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Anth 336  New World Prehistory
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2006
Reference Materials for Research Paper

Each student must use a minimum of five reference materials in the paper.  This means that you must cite at least five references in the text of your paper, not just list five references in your bibliography.

Appropriate reference
sources include the following:

Inappropriate reference sources
include the following:
You may use the textbook as a resource only if you have five additional and appropriate references.

If you are unsure about whether or not a resource is appropriate, check with the instructor.  If you think you've located a good reference that falls into one of the "inappropriate" categories listed above, check with the instructor to see if an exception can be made.

Each student must consult at least two scholarly print resources (journals or books).

Each student is limited to a maximum of two Internet resources.

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Page composed by Darlene Applegate, darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Last updated on September 9, 2006
All contents copyright (c), 2006. Western Kentucky University.