Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Rite of Passage
A World of Darkness Chronicle
Marcel DeLuca
Rank 0
Played By Brad Rodgers
Created on 11/13/2008
1 Active Game Sessions
Breed: Homid Auspice: Theurge Tribe: Silent Strider
Pack Name: Wild Weres Pack Totem: Fenris Concept: Bartender

Strength 2 + / -_____=_____
Dexterity 3 + / -_____=_____
Stamina 3 + / -_____=_____

Charisma 1 + / -_____=_____
Manipulation 3 + / -_____=_____
Appearance 2 + / -_____=_____

(eyes in back of head)
4 + / -_____=_____
Intelligence 3 + / -_____=_____
Wits 3 + / -_____=_____
Dex + Wits + 1d10

Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5


Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Empathy 0, Expression 1, Intimidation 0, Primal-Urge 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 0


Animal Ken 0, Crafts 0, Drive 0, Etiquette 0, Firearms 2, Leadership 0, Melee 1, Performance 0, Stealth 1, Survival 1


Computer 0, Enigmas 1, Investigation 4 (evidence), Law 1, Linguistics 0, Medicine 0, Occult 4 (curses), Politics 0, Rituals 3, Science 0


Master of Fire, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech


rite of the questing stone, rite of wounding

Pools & Renown
Rage 4
Gnosis 5
Willpower 6
Glory 0
Honor 0
Wisdom 0

Weapon Roll Difficulty Damage Range Rate Mag Conceal
Maneuver Roll Difficulty Damage Type
Bite Dex + Brawl 5 Strength +1 aggro
Body Tackle Dex + Brawl 7 Special bash
Claw Dex + Brawl 6 Strength +1 aggro
Grapple Dex + Brawl 6 Strength bash
Kick Dex + Brawl 7 Strength +1 bash
Punch Dex + Brawl 6 Strength bash

harmony flute

Gear (Carried)

cell phone, flask, Glock 17, gold chain, lucky poker chip, rosary beads, subway pass, wallet, winter clothing

Armor (Worn)

Possessions (Not Carried)

Trek mountain bike

Current Form Difficulty Strength Dexterity Stamina Manipulation Appearance
Homid 6
Glabro 7 +2 +2 -1 -1
Crinos 6 +4 +1 +3 -3 0
Hispo 7 +3 +2 +3 -3
Lupus 6 +1 +2 +2 -3

Age 22
Date of Birth September 29, 1986
Nationality Italy

Current XP Total 4
Total XP Spent 0

Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Race Caucasian

Merits/Flaws None
Battle Scars

Height 5'11"
Weight 190 lb.
Gender Male

Backgrounds Contacts 1, Fetish 1, Resources 2, Rites 2, Totem 1

Defeated Enemies


Marcel was born to a single mother who died in a car accident when he was 3. Marcel was in the car during the accident and now hates and fears automobiles. He has lived most of his life in and out of foster homesand ran away at age 17 in search of a father he has never met. Marcel resents authority and out of necessity lives a life of petty crime and degenerate gambling. He has been living in a rundown warehouse and working as a bartender. He experienced his First Change one night after the bar closed, and he killed his boss.
Marcel's contact is Sal Mancini, a local crime boss who once employed Marcel.