/ Thesaurus
search feature below allows one to scan for terms/keywords that
appear in the "To 1950" and "1951-1975" bibliographies,
plus in those full-texts actually mounted at either site, plus the
entire content of my
new biographical site. Note, therefore, that it does not
scan any extra- "" URL site text
I have linked to, including those found in JSTOR (do a search
at JSTOR itself
if you simply want more hits!).
The Thesaurus that follows is drawn from the words
in the titles of the main bibliography, plus the 'Added Terms' I provide.
It therefore represents a sample of pre-1950 biogeography's key concepts
and their spelling and form variants; these variants are given not for
reasons of obsessive thoroughness, but to remind those searching for particular
materials that it is best to vary their search terms if they expect to
maximize their chances of retrieving relevant items.
To quicken the search process I have set up the
Thesaurus in a manner facilitating transfer of particular terms to the
actual search window. Highlight a particular term in the Thesaurus that
interests you, then use your browser controls to copy the term, click
on the "Go to Search Window" button on the left-hand margin of this screen,
paste the item into the window using 'Ctrl-V' (or right-click the mouse
and hit 'Paste'), and hit the "Search" button at the right end of the
[A Suggestion:
To search for citations in the "To 1950" bibliographic list
containing particularly common terms, click on the "Return to Bibliography"
button on the left-hand margin of this screen, then use your browser's
"Find in Page" function to locate individual matches (and/or do the same
on the "1951-1975" page).]
Note: In the
following, 'R.T.' = 'Related Term(s)'
- absence
[R.T.: rarity -- presence ]
- abundance-frequency
- accidental
-- accidentals [R.T.: extralimital -- occasional ]
- accidental
dispersal (see dispersal)
- acclimatization
-- acclimatize
- Achatinellinæ
(see land snails)
- Achillea (see yarrow)
- acidity [R.T.: pH ]
- Acrididae (see
- adaptation
[R.T.: adaptive radiation -- evolution -- mimicry ]
- adaptive radiation
[R.T.: evolution -- speciation ]
- Aegean Sea
- aerial currents
(see air currents)
- aerial tow-netting
[R.T.: insects ]
- affinities
[R.T.: relations -- relationships ]
- Africa -- African
[R.T.: Afrique du Nord -- Belgian Congo -- Cape Verdes -- Congo
-- Lake Nyasa -- Lake Tanganyika -- North Africa -- Sahara -- South
Africa -- Tanganyika -- tropical Africa --Uluguru -- Usambara ]
- age and area
-- age-and-area [R.T.: Willis ]
- Age of Mammals
(see Cenozoic)
- agricultural
- air [R.T.:
aerial ]
- air currents
[R.T.: aerial currents -- wind ]
- Alabama
- Alaska [R.T.:
Sitkan ]
- Alectoromorphae
- algae [R.T.:
marine algae ]
- Alger
- alien [R.T.:
bioinvasions -- introduced ]
- Allee effect
- Allen's rule
[R.T.: ecogeographic rules ]
- allopatry [R.T.:
speciation -- sympatry ]
- Alpes
- alpine (see mountains)
- alternation
of generations
- altitude --
altitudinal [R.T.: alpine -- altitudinal factors -- elevation
-- isolation -- life zones -- montane -- mountains -- topographical
-- vertical -- altitudinal zonation ]
- Amazon -- Amazonian
-- Amazons [R.T.: Brazil ]
- America --
American -- Americas -- Amérique [R.T.: boreal America
-- Central America -- Latin America -- New World -- North America --
South America -- United States -- Western Hemisphere ]
- American Museum
of Natural History
- amphibians
-- Amphibia [R.T.: Anura -- Batrachia -- frogs -- herpetogeography
-- herpetological -- herpetology -- salamanders ]
- analogy
- ancient
- ancient lakes
- ancient relations
[R.T.: paleogeography ]
- Andes -- Andean
- angiosperms (see flowering plants)
- animal aggregations
- animal behavior
[R.T.: animal activity -- behavior -- habits ]
- animal communities
-- animal community
- animal ecology
(see ecology)
- animal geography
[R.T.: Tiergeographie ]
- animal kingdom
- animal lore
- animal populations
-- animal population [R.T.: population biology -- populations ]
- animal world
[R.T.: Tierwelt ]
- animals --
animal -- animaux [R.T.: bathypelagic animals -- extinct animals
-- freshwater animals -- game animals -- land animals -- marine animals
-- terrestrial animals -- Thiere -- vertebrated animals -- water animals
- annual tree
- ant
- Antarctica
-- Antarctic
- anthropogenic
factors [R.T.: human -- man -- people ]
- anthropogeography
- Antilles --
Antillean [R.T.: Caribbean -- Gulf of Mexico -- island -- West
Indies ]
- antipodal faunas
- Anura (see amphibians)
- aquarium fishes
- aquatic [R.T.:
freshwater -- fresh-water -- lakes -- marine -- oceanic -- river -- water ]
- archaeology -- archaeological
- Archatlantis (see land bridges)
- Archegoniatae
- Archhelenis (see land bridges)
- Archinotis
(see land bridges)
- Archiplata
(see land bridges)
- Arctic -- Arctica
[R.T.: Alaska -- Canada -- Canadian -- Greenland -- Polarländer -- Spitsbergen ]
- arctic-alpine floras
- area -- areas [R.T.: age and area -- age-and-area -- species-area ]
- Argentine ant
- arid [R.T.: desert ]
- Arizona [R.T.:
Little Colorado -- San Francisco Mountain -- San Francisco Mountains
- Artbildung
(see speciation)
- Arten (see
- arthropod --
arthropods [R.T.: Crustacea -- decapods -- insects -- mites --
parasites -- spiders ]
- Artiodactyla
[R.T.: bison ]
- Aru Islands
- Asia -- Asien
[R.T.: Borneo -- Burma -- Ceylon -- India -- Indo-Australian
-- Indo-Australische -- Japan -- Japanese -- Malay Archipelago ]
- aspen association
- association
(see plant association; relationships; measures of association)
- Atlantic --
Atlantica -- atlantischen [R.T.: Archatlantis -- Atlantic Ocean
-- Caribbean -- Gulf of Mexico -- North Atlantic -- South Atlantic ]
- atlas
- atolls [R.T.:
Bikini -- coral islands -- coral reefs ]
- atrophy of
- Australasia
[R.T.: Asia -- Australia -- Indo-Australian -- Indonesia -- Malay
Archipelago -- Philippines ]
- Australia --
Australian [R.T.: Australasia -- Tasmania ]
- Austroicetes
cruciata Sauss. (see grasshoppers)
- autecology
(see ecology)
- Aves (see
- avifauna (see
birds; fauna)
- Azores
- bacteria
- Balkan Peninsula
- barriers [R.T.:
boundaries -- corridor -- dispersal -- range -- range limits ]
- basal metabolism
[R.T.: metabolic rate ]
- baseleveling
[R.T.: physiography ]
- bathypelagic
- Beagle -- H.M.S.
