Hunter: The Vigil 3 Games Played Created 10/02/2010 Phoenix Gaming Club
Name: Wallace Jensen
Player: Nick Cobb and Chris Harmon
Chronicle: Hunt Begins
Concept: Priest
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Gluttony
Profession: Religious Leader
Cell: The Furies
Compact/Conspiracy: None
Power Intelligence 3 Strength 3 Presence 3
Finesse Wits 2 Dexterity 1 Manipulation 2
Resistance Resolve 3 Stamina 2 Composure 2
(-3 unskilled)

Academics 3 (theology), Computer 1, Crafts 1, Investigation 1, Medicine 1, Occult 2 (ghosts), Politics 1, Science 1

(-1 unskilled)

Athletics 2 (running), Brawl 1, Drive 2, Firearms 1 (shotguns), Larceny 0, Stealth 0, Survival 0, Weaponry 1

(-1 unskilled)

Animal Ken 0, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 0, Persuasion 0, Socialize 1, Streetwise 0, Subterfuge 0

Other Traits
Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle
        -1 -2 -3          
Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle
Size: 5
Speed: 10
Initiative Mod: 4
Defense: 2
Armor: 1/2
Experience: (9 experience | 4 practical)
10 Selfish thoughts Empty Circle
9 Minor selfish act (withhold charity) Empty Circle
8 Injury to another (accidental or otherwise) Empty Circle
7 Petty theft (shoplifting) Filled Circle
6 Grand theft (burglary) Filled Circle
5 Intentional, mass property damage (arson) Filled Circle
4 Impassioned crime (manslaughter) Filled Circle
3 Planned crime (murder) Filled Circle
2 Casual/callous crime (serial murder) Filled Circle
1 Utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) Filled Circle

  • Fleet of