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ANTH 336  New World Prehistory
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2006
Andean South America Culture Area
Nasca Culture

Perhaps best known for the "Nasca lines." The nature of socio-political organization of the Nasca culture is unclear.


200 BC - AD 600

Early Intermediate Period


southern coast of Peru


agriculture based on irrigation

use of marine resources


Nasca lines

located on the desert plains of Pampa de Nasca

probably made by removing dark oxidized soil to expose light-colored soil underneath

lines are the largest artifacts of Nasca culture

earliest ones depicted demons and animals, similar to those on textiles

later ones are straight lines and geometric shapes

explanations for why the lines were constructed include memorials to individuals or calendric systems; no scientific evidence that the lines functioned as space ship landing pads

Nasca art style

mythical and non mythical themes

bodiless humans, demon heads, disjointed figures                

art style, especially mythical motifs, is well preserved on textiles, which were very advanced and made mostly of camelid hair


little data available

site types include terraced hills, pyramids, burial areas, and walled enclosures


Dos Palmos

Tambo Viejo


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Page composed by Darlene Applegate, darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Last updated on December 7, 2006
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