- beetles [R.T.:
bark beetle -- Carabidae -- flour beetles -- Tribolium ]
- behavior [R.T.:
animal activity -- animal behavior -- habits ]
- Belgian Congo
- Bergmann's
rule [R.T.: ecogeographic rules ]
- bibliography
- Bikini
- bio-ecology
(see ecology)
- bioclimatic
zones (see zone)
- bioclimatology
-- bioclimatic [R.T.: climatic factors -- evapotranspiration
-- ground -- microclimatology -- phytoclimate ]
- biodiversity
[R.T.: diversity ]
- biogeochemical
- biogeographic
regions [R.T.: biomes -- biotic provinces -- ecozones -- faunal
areas -- faunal realms -- faunal regions -- natural provinces -- natural
regions -- regional biogeography -- regional biotas -- regional differentiation
-- regional faunas -- regional floras -- regional phytogeography --
regionalen Tiergeographie -- zoogeographic regions -- zoogeographical
regions -- zoological provinces -- zoological regions ]
- biogeography
-- biogeographic -- biogéographie -- biogéographique --
biogeographische [R.T.: cultural biogeography -- ecological biogeography
-- historical biogeography -- history of biogeography -- island biogeography
-- marine biogeography -- paleobiogeography -- paleogeography -- regional
biogeography -- systematic biogeography ]
- bioinvasions
[R.T.: introduced -- introduced species -- introduction -- invasion
- biological
- biology --
biologia -- biological [R.T.: biological survey -- biota -- biotic
-- economic biology -- Hydrobiologie -- marine biology -- paleobiology
-- physical biology -- population biology -- sociobiology -- wildlife
biology ]
- biomes (see
biogeographic regions)
- biosphere
- biota -- biotic
[R.T.: life ]
- biotic provinces
(see biogeographic regions)
- bipolar plant
- bird migration
[R.T.: migration ]
- birds -- bird
[R.T.: Alectoromorphae -- Aves -- avian -- avifauna -- bird distribution
-- bird fauna -- bird-faunae -- bird geography -- bird-life -- bird
migration -- breeding birds -- European starling -- finches -- Heteromorphae
-- honeycreepers -- oceanic birds -- Oiseaux -- ornithic fauna -- ornithogeography
-- ornithology -- passerines -- Vögel -- winter birds ]
- bison
- body temperature
[R.T.: basal metabolism -- heat regulation ]
- bog plant societies
- boreal America
-- boreali-Americana [R.T.: boreal ]
- Borneo
- botany -- botanical
-- botaniques -- botanist [R.T.: economic botany -- geobotany
-- geographic botany -- paleobotany -- topographical botany ]
- boundaries
[R.T.: faunal boundaries -- physiographic boundaries -- range
boundaries -- zoogeographic boundaries ]
- Brazil [R.T.:
Amazon ]
- breeding [R.T.:
breeding birds ]
- British Guiana
- British Isles
[R.T.: British -- England -- English -- Ireland -- Irish -- Nottingham
-- Scotland -- Selborne -- Southampton ]
- Bromeliaceae
- Burma
- burn -- burning
(see fire)
- butterflies
[R.T.: Papilionidae ]
- cactus -- cacti
[R.T.: succulent plants ]
- California
[R.T.: Death Valley -- Joshua Tree National Monument ]
- Canada -- Canadian
- Canaries
- Cape Verdes
- Carabidae (see
- Caribbean [R.T.:
Antilles -- Atlantic -- Caribbean Sea -- Gulf of Mexico -- West Indies
- catalogue [R.T.:
check-list -- list -- lists ]
- cave -- caves
- Cenozoic [R.T.:
Age of Mammals -- Quaternary -- Tertiary ]
- center of dispersion
(see dispersal)
- center of geographical
- center of origin
-- centers of origin
- centers --
- centers of
creation (see Creation)
- centers of
diffusion (see dispersal)
- centers of
dispersal (see dispersal)
- Central America
-- Centrali-Americana [R.T.: Latin America -- Nicaragua -- Panama
- Ceylon
- change -- changes
[R.T.: Abändern -- climatic change -- environmental change
-- geological changes -- long-term change -- past changes -- physiographic
change -- range change -- topographical change -- vegetational change
- chaparral
- character --
characters [R.T.: adaptation -- character variation -- descriptive
characters -- diagnostic characters -- geographical variation -- size
variation -- specific characters -- variation -- variation of species
- character variation
(see character)
- check-list
[R.T.: catalogue -- list -- lists ]
- chemical --
chemically -- Chemie -- chemistry [R.T.: acidity -- pH ]
- chemical factors
- chemical weathering
- chemically
altered rocks
- chernozem
- Chicago region
- Chile
- chronology
(see dating)
- circular causal
- civilization
- cladistics
[R.T.: phylogenetic systematics -- phylogeny -- systematics ]
- classification
-- classify [R.T.: character -- cladistics -- systematics --
taxonomy ]
- climate --
climates -- climatic -- climatology -- climats [R.T.: bioclimatology
-- climatic factors -- freezing weather -- geological climates -- Klima's
-- Klimate -- klimatische -- klimatischen -- Klimatologie -- microclimatology
-- mountain climates -- weather ]
- climate fluctuations
(see climatic change)
- climatic change
-- changes in climate [R.T.: climate fluctuations ]
- climatic cycles
- climatic distribution
- climatic factors
-- climatic factor
- climatic races
- climax (see
ecological climax)
- climax forest
(see ecological climax)
- cline [R.T.:
populations ]
- clonal growth
- Clyde Sea
- coasts -- coast
[R.T.: littoral -- ocean ]
- coefficients
of association (see measures of association)
- coefficient
of community (see measures of association)
- cold-blooded
- coleopterous
- Colombia
- Colorado [R.T.:
Little Colorado -- Lower Colorado Valley -- Rocky Mountains ]
- colonization
-- colonisation
- commonness
[R.T.: rarity ]
- communities
-- community [R.T.: animal community -- aspen association --
biotic communities -- ecological communities -- plant community -- plant
communities -- spruce communities -- tidal communities ]
- community ecology
(see ecology)
- comparative
anatomy [R.T.: anatomie comparée ]
- competition
[R.T.: natural selection -- selection ]
- Compositae
(see sunflowers)
- conditions
- Congo
- coniferous
forest -- conifers [R.T.: taiga ]
- conservation
[R.T.: protection ]
- conservation
- continental
drift -- continental drifting [R.T.: Entstehung der Kontinente
-- wandering continents ]
- continental
- continental
permanence hypothesis
- continents
-- continental [R.T.: -- Kontinente -- land masses -- southern
continents ]
- control [R.T.:
management -- temperature control ]
- controlled
burning (see fire)
- Cook -- Capt.
