply in those special cases when a student has a legitimate and documented reason for missing a scheduled exam. 

Early exam policy:  Students who know they will be absent from class on an exam date for a legitimate reason (University-sanctioned activity, out-of-town job interview, jury duty, religious holiday) must make arrangements at least three days before the scheduled test to take the exam early.  Written documentation of the reason for missing the test and a written request for an early exam must be submitted.  Early exams will be scheduled at the instructor's convenience.

Make-up exam policy:  Students who miss an exam because of unexpected and unavoidable circumstances may be permitted to take a make-up exam.  Make-up exams may be a different format from the regular exams.  All make-up exams will be scheduled at the instructor's convenience.  Make-ups for missed exams are given only if all of the following requirements are met.

1.    The instructor is notified by the student (not someone else) at least 24 hours prior to the exam time. If you cannot reach me directly, leave a voice-mail message or send an email.

2.    The absence occurs for a legitimate and unplanned reason, such as serious illness, death in the family, or auto accident.

3.    The absence is documented in writing.

Exams are typically handed back during the first class session following the test.  Students who are absent when exams are returned and who want to pick up their exams must do so during the instructor's office hours.

Lab Exercises                                                                                       

Six in-class lab assignments relate to topics covered in lecture. They provide hands-on experience and are designed to allow students to apply new information. The lab assignments cover speciation and phylogeny, skeletal anatomy, primate evolution, australopithecine fossils, early Homo fossils, and late Homo fossils.

Each lab assignment is worth 50 points. Directions for completing lab assignments are posted on the course web site and are updated about one week before each lab. While labs are usually completed in small groups, each student is expected to read the lab overviews carefully before each lab and to follow the directions exactly.

Students are expected to stay for the entire lab session. Most of the lab questions should be completed during class time. Labs are due at the next class meeting following the lab session.

Full attendance is expected for lab sessions. Students who miss a lab because of a legitimate reason and provide written documentation of the absence at the next class session (see Attendance Policy) will be given one week from the date they return to class to make up the lab. However, it behooves you to do all labs on the scheduled dates for several reasons. Lab make-ups will be scheduled at the instructor's convenience. Students are expected to make up the work on their own; I will not reteach the labs. Students who miss labs prior to exams are still responsible for that lab material on the exams, whether or not their make-up lab assignments have been completed, submitted, and/or graded.


Several videos related to course material are scheduled over the semester. Full attendance on video days is expected, and missed videos cannot be made up. Students are expected to record notes during and after each video. The entire class will discuss the video content and relate it to lecture material and readings. Students are responsible for video information on the exams.

Academic Dishonesty                                                                               

"The maintenance of academic integrity is of fundamental importance to the University.  Thus it should be clearly understood that acts of plagiarism or any other form of cheating will not be tolerated and that anyone committing such acts risks punishment of a serious nature" (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 27).

Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be dealt with in accordance with University policy.  "Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the coursework in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal" (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 27). Sanctions may also be brought against the perpetrator.  Students are responsible for understanding what constitutes cheating and plagiarism; the University descriptions are provided below.

"No student shall receive or give assistance not authorized by the instructor in taking an examination or in the preparation of an essay, laboratory report, problem assignment or other project which is submitted for purposes of grade determination” (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 27). Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software.

"To represent written work taken from another source [book, journal, web site, lecture, lab, or other source whether it is prepared by the instructor, a guest speaker, or a classmate] as one's own is plagiarism.  Plagiarism is a serious offense.  The academic work of a student must be his/her own.  One must give any author credit for source material borrowed from him/her.  To lift content directly from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act.  To present a borrowed passage without reference to the source after having changed a few words is also plagiarism" (WKU 2003-2005 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 27).

Extra Credit                                                                                       

In certain circumstances, students are permitted to earn extra credit points in order to achieve at their desired level. Extra credit work is completed in the Anthropology Lab at the instructor's convenience and usually involves artifact washing. Students who work at the Anthropology Lab will be required to sign a Lab Responsibility Contract.

