Reynolds: Song Lyrics and Poems ![](titleright.jpg)
Bring Flowers
Notes: words and music
by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1958 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1986.
In the Table of Contents to her songbook Song in My Pocket Malvina
dedicates this song: " the modest heroes of the people's struggles
for a good, decent and peaceful life."
There's lots to be said
For the guy who's not dead,
For the guy who's still breathing the air.
Don't wait for his wake,
But let's bake him a cake
While he's still here to eat up his share.
Bring flowers, bring flowers,
Not lilies, but roses in showers,
Bring lilacs and daisies and daffodils sweet
For the guy who is still on his feet.
We'll all shed a tear,
And moan in our beer
For our buddy when's he's been laid out.
Let's give him a cheer
While he is still here
To hear what we're cheering about.
The way people die
In the wink of an eye
From every conceivable cause,
When a fellow is found
Who is still above ground,
He deserves our sincerest applause.
Then here's to the lad,
Be he good, be he bad,
Who batters our ears with his jive;
We'll drink him a cup
When his number is up,
But we like him much better alive.
Malvina Reynolds songbook(s) in which the music
to this song appears:
---- Song in My Pocket: Songs
---- Little Boxes and Other Handmade Songs
Other place(s) where the music to this song appears:
---- Sing Out!, Volume 31(4) (1985), p. 8
Malvina Reynolds recording(s) on which this song is performed:
---- [none]