James Cook
- coral -- corals
[R.T.: coral islands -- coral reefs ]
- correlation
- corridor dispersal
(see dispersal)
- Creation [R.T.:
centers of creation -- multiple creation ]
- Cretaceous
[R.T.: Kreidezeit -- Mesozoic ]
- crop geograpy
- crop zones
(see zone)
- crossdating
(see dendrochronology)
- Crustacea
- cryptogams
- cultivated
plants [R.T.: domestication -- Kulturpflanzen -- plantes cultivées
- cultural biogeography
[R.T.: domestication ]
- currents (see
air currents; ocean currents)
- cycles (see
population cycles)
- Cynipidae (see
gall wasps)
- cyprinodont
fish -- cyprinodont fishes
- Darwin's finches
- Darwinism [R.T.:
Darwin'sche Theorie -- evolution -- natural selection ]
- data [R.T.:
mapped data ]
- dating [R.T.:
chronology -- crossdating -- dendrochronology -- geochronology -- tree
ring chronology ]
- Death Valley
[R.T.: California ]
- decapods
- deciduous forest
- degenerative
- dendrochronology
[R.T.: crossdating ]
- density [R.T.:
density dependent -- insect density -- population density ]
- density dependent
- desert -- deserts
[R.T.: arid -- desertification -- Sahara -- Sonoran ]
- desert basins
- desert fishes
- desert plants
[R.T.: desert vegetation ]
- desert mountain
-- desert mountains
- desertification
- development
- diagnostic
characters (see character)
- diatoms
- Dice coefficient
-- Dice index (see measures of association)
- differentiation
- Dinornithiformes
(see moa)
- direction d'aimantation
des roches volcaniques [R.T.: geomagnetism ]
- diseases
- disjunct distribution
patterns [R.T.: segregations ]
- dispersal --
dispersals [R.T.: accidental dispersal -- ancient dispersals
-- barriers -- centers of diffusion -- centers of dispersal -- corridor
dispersal -- dispersalism -- dispersion -- filter bridges -- horizontal
dispersion -- host-parasite dispersal -- larval dispersal -- Migrationsgesetz
-- post-glacial dispersals -- postglacial dispersal -- seed dispersal
-- spread -- sweepstakes dispersal -- Verbreitungsgeschichte -- vertical
dispersion -- waif dispersal -- wanderings -- Wanderungen -- wind dispersal
- dispersalism
- dispersion
(see dispersal)
- distance
- distance-decay
- distance dispersion
- distribution
-- distributional [R.T.: artificial distribution -- bird distribution
-- climatic distribution -- disjunct distribution -- distribution florale
-- distribution géographique -- distribution patterns -- fish
distribution -- geographic distribution -- geographical distribution
-- geographische Verbreitung -- geological distribution -- habitat distribution
-- local distribution -- mammalian distribution -- plant distribution
-- postglacial distribution -- relictual distribution -- theories of
distribution -- topographical distribution -- vertical distribution
-- zoological distribution ]
- distribution
patterns (see distribution)
- divergence
(see speciation)
- divergent mutation
- diversity [R.T.:
biodiversity -- species diversity ]
- diversity indices
[R.T.: Index of Diversity ]
- dividing --
- domestication
[R.T.: cultural biogeography -- Hausthiere -- Kulturpflanzen
-- plant domestication -- plantes cultivées ]
- double invasions
- dredging
- Drepaniidae
(see honeycreepers)
- Drosophila
- dynamic ecology
(see ecology)
- earth [R.T.:
Erde -- globe -- world ]
- earth's surface
[R.T.: paleogeography -- uniformitarianism ]
- east -- eastern
- East Indian
Archipelago -- East Indian Islands (see Malay Archipelago; Indonesia)
- Easter Island
- Eastern Europe
- echinoderm
- ecogeographic
rules [R.T.: Allen's rule -- Bergmann's rule -- Gloger's rule
- ecologic association
[R.T.: plant association -- plant associations ]
- ecological
biogeography (see biogeography)
- ecological
climax [R.T.: climax -- climax forest -- climax vegetation --
communities -- succession ]
- ecological
- ecological
- ecological
- ecological
- ecological
succession (see plant succession)
- ecological
theory [R.T.: ecosystem concept -- philosophy of ecology ]
- ecology --
ecologic -- ecological -- ecologically [R.T.: alpine ecology
-- animal ecology -- autecology -- bio-ecology -- community ecology
-- dynamic ecology -- ecological biogeography -- ecological communities
-- ecological isolation -- ecological overlap -- geo-ecological -- landscape
ecology -- marine ecology -- mathematical ecology -- oecology -- ökologische
-- ökologischer -- philosophy of ecology -- physiological ecology
-- plant ecology -- statistical ecology -- synecology -- theoretical
ecology ]
- economic biology
- economic entomology
- economic survey
- ecospecies
- ecosystem concept
- ecotones
- ecotypes
- ecozones (see
- ecto-parasites
- Ecuador
- edaphic factors
(see soil)
- elephants [R.T.:
mammoth -- mastodons -- mastodonts -- Proboscidea ]
- elevation (see
- endangered
[R.T.: conservation -- protection -- rarity -- vanishing ]
- endemism --
endemic [R.T.: disjunct ]
- enemies
- energy balance
- energy resources
- England --
English (see British Isles)
- entomology
(see insects)
- environmental
- environmental
- environmental
- environments
-- environment -- environmental [R.T.: alpine environments --
habitat -- microenvironmental -- varied environments ]
- Eocene
- epoch of the
northern drift (see glacial epoch)
- equiformal
progressive areas
- eradication
(see extermination)
- ethnography
- Eurasia --
Eurasian [R.T.: Asia -- Europe -- Palaarktischen -- Paléarctique
- Europe -- Europäischen
-- Europa -- Europas -- European [R.T.: Eastern Europe -- France
-- Germany -- Griechenland -- Italien ]
- European starling
- evaporation
(see evapotranspiration)
- evapotranspiration
[R.T.: evaporation -- transpiration -- water-balance ]
- evolution --
évolution -- evolutionary [R.T.: Darwinism -- ecological
evolution -- degenerative evolution -- ecological evolution -- faunal
evolution -- floristic evolution -- macroevolution -- plant evolution
-- rates of evolution ]
- exchange [R.T.:
interchange ]
- experiments
[R.T.: experimental studies ]
- exposure [R.T.:
microclimatology -- slope aspect ]
- extermination
