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ANTH 125 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Spring 2008
Answers to Midterm Exam 2 Practice Questions

1.     Which of the following is the correct way to write the binomial name for humans?

a. homo sapiens
b. Homo sapiens
c. Homo Sapiens
d. Homo sapiens
e. Homo Sapiens

2.    According to lecture, all of the following are primate derived traits except

a. reliance on vision.
b. heterodontism.
c. prehensile hands and feet.
d. arboreal, tropical habitat.
e. long life span.

3.    Marmosets, spider, howler, squirrel and tamarin are examples of what primate grade?

a. prosimian
b. New World monkey
c. Old World monkey
d. ape
e. hominoid

4.    Which of the following statements about primate grades is true?

a. Apes are found in south Mexico, Central America, and South America.
b. All primate grades contain omnivorous species.
c. Old World monkeys have broad noses with outward-facing nostrils, whereas New World monkeys have narrow noses with downward-facing nostrils.
d. Only the apes have prehensile tails.
e. Knuckle walking and full brachiation are only observed among ape species.

5.    In his discussion of endangered primates, Relethford notes that there are currently __ known species of primates in the world.

a. 170
b. 270
c. 370
d. 470
e. 570

6.    True or False:  Like most other mammals, primates exhibit pentadactyly, which refers to five digits on each hand/foot.

7.    True or False:  Both prosimian and Old World monkey grades have species that are arboreal or semi-terrestrial.

8.    True or False:  According to Jane Goodall's ongoing study at Gombe, common chimpanzees exhibit little to no aggression.     Goodall has documented fighting over resources and status, hunting, infanticide, and cannibalism.

9.    True or False:  Jane Goodall's study of the chimpanzees at Gombe is significant because it is the longest scientific study of a wild animal ever conducted.

10.    True or False:  The most stable social grouping among common chimpanzees is male-female who mate exclusively.    Mother-infant is most stable social group.

11.    The most inclusive taxonomic level of the Linnaean system is the  kingdom  .

12.    Homiothermy is an ancestral primate trait that refers to the ability of an organism to regulate body temperature.

13.   The  prosimian grade of primates includes diurnal and nocturnal herbivores and insectivores that are found in Africa and southeast Asia in mostly arboreal habitats.

14.    Fossil evidence of the first primates derives from the  Paleocene Epoch.

15.    The first Old World monkeys and hominoids appeared during the Miocene  Epoch.

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