Students may earn up to 30 points of extra credit per course at the Anthropology Lab.  Students earn five points for every hour worked at the lab, up to a maximum of six hours per course per semester.

Extra credit is not intended as a means of recouping lost points due to poor class attendance and/or failure to complete all assignments.  A student will be afforded the opportunity to do extra credit only if he/she fulfills all of the following requirements.

1.    The student has no more than three unexcused absences over the course of the semester.

2.    The student completes all assignments.

3.    The student makes a written request that includes the following information:  how many unexcused absences you have had, what your target grade is, what your current grade is, why you are not achieving at your desired level, and what you plan to do (other than extra credit) to improve your performance.  Also include your name, the date, and the course number.  The request may be handwritten.

4.    The student submits the written request and speaks with the instructor during office hours or by appointment.

Note-taking Policies                                                                               

An accurate and complete set of lecture notes is important for performing well in this class. Many topics covered in class are not in the text book, so lecture is the only source for information on such topics.  Suggestions for taking good notes include pre-reading, pre-class preparation, listening for clue words, taping lectures, comparing notes with other students and/or the text book, rewriting and reorganizing notes, and asking the instructor for clarification in class or during office hours.  See the instructor for more specific note-taking strategies.

Tape recording of lectures for the purpose of improving note-taking is permitted only when a written request is made to the instructor and when prior consent is given by the instructor.

The instructor considers lecture material (like any other course material) to be intellectual property.  Students who enroll in this class are entitled to use this material for their personal education.  Students are not to sell lecture notes (and other class materials) to other students or to note-taking services, online or otherwise; such action constitutes copyright infringement and will be prosecuted.

Students with cellular phones or pagers must turn them off before the start of each class, unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.

Syllabus Modifications                                                                           

The instructor reserves the right to modify anything in the syllabus, with prior notification via an in-class announcement, during the course of the semester. Students are responsible for being apprised of any such modifications and for recording such modifications on their syllabi.
Course Schedule                                                                                   

Every attempt will be made to adhere to the following schedule, but the instructor reserves the right to make adjustments as necessary. Changes to the course schedule will be announced in class.

WEEK    DATE                TOPICS                                    READINGS

1            Aug 23-25            Introduction, Evolutionary Theory            Chapters 1, 2

2            Aug 30                Speciation and Phylogeny                    Chapter 3       
               Aug 30                Drop/Add Ends
                Sep 1                Lab 1: Classification and Phylogeny        Online Lab Overview

3            Sep 6                Holiday: No Class
              Sep 8                Evidence for Evolution                         Chapters 4, 5
4            Sep 13                Overview of Skeletal Anatomy                none
            Sep 15                Lab 2: Skeletal Anatomy                    Online Lab Overview

5         Sep 20                Primate Evolution                            Chapers 6, 7, 8
            Sep 22                Lab 3: Primate Evolution                    Online Lab Overview

6            Sep 27-29            Australopithecines                            Chapters 9, 10

7            Oct 4                Midterm Exam 1
            Oct 6                Australopithecines                            Chapters 9, 10

8            Oct 11-13            Lab 4: Australopithecines                    Online Lab Overview

9            Oct 18-20            Early Homo Species                        Chapters 11, 12

10            Oct 25-27            Homo erectus                                Chapter 13

11            Nov 1-3            Lab 5: Early Homo Species                Online Lab Overview
12            Nov 8-10            Late Homo Species                        Chapters 14, 15

13            Nov 15             Midterm Exam 2
               Nov 17                Late Homo Species                        Chapters 16
14            Nov 22                Late Homo Species                        Chapter 17
               Nov 24                Holiday: No Class
15            Nov 29-Dec 1        Late Homo Species                        Chapter 18

16            Dec 6-8            Lab 6: Late Homo Species                    Online Lab Overview

17            Dec 13, Mon        Final Exam                                 1:00-3:00

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Page composed by Darlene Applegate, darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Last updated on August 26, 2004
All contents copyright (c), 2004. Western Kentucky University.