-- exterminated [R.T.: eradication -- extinct -- extirpated ]
- extinct --
extinction [R.T.: exterminated -- extermination -- extirpated
-- post-glacial extinction ]
- extirpated
(see extermination)
- extralimital
records [R.T.: accidental -- accidentals ]
- families [R.T.:
genera ]
- fauna -- faunae
-- faunal -- faunas -- Faunen [R.T.: antipodal faunas -- arthropod
fauna -- avifauna -- bird fauna -- bird-faunae -- echinoderm fauna --
extinct faunas -- herpetological fauna -- insect fauna -- insular faunas
-- isolated faunas -- mammalian faunas -- marsupial fauna -- regional
faunas -- southern faunas -- Tertiary faunas -- Wustenfauna ]
- faunal areas
(see biogeographic regions)
- faunal boundaries
(see boundaries)
- faunal evolution
- faunal exchange
- faunal migration
- faunal realms
(see biogeographic regions)
- faunal regions
(see biogeographic regions)
- faunal relations
-- faunal relationships
- faunal resemblance
(see measures of association)
- faunal successions
- filter-bridges
[R.T.: land bridges ]
- finches
- fire [R.T.:
burn -- controlled burning ]
- fisheries
- fishes -- fish
[R.T.: aquarium fishes -- cyprinodont -- desert fishes -- fish
distribution -- fisheries -- fresh-water fish -- fresh-water fishes
-- freshwater fishes -- goldfish -- Jordanella ]
- fitness
- flora -- floras
-- floristic [R.T.: alpine floras -- arctic floras -- arctic-alpine
floras -- Cretaceous floras -- endemic flora -- flora fossilis -- Florengebiete
-- insular floras -- land flora -- marine flora -- montane floras --
natural floristic areas -- naturalized flora -- new flora -- plants
-- pond floras -- regional floras -- remnant floras -- Tertiary flora
-- Tertiary floras -- vegetation ]
- Florida
- floristic associations
(see ecologic association)
- floristic comparisons
- floristic regions
(see biogeographic regions)
- flour beetles
[R.T.: Tribolium ]
- flowering --
flowering plants [R.T.: angiosperm leaves -- angiosperms -- germination
-- phaenogamous ]
- folklore [R.T.:
literature -- lore -- myth ]
- forest floor
- forests --
forest [R.T.: Amazonian forests -- aspen -- boreal -- climax
forest -- coniferous -- deciduous -- forest classification -- forest
floor -- forest geography -- oak -- pine -- ponderosa-pine -- postglacial
forest -- rain-forest -- redwood -- silvicultural -- spruce -- taiga
-- Tertiary forests ]
- form -- forms
[R.T.: morphology ]
- formation --
- fossil -- fossile
-- fossiles -- fossilis [R.T.: paleobotany -- paleontology ]
- France [R.T.:
Ile de France -- Paris ]
- free-floating
- freezing weather
-- freezing temperatures
- fresh-water
-- freshwater [R.T.: Binnengewässer -- lakes -- river --
water ]
- fresh-water
fishes -- fresh-water fish -- freshwater fishes
- frogs (see
- fungi
- Galapagos
- gall wasps
[R.T.: Cynipidae]
- game animals
- game management
- genetics [R.T.:
genotypical -- heredity -- polyploidy ]
- genotypical
- genus -- genera
[R.T.: Arten -- families ]
- geo-ecological
- geobotany
- geochronology
(see dating)
- geographic
- geographical
distribution -- geographic distribution [R.T.: distribution --
distribution géographique -- geographische Verbreitung ]
- geographical
- geographical
history [R.T.: ancient geography -- paleobiogeography -- paleogeography
- geographical
isolation (see isolation)
- geographical
- geographical
range -- geographic range -- geographic ranges [R.T.: distribution
-- range ]
- geographical
relations -- geographical relationships
- geographical
variation (see character)
- geographical
- geography --
geographic -- geographical -- geographically -- géographie --
geographische [R.T.: ancient geography -- animal geography --
bird geography -- Erdkunde -- forest geography -- physical geography
-- phytogeography -- plant geography -- systematic geography -- zoogeography
-- zoological geography ]
- geological
- geological
- geological
- geological
history [R.T.: historical geology ]
- geological
- geology --
geologic -- geological -- géologiques [R.T.: historical
geology -- paleontology ]
- geomagnetism
[R.T.: direction d'aimantation ]
- geomorphology
- geopolitics
- Germany --
German [R.T.: Allgemeinen ]
- germination
[R.T.: flowering ]
- giant cactus
- giant land
- glacial --
glaciation (see glacial epoch)
- glacial epoch
-- glacial epochs [R.T.: epoch of the northern drift -- glacial
-- glacial period -- glaciation -- ice age -- ice ages -- ice sheets
-- interglacial -- Pleistocene -- post-glacial -- postglacial -- Quaternary
-- unglaciated -- refugia ]
- glacial lakes
- glacial refugia
(see refugia)
- Gloger's rule
[R.T.: ecogeographic rules ]
- goldfish
- Gondwana [R.T.:
Old World -- southern continents ]
- gradients
- grain
- grasses
- grasshoppers
[R.T.: Acrididae -- Austroicetes ]
- grassland [R.T.:
prairies -- steppe ]
- Great Basin
- Great Plains
[R.T.: Middle Region -- Middle West -- Midwest ]
- Great Smoky
- Greater Antilles
(see Antilles)
- Greenland
- Griechenland
- Grisebach
- ground [R.T.:
ground level -- microclimatology ]
- ground level
- group selection
[R.T.: natural selection -- selection ]
- growth [R.T.:
plant growth ]
- Gulf of Mexico
[R.T.: Antilles -- Atlantic -- Caribbean -- West Indies ]
- habitat [R.T.:
environments ]
- habitat distribution
- habitat forms
- habitations
- habits [R.T.:
animal activity -- animal behavior -- behavior ]
- hammocks
- Hausthiere
(see domestication)
- hauteur absolue
- Hawaiian Islands
-- Hawaii -- Hawaiian
- heat regulation
[R.T.: thermoregulation ]
- heredity [R.T.:
genetics ]
- herpetogeography
[R.T.: herpetological fauna ]
- herpetology
-- herpetological
- Heteromorphae
- historical
- historical
- historical
plant geography
- historischen
- history --
historical -- histoire [R.T.: continental history -- geographical
history -- geological history -- hydrographic history -- natural history
-- recent history -- vegetational history ]
- history of
- History of
- history of
- history of
- Holarctic --
holarctique -- Holarktis
- Holocene [R.T.:
Pleistocene -- post-glacial -- postglacial -- Quaternary ]
- hologenesis
[R.T.: ologénèse ]
- honeycreepers
- horizontal
dispersion (see dispersal)
- host-parasite
- host-parasite
- hot springs
- humid
- humus -- Humusformen
[R.T.: soil ]
- hybridization
-- hybrid -- hybrids -- [R.T.: genetics -- hybrid formation --
speciation ]
- hydrographic
- hydroids
- hydrosphere
(see ocean)
- hypothesis
- hystricomorphs
- ice age --
ice ages (see glacial epoch)
- ice sheets
(see glacial epoch)
- Illinois
- Index of Diversity
- India
- indicator species
- indigenous
-- indigene
- individualistic
concept -- individualistic hypothesis
- Indo-Australian
-- Indo-Australische
- Indo-Pacific
- Indonesia [R.T.:
Australasia -- Borneo -- East Indian -- Indischen Archipel -- Indo-Australian
-- Indo-Australische -- Indo-Pacific -- Java -- Krakatau -- Malay Archipelago
-- Sarawak -- Wallace's Line -- Weber's Line ]
- insect density
- insect population
- insects --
insect -- Insecta -- Insekten [R.T.: ant -- arthropod -- arthropods
-- beetles -- butterflies -- Carabidae -- coleopterous -- Drosophila
-- elm bark beetle -- entomology -- grasshoppers -- insect fauna --
Mallophaga -- oceanic insects -- Papilionidae -- Thrips -- Thysanoptera
-- Tribolium ]
- insolation
[R.T.: exposure -- microclimatology ]
- insular (see
- insulation
- inter-hemispheric
- inter-continental
- interchange
[R.T.: exchange ]
- interglacial
periods (see glacial epoch)
- intertidal
zone [R.T.: tide ]
- intra-continental
- introduced
species (see bioinvasions; introduced)
- introduced
-- introduction [R.T.: bioinvasions -- introduced species --
invasion -- naturalisation -- naturalized ]
- invasion --
invasions (see bioinvasions; introduced)
- invertebrates
[R.T.: arthropods -- Crustacea -- echinoderm -- hydroids -- insects
-- molluscs -- Oligochaeten ]
- Ireland --
- island -- islands
[R.T.: Azores -- Borneo -- Canaries -- Cape Verdes -- Ceylon
-- Easter -- Galapagos -- Greenland -- Hawaii -- Hawaiian -- insel --
insular -- Isle Royale -- Jamaica -- Java -- Juan Fernandez -- Madeiran
Group -- Madeiras -- Marquesas -- Marshall -- New Guinea -- New Zealand
-- Saint Helena -- Salvages -- South Georgia -- South Island -- Spitsbergen
- island biogeography
- island classification
- island life
- Isle de France
- Isle Royale
- isocrymes [R.T.:
temperature ]
- isolated prairie
grove [R.T.: disjunct -- relictual -- relicts ]
- isolating mechanisms
- isolation --
isolated -- isolating [R.T.: geographical isolation -- isolating
factor -- isolation by altitude]
- isotheres
- isothermal
oceanic chart
- isthmian links
- Italien
- Jaccard coefficient
-- Jaccard index -- Jaccard similarity index (see measures of
- Jamaica
- Japan -- Japanese
- Java
- Jordanella
- Joshua Tree
National Monument
- Jura
- Krakatau
- Lake Baikal
- Lake Michigan
- Lake Nyasa
- Lake Superior
- Lake Tanganyika
- lakes -- lake
[R.T.: Baikal -- freshwater -- fresh-water -- glacial lakes --
Lake District -- limnology -- Michigan -- Nyasa -- Superior -- Tanganyika
- land [R.T.:
continents -- terrestrial ]
- land bridges
-- land bridge [R.T.: Archatlantis -- Archhelenis -- Archinotis
-- Archiplata -- land bridge theory -- Landverbindgung -- paleogeography
- land masses
[R.T.: continents ]
- land plants
[R.T.: Embryophyta -- land flora ]
- land shells
[R.T.: land Mollusca -- land-snails -- land snails -- Testacea
- land snails
-- land-snails [R.T.: Achatinellinæ ]
- land vertebrates
- Landverbindung
(see land bridges)
- landscape ecology
- landscape evolution
- larvae -- larval
- larval dispersal
- Latin America
[R.T.: America -- Antilles -- Central America -- South America
-- West Indies ]
- latitude
- law -- laws
[R.T.: lois ]
- law of the
minimum -- Liebig's law of minimum
- leaf-margin
- leaves
- Lebensgemeinschaft
- Lebensraum
[R.T.: living space ]
- length of day
[R.T.: seasonal ]
- Liebig's law
of minimum (see law of the minimum)
- life [R.T.:
biota -- biotic -- Leben -- Lebensraum ]
- life zones
[R.T.: crop zones ]
- life-forms
-- life forms
- light
- limit -- limits
[R.T.: limiting factors -- range limits ]
- limiting factors
(see limit)
- limnology (see
- lists -- list
[R.T.: catalogue -- check-list -- systematic list ]
- Little Colorado
- littoral
- living space
(see Lebensraum)
- local distribution
(see distribution)
- logarithmic
- lognormal distribution
- long-term change
- Lotka-Volterra
- Louisiana
- lowlands
- macroevolution
[R.T.: evolution ]
- Madagascar
- Madeiran Group
-- Madeiras -- Maderensia
- malacology
(see molluscs)
- Malay Archipelago
-- Malayan -- Malaysian [R.T.: Aru -- Borneo -- East Indian --
Indischen Archipel -- Java -- Krakatau -- Malesiana ]
- Mallophaga
- mammals --
mammal -- Mammalia -- mammalian [R.T.: Artiodactyla -- bison
-- elephants -- hystricomorphs -- introduced mammals -- land mammals
-- mammal-bearing -- mammal horizons -- mammifères -- mammoth
-- marine mammals -- marsupial -- mastodons -- mastodonts -- monkeys
-- Mus -- porcupines -- rat -- rodents -- Rodentia -- Säugethiere
-- Tertiary mammals -- vanishing mammals ]
- mammoth (see
- man -- men
[R.T.: anthropogenic factors -- human -- people ]
- management
- Maori culture
- mapped data
- marine -- marinen
(see ocean)
- marine biology
- marine ecology
(see ecology)
- marine flora
- marine life
- marine mammals
- marine species
- Marquesas Islands
- Marshall Islands
- marsupial
- mastodons --
mastodonts (see elephants)
- mathematical
- mathematical
- Matthew --
Matthew's -- W. D. Matthew
- measures of
association [R.T.: association -- coefficient of community --
coefficients of association -- Dice coefficient -- Dice index -- ecologic
association -- faunal resemblance -- Index of Diversity -- Jaccard coefficient
-- Jaccard index -- Jaccard similarity index -- measures -- similarity
values ]
- Mediterranean
- Merriam [R.T.:
life zones ]
- Mesozoic [R.T.:
Cretaceous ]
- metabolic rate
[R.T.: basal metabolism -- metabolism -- oxygen consumption --
physiological ecology ]
- Metasequoia
- Metcalf
- Mexico -- Mexican
[R.T.: Central America -- Latin America ]
- microclimatology
[R.T.: bioclimatology -- freezing weather -- insolation -- low
temperatures -- phytoclimate ]
- microcosm
- microenvironmental
factors [R.T.: environmental factors ]
- Midwest [R.T.:
Middle Region -- Middle West ]
- migration --
migrations [R.T.: bird migration -- migration route -- migration
routes ]
- mimicry [R.T.:
adaptation ]
- Minnesota
- Miocene
- mire vegetation
[R.T.: peat ]
- mites [R.T.:
parasites ]
- moa -- moas
[R.T.: Moa-hunter -- Dinornithiformes ]
- moisture [R.T.:
climate -- precipitation ]
- molluscs --
Mollusca -- mollusks [R.T.: land snails -- land-snails -- malacology
-- shells ]
- monkeys
- moors
- morphology
-- Morphologie [R.T.: form -- forms ]
- mountains --
mountain [R.T.: Alpes -- alpine -- alpine ecology -- alpine floras
-- alpine plants -- alpine zone -- Andean -- Andes -- desert mountain
-- Great Smoky Mountains -- Jura -- montane -- plateau -- Mt. Washington
NH -- Rocky Mountains -- San Francisco Mountain -- Uluguru -- Usambara
- muds
- multi-causality
- multiple creation
(see Creation)
- Mus
- mutation (see
divergent mutation)
- myth [R.T.:
folklore -- literature -- lore ]
- national parks
[R.T.: conservation -- natural areas -- protected lands ]
- natural --
naturalist -- Natürliche -- Natürlichen [R.T.: natural
history ]
- natural areas
- natural history
[R.T.: histoire naturelle -- Naturgemälde ]
- natural provinces
(see biogeographic regions)
- natural regions
(see biogeographic regions)
- natural resources
- natural selection
[R.T.: Darwinism -- evolution -- group selection -- selection
- Natural System
- naturalized
-- naturalisation [R.T.: introduced ]
- Nearctic [R.T.:
Holarctic -- North America ]
- Neotropical
-- Neotropischen [R.T.: Central America -- Latin America -- South
America -- West Indies ]
- Nevada
- New Guinea
[R.T.: Australasia -- Indo-Australian -- Indonesia ]
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New World [R.T.:
America -- Old World -- Western Hemisphere ]
- New Zealand
[R.T.: Novae-Zelandiae -- South Island ]
- Nicaragua
- noosphere
- north -- northern
- North Africa
[R.T.: Afrique du Nord -- Sahara ]
- North America
-- North American [R.T.: Great Basin -- Great Plains -- Greenland
-- Nearctic -- Pacific Northwest -- Rocky Mountains ]
- North Atlantic
[R.T.: Atlantic -- Atlantic Ocean -- Azores -- Canaries -- Cape
Verdes -- Madeiran Group -- Madeiras -- Maderensia ]
- North Carolina
[R.T.: Great Smoky Mountains ]
- North Pacific
[R.T.: Pacific -- Pacific Ocean ]
- northeastern
-- northeast
- Northern Asia
[R.T.: Palearctic ]
- Northern Europe
- Northern Hemisphere
- Northern Temperate
- nuclear tests
- number [R.T.:
diversity -- number of individuals -- number of species ]
- nunataks
- nutrients
- oak forests
- occasional
[R.T.: accidental -- extralimital ]
- ocean -- oceanic
-- oceans [R.T.: bathypelagic -- currents -- islands -- littoral
-- marine -- meeres -- oceanic chart -- oceanic insects -- oceanography
-- Ozeane -- salinity -- sea -- seas -- water ]
- ocean circulation
(see ocean currents)
- ocean currents
[R.T.: currents -- ocean circulation ]
- oceanic basins
permanence hypothesis
- oceanic islands
- oceanography
- oecology (see
- Oklahoma
- Old World [R.T.:
Africa -- Asia -- Eurasia -- Eurasian -- Gondwana -- New World ]
- Oligochaeten
- ologénèse
(see hologenesis)
- ontogeny
- organische
- organisms [R.T.:
life ]
- origin -- origins
[R.T.: center -- centers -- genesis ]
- origin of species
[R.T.: Darwinism -- divergence -- evolution -- natural selection
-- speciation ]
- Origin of Species
[R.T.: Darwin -- Darwinism -- natural selection ]
- ornithic fauna
- ornithogeography
-- ornithogéographiques -- ornithgeographischer [R.T.:
avifauna -- bird distribution -- bird geography ]
- ornithology
[R.T.: birds -- ornithogeography ]
- oxygen consumption
- Pacific [R.T.:
Pacific Ocean -- Pacific World -- Polynesia ]
- Pacific Coast
- Pacific island
-- Pacific islands [R.T.: Easter -- Galapagos -- Hawaii -- Hawaiian
-- Juan Fernandez -- Marquesas ]
- Pacific Northwest
[R.T.: Pacific States ]
- Pacific States
[R.T.: Pacific Northwest ]
- Palaarktischen
-- Paléarctique
- paleobiogeography
-- paléobiogéographie [R.T.: historical biogeography
-- paleogeography ]
- paleobiology
[R.T.: paleontology ]
- paleobotany
[R.T.: paleontology ]
- paleoecological
- paleogeography
-- palaeogeographical -- palæogeographical [R.T.: historical
biogeography -- paleobiogeography ]
- paleontology
-- palæontologists
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- Papilionidae
(see butterflies)
- parallelism
- parasites [R.T.:
ecto-parasites -- host-parasite dispersal -- host-parasite relation
-- Mallophaga -- mites ]
- Paris
- passerines
- Patagonia
- patchiness
[R.T.: disjunct distribution -- relicts ]
- pattern --
- peat [R.T.:
mire vegetation ]
- peninsulas
-- peninsular
- people [R.T.:
anthropogenic factors -- human -- man ]
- pH (see
- phaenogamous
plants (see flowering plants)
- Philippines
- philosophy
of biology
- philosophy
of ecology [R.T.: ecological theory ]
- philosophy
of geology
- phylogenetic
systematics -- Phylogenetischen Systematik [R.T.: cladistics
-- phylogeny ]
- phylogeny
- physical conditions
- physical factors
- physical geography
[R.T.: géographie physique ]
- physical biology
- physiographic
- physiographic
ecology (see ecology)
- physiography
-- physiographic
- physiological
-- Physiologie -- physiologischer
- physiological
ecology (see ecology)
- physiological
- physiognomic
- phytoclimate
- phytogeography
-- phytogeographic -- phytogeographical [R.T.: plant geography
- phytoplankton
[R.T.: plankton ]
- pine [R.T.:
ponderosa-pine ]
- pine-barrens
- plagues
- plains [R.T.:
Great Plains -- Midwest -- prairies ]
- plankton [R.T.:
diatoms -- phytoplankton -- zooplankton ]
- plant anatomy
(see plant morphology)
- plant association
-- plant associations [R.T.: ecologic association ]
- plant community
-- plant communities -- plant-communities
- plant distribution
[R.T.: distribution florale ]
