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Anth 336  New World Prehistory
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2006
Sample Paper Proposal

Darlene Applegate
Anth 336 New World Prehistory
September 15, 2006

My research paper topic is on prehistoric rock art in Kentucky.

One reason I selected this topic is because I was born and raised in Kentucky. I am interested in learning more about the archaeology of Kentucky. I selected rock art because I am an art history major. In my art history classes we learn mostly about Western art history, so this paper will give me an opportunity to learn more about indigenous art traditions in the New World.

I am going to focus on three main ideas in my paper. The first main topic will be methods of making rock art in Kentucky: petroglyhps, pictographs, mud glyphs, tools, and pigments. The second main topic will be examples of prehistoric rock art sites in Kentucky: Crumps Cave, Mud Glyph Cave, Dismal Rock, and Asphalt Rock. The third main topic will be explanations for why American Indians made the rock art: education, ritual/ceremony, calendrics, and sympathetic magic.

Listed below are three resources I will use for the paper.

Coy, F.E., T.C. Fuller, L.G. Meadows, and J.L. Swauger
1997 Rock Art of Kentucky. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington.

Davis, D.B., and V. Haskins
1993 A Preliminary Investigation of Mississippian Mud Glyphs in a Warren County Cave. Paper presented at Eastern States Rock Art Conference, Natural Bridges State Park, Kentucky.

DiBlasi, P.J.
1996 Prehistoric Expressions from the Central Kentucky Karst. In Of Caves and Shell Mounds, edited by K.C. Carstens and P.J. Watson, pp. 40-7. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

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Page composed by Darlene Applegate, darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Last updated on September 9, 2006
All contents copyright (c), 2006. Western Kentucky University.