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Anth 450 Modern Human Biological Variation
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2007
Lab 3:  Population Genetics and the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem


Our previous lecture and lab work on the biological basis of life and principles of inheritance focused on the genetic makeup of individuals and the transmission of genetic material from one individual to offspring.  Our focus now turns to the genetic properties of groups of individuals, or populations, which is the unit of analysis in modern evolutionary biology and biological anthropology.

A population is a group of exclusively and randomly interbreeding individuals of a species (so inheritance is presumed to be occurring).  Populations are also called breeding populations, local populations, Mendelian populations, or demes.  A species is a combination of one or more populations that can interbreed and produce viable offspring.

There are two important characteristics of a population: panmixia and endogamy.  Panmixia means that mates in a population are selected randomly, with respect to genotype.  Endogamy refers to mating only within the population.  So populations are, by definition, panmictic and endogamous.  If individuals of a group do not mate randomly or mate outside the group, that group of individuals is not a population.

Evolutionary change in a population occurs if there are genetic changes from one generation to the next.  This type of change is measured by changes in allele frequencies between generations. Evolutionary change that occurs on this scale is called microevolution and is distinguished from evolutionary change that leads to the development of new species (macroevolution) or the development of higher taxa like genera or families (megaevolution).  The study of modern human biological variation is concerned only with microevolutionary change.  Paleoanthropology deals with macro- and megaevolution based largely on the fossil record.

Microevolutionary studies seek to understand how and why changes in the genetic makeup of a population occur as well as the results of the genetic changes. The "how" refers to the principles of inheritance.  The "why" refers to the four forces of evolution (mutation, gene flow, random genetic drift, natural selection). The "results" refers to the genetic composition of the population.

There are three ways to measure the genetic composition of a population: gene pool, genotype proportions, and allele (gene) frequencies.  In class we studied how genotype proportions and allele frequencies are calculated.


Scientists determine if a population is microevolving or not by using the Hardy-Weinberg theorem. The theorem was developed independently by Godfrey H. Hardy (English mathematician) and Wilhelm Weinberg (German physician) in 1908.

A Hardy-Weinberg population is one in which there are no changes in allele frequencies or genotype proportions over time; therefore, there is no microevolutionary change.  Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium refers to the state of stasis or no change in the allele frequencies and genotype proportions of a population.  The Hardy-Weinberg law states that "the frequencies of p and q will remain the same throughout any number of generations given a stable, random-breeding population isolated from other populations" (Molnar 2002:58).

Three conditions must be met for a population to be in equilibrium:  (1) there is an infinitely large population; (2) the population is panmictic and endogamous; and (3) no forces of evolution are operating.

The Hardy-Weinberg theorem is used to determine if a population is microevolving or in equilibrium. This mathematical theorem is

 p2 + 2pq +q2 = 1

for a discrete trait with two alleles, where p2 is the proportion or frequency of homozygote dominants, 2pq is the proportion or frequency of heterozygotes, and q2 is the proportion or frequency of homozygote recessives;

or, the theorem is

 p2 + 2pq + q2 + 2pr + 2qr + r2 = 1

for a discrete trait with three alleles, where r is the third allele, p2 is the proportion or frequency of p homozygotes, 2pq is the proportion or frequency of p-q heterozygotes, q2 is the proportion or frequency of q homozygotes, 2pr is the proportion or frequency of p-r heterozygotes, 2qr is the proportion or frequency of q-r heterozygotes, and r2 is the proportion of r homozygotes.

The theorem is the cornerstone of the study of population genetics and microevolutionary change.  It applies Mendel's two laws of inheritance (for individuals) to an entire population.  The theorem explains why a dominant allele will not increase over time or become the most common allele in the population.

The Hardy-Weinberg theorem is used in these three ways:

1.  It allows one to determine if a population is in equilibrium or evolving (does it diverge from the expected equilibrium condition predicted by the theorem?).

2.  The way a population deviates from the equilibrium condition may indicate which evolutionary forces are operating.

3.  It allows one to predict what will happen in terms of genetic change in a population.

To determine if a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, one must compare the observed (actual) genotype proportions with the expected genotype proportions under the Hardy-Weinberg theorem.  The steps for doing this were studied in class.  If observed and expected are the same within a given range of error as determined by the chi-square statistic, then the population is not evolving and is in equilibrium.  If the observed and expected are different beyond the range of error as determined by the chi-square statistic, then the population is evolving.  In this case, one must explain why the population diverges from the expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state.


Upon successful completion of this lab, students will know how to


Read pages 25-46 [except section on DNA typing] in France (2004).  Be sure to bring this material to the lab or you will be unable to complete the assignment.

Review Chapter 3 in the Mielke, Konigsberg, and Relethford text book

Review the Population Genetics lecture notes and handouts; bring the handouts to the lab sessions.



allele - alternate forms of a gene

allele frequencies - the frequency of each allele for a trait in a population

assortative mating - mating with non-randomly selected individuals

discrete trait - a trait controlled by one gene locus (a.k.a., simple trait, monogenic trait)

dominant - an allele that masks phenotypically other allele(s)

endogamy (endogamous) - mating within a population

gene - a portion of a chromosome that carries the genetic material coding for a trait(s)

gene flow - the exchange of genetic material from one population to another

gene frequencies - the frequency of genes (really, alleles) for a trait in a population

genotype - the genetic makeup of an individual, usually considered one trait at a time

genotype proportions - the proportions of different genotypes present in a population

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - the state of non-evolution in a population

Hardy-Weinberg law - states the relationship between genotype frequencies and evolutionary change

Hardy-Weinberg population - an infinitely large, panmictic, endogamous population on which evolutionary forces are not acting

Hardy-Weinberg theorem - the mathematical equation that expresses the relationship among/between genotype proportions in a population

heterozygote - an individual carrying two different alleles for a trait

homozygous dominant - an individual carrying two dominant alleles for a trait

homozygous recessive - an individual carrying two recessive alleles for a trait

macroevolution - evolutionary change resulting in the development of new species

megaevolution - evolutionary change resulting in the development of new super-species taxa

microevolution - evolutionary change resulting in changes in allele frequencies in a population over time

mutation - random alteration of genetic material resulting in the creation of new variation

negative assortative mating - mating with an individual who looks different

p - the frequency of one allele for a trait (the dominant allele in a two-allele system)

paleoanthropology - the multidisciplinary study of human origins and human evolution

panmixia (panmictic) - random mating with respect to genotype

population - a group of panmictic, endogamous interbreeding individuals of a species

positive assortative mating - mating with an individual who looks similar

q  - the frequency of one allele for a trait (the recessive allele in a two-allele system)

r - third allele in a three-allele system for a discrete trait

random genetic drift - microevolutionary changes in a population due to biological sampling

recessive - an allele that is masked phenotypically by another allele

species - an group of populations that can interbreed and produce viable offspring


France, Diane L.
2004 Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology (5th ed.). West/Wadsworth, Belmont, CA.

Mielke, James H., Lyle W. Konigsberg, and John H. Relethford
2006 Human Biological Variation. Oxford University Press, New York.

Molnar, Stephen
2002 Human Variation: Races, Types and Ethnic Groups (5th ed.). Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

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Page composed by Darlene Applegate, darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Last updated on October 10, 2007
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