- plant domestication
(see domestication)
- plant ecology
(see ecology)
- plant evolution
(see evolution)
- plant formations
[R.T.: plant community ]
- plant forms
(see plant morphology)
- plant geography
-- plant geographical -- plant-geography [R.T.: géographie
botanique -- géographie des plantes -- geography of plants --
historical plant geography -- phytogeography ]
- plant growth
- plant migration
[R.T.: dispersal ]
- plant morphology
[R.T.: form -- life-forms -- plant anatomy -- plant forms ]
- plant societies
[R.T.: plant community ]
- plant sociology
[R.T.: communties -- ecology ]
- plant succession
[R.T.: climax -- ecological succession -- forest succession --
succession ]
- plants -- plant
-- plantes [R.T.: algae -- alpine plants -- angiosperms -- aquatic
plants -- Arctic plants -- bog plant -- cactus -- Cenozoic plants --
coniferous -- cultivated plants -- deciduous -- desert plants -- flowering
plants -- fossil plant -- grasses -- indigenous plants -- Kräuterkunde
-- land plants -- naturalized plants -- Pflanzen -- Pflanzenleben --
Pflanzenwelt -- phaenogamous plants -- plant growth -- plant life --
plant species -- plantes cultivées -- spruce -- succulent plants
-- sunflowers -- vascular plants -- vegetable species -- woodland plants
- plateau --
- Pleistocene
[R.T.: Quaternary -- glacial epoch ]
- Pliocene
- polarity
- pollen
- polymorphism
[R.T.: adaptation ]
- polyploidy
- Polynesia
- pond floras
- ponderosa-pine
- population
- population
- population
density [R.T.: density -- density dependent ]
- population
- population
- populations
-- population [R.T.: animal population -- animal populations
-- insect population -- population levels ]
- porcupines
- postglacial
-- post-glacial [R.T.: Holocene -- interglacial -- Quaternary
- postglacial
dispersal -- post-glacial dispersals
- prairie grove
[R.T.: disjunct distribution patterns -- relicts ]
- prairie peninsula
- prairies --
prairie [R.T.: grassland -- plains ]
- precipitation
[R.T.: climate -- moisture -- rain ]
- predator-prey
relations [R.T.: population biology -- populations ]
- presence [R.T.:
absence ]
- pressure
- primary productivity
- Proboscidea
(see elephants)
- protected lands
[R.T.: national parks ]
- protection
[R.T.: conservation ]
- protective
coloration [R.T.: adaptation ]
- provinces (see
biogeographic regions)
- psychological
- quadrat sampling
(see sampling)
- quadrupeds
-- quadrupèdes
- quantitative
- quantitative
climate indicators
- Quaternary
[R.T.: glacial epoch -- Holocene -- Pleistocene -- postglacial
- races [R.T.:
climatic races -- isolated races -- sub-species ]
- Radiata
- rain (see
- rain-forest
- random sample
(see sampling)
- range -- ranges
[R.T.: distribution -- geographic range -- geographic ranges
-- geographical distribution -- geographical range ]
- range barriers
- range boundaries
- range change
- range limits
- range overlap
- rarity [R.T.:
commonness ]
- rate -- rates
[R.T.: distance-dispersion rates -- incidence rates -- metabolic
rate -- rates of evolution ]
- Rattus
- Raunkiaer
- recapitulation
- recent
- Red Sea
- redwood
- refugia [R.T.:
glacial refugia -- unglaciated ]
- regional biogeography
- regional biotas
(see biogeographic regions)
- regional climatology
- regional faunas
(see biogeographic regions; fauna)
- regional floras
(see biogeographic regions; flora)
- regional geography
- regional phytogeography
(see biogeographic regions)
- regional zoogeography
[R.T.: regionalen Tiergeographie ]
- regional differentiation
- regions --
region -- région -- regional -- regionalen -- régions
[R.T.: Arctic regions -- biogeographic regions -- faunal regions
-- floristic regions -- Holarctic Region -- natural regions -- Neotropischen
Region -- ontological regions -- sub-regions -- tropical regions --
zoogeographic regions -- zoogeographical regions -- zoological regions
- relationships
-- relations [R.T.: affinities -- association ]
- relicts --
relictual [R.T.: relictual distribution -- relictual species
-- relictual stands -- remnant floras ]
- remnant floras
(see relicts)
- reptiles --
Reptilia -- Reptilien [R.T.: giant land tortoises -- herpetogeography
-- herpetological -- herpetology -- turtles ]
- research methods
- resemblance
[R.T.: faunal resemblance -- measures of association ]
- restoration
- riparian species
- river -- riverine
[R.T.: Amazon -- Amazons -- Little Colorado -- Lower Colorado
-- riparian]
- riverine barriers
- rock basins
- Rocky Mountains
- rodents --
Rodentia [R.T.: hystricomorphs -- Mus -- rat -- porcupines --
Rattus ]
- Russia -- Russian
[R.T.: Lake Baikal -- Siberia -- U.S.S.R. ]
- Rytina (see
- sage
- Sahara
- Saint Helena
- salamanders
(see amphibians)
- salinity [R.T.:
salt-tolerance ]
- salt-tolerance
[R.T.: salinity ]
- Salvages [R.T.:
Madeiran Group -- Madeiras ]
- sampling --
sample [R.T.: quadrat sampling -- random sample ]
- San Francisco
Mountain -- San Francisco Mountains
- sand dunes
[R.T.: desert ]
- Sarawak law
- Schimper
- Sclater
- Scotland (see
British Isles)
- sea (see
- sea-cow
- seasonal --
season [R.T.: length of day -- seasonal conditions -- seasonal
inundation -- seasonal variation ]
- seeds [R.T.:
seed dispersal ]
- Selborne
- selection [R.T.:
natural selection -- group selection ]
- shells [R.T.:
land Mollusca -- land-snails -- land snails ]
- Siberia [R.T.:
Arctic -- Russia ]
- silvicultural
- similarity
values (see measures of association)
- Simpson --
George G. Simpson
- Simpson index
- Sitkan district
- Siwaliks
- size [R.T.:
giant -- great -- size variation -- small ]
- size variation
- slope aspect
[R.T.: physiography -- topographical ]
- smaller European
elm bark beetle
- snakes [R.T.:
reptiles ]
- sociobiology
- sociology
- soil -- soils
[R.T.: chernozem -- edaphic factors]
- soil acidity
- soil groups
- soil reaction
- solar activity
- Sonoran Desert
- South Africa
- South America
[R.T.: Amazon -- Amazonian -- Amazons -- Andean -- Andes -- Brazil
-- British Guiana -- Colombia -- Ecuador -- Patagonia ]
- South Atlantic
[R.T.: Saint Helena -- South Georgia ]
- South Carolina
- South Georgia
- South Island
(see New Zealand)
- Southampton
- southeastern
United States [R.T.: Florida -- Great Smoky Mountains ]
- southern continents
[R.T.: Gondwana ]
- speciation
[R.T.: Artbildung -- divergence -- evolution ]
- species [R.T.:
indicator species -- plant species ]
- species and
area [R.T.: species-area curve -- species-area relation -- species-area
relationship ]
- species-area
curve (see species and area)
- species diversity
(see diversity)
- species-presence
- specific characters
(see character)
- specimens
- spiders
- Spitsbergen
- spores
- sporophytes
- spread (see
dispersal; invasion)
- spruce communities
- starling
- stations
- statistics
-- statistical -- statistischen [R.T.: diversity indices -- measures
of association ]
- Steppen-
- sub-regions
- sub-species
[R.T.: races -- varieties ]
- substratum
- succession
(see plant succession)
- succulent plants
[R.T.: cactus ]
- Suez Canal
- sunflowers
[R.T.: Compositae ]
- survey [R.T.:
biological survey -- botanical survey -- economic survey -- geographical
survey -- geological survey -- phytogeographic survey ]
- Sweden -- Svensk
- sweepstakes
dispersal (see dispersal)
- Switzerland
- sympatry [R.T.:
allopatry -- speciation ]
- synecology
(see ecology)
- systematic
- systematic
- systematic
- systematics
-- systematic -- systematical [R.T.: cladistics -- phylogenetic
systematics -- systematic list ]
- systems theory
- taiga [R.T.:
coniferous forest ]
- Tanganyika
- Tasmania --
- taxonomy [R.T.:
classification -- systematics -- phylogenetic ]
- teleological
- temperate America
- temperature
-- temperatures [R.T.: body temperature -- cold -- freezing temperatures
-- freezing weather -- hauteur absolue -- isocrymes -- isothermal --
isotheres -- thermal ]
- temperature
- temperature
- temperature
- temperature
zonation (see zones)
- tempo and mode
- Tennessee
- terminology
-- terms
- terrestrial
[R.T.: land ]
- Tertiary [R.T.:
Cenozoic -- Tertiärperiode ]
- Testacea Atlantica
- Texas
- theoretical
- Theorie der
Phylogenetischen Systematik
- théorie
de Wegener
- theories of
- theory -- theoretical
-- Theorie -- théorie -- theories [R.T.: Archiplata-Archhelenis
theory -- Darwin'sche Theorie -- ecological theory -- land bridge theory
-- systems theory -- theoretical ecology ]
- theory of continental
- theory of plant
- theory of tolerance
- thermal
- thermal efficiency
- thermometre
- thermoregulation
[R.T.: heat regulation ]
- Thiere (see
- Thornthwaite
moisture index [R.T.: evapotranspiration ]
- Thrips [R.T.:
Thysanoptera ]
- Thysanoptera
[R.T.: Thrips ]
- tidal communities
- tide [R.T.:
intertidal ]
- Tiergeographie
(see animal geography)
- Tierwelt (see
animal world)
- timberlines
[R.T.: treelines ]
- time
- topographical
- topographical
- topographical
- tow-netting
- transpiration
[R.T.: evapotranspiration ]
- tree counts
- tree-growth
- tree ring chronology
- treelines [R.T.: timberlines ]
- trees [R.T.:
aspen -- boreal -- coniferous -- deciduous -- forests -- Metasequoia
-- pine -- ponderosa-pine -- redwood ]
- Tribolium (see
flour beetles)
- tropical cyclones
- tropics --
tropical -- tropischen
- turtles [R.T.:
tortoises -- reptiles ]
- U. S. S. R.
(see Russia)
- Uluguru
- unglaciated
- uniformitarianism
- United Kingdom
(see British Isles)
- United States
[R.T.: America -- American -- Great Basin -- Great Plains --
Middle Region -- Middle West -- Midwest -- North America -- North American
-- Rocky Mountains --southeastern United States ] (see also individual
- United States
Exploring Expedition
- Usambara
- Utah
- vanishing (see
- variation (see
- variation of
species (see character)
- varieties --
variety [R.T.: races -- sub-species ]
- vascular plants
(see plants)
- vegetable species
(see plants)
- vegetation
-- végétation -- vegetative -- végétaux
-- vegetational [R.T.: climax vegetation -- desert vegetation
-- free-floating vegetation -- mire vegetation -- postglacial vegetation
-- vegetation types -- vegetation zones -- vegetational change -- vegetational
concepts -- vegetational history -- vegetative form ]
- vertebrates
-- Vertebrata -- vertebrate -- vertebrated [R.T.: amphibians
-- birds -- fishes -- mammals -- quadrupeds -- reptiles -- vertebrate
animals -- vertebrate paleontology]
- vertical dispersion
- vertical distribution
- vertical zonation
- volcanic island
[R.T.: Krakatau ]
- von Ihering
- voyage
- waif dispersal
(see dispersal)
- Wallace --
- Wallace's Line
- wanderings
(see dispersal)
- water (see
fresh-water; ocean)
- water chemistry
- water-balance
[R.T.: bioclimatology -- evapotranspiration ]
- Weber lines
-- Weber's line
- Wegener --
Alfred Wegner [R.T.: continental drift -- Wegener hypothesis
- West Indies
-- West India -- West Indian [R.T.: Antilles -- Caribbean --
Jamaica ]
- Western Hemisphere
[R.T.: America -- New World ]
- wild [R.T.:
wild species]
- wildlife --
wild life [R.T.: wild -- wild species ]
- wildlife biology
- Williams --
C. B. Williams
- wind [R.T.:
aerial currents -- air currents -- wind dispersal ]
- wings
- winter [R.T.:
freezing -- winter birds -- winter temperatures ]
- Wisconsin
- woodland plants
- world (see
- yarrow [R.T.: Achillea ]
- Yosemite
- zone -- zonation
-- zones [R.T.: alpine zone -- altitudinal zonation -- bioclimatic
zones -- crop zones -- ecozones -- intertidal zone -- klimatische Zonen
-- life zones -- temperature -- vegetation zones -- vegetational zonation
-- vertical zonation -- Zirkumpolaren -- zone alpine ]
- zoogeographic
boundaries (see boundaries)
- zoogeographic
regions -- zoogeographical regions (see biogeographic regions)
- zoogeography
-- zoogeographers -- zoogeographic -- zoogeographical -- Zoogeographie
-- Zoögeographie -- zoögeography [R.T.: zoological
geography ]
- zoological
geography (see zoogeography)
- zoological
provinces (see biogeographic regions)
- zoological
regions (see biogeographic regions)
- zoology --
zoological -- zoologist [R.T.: geographical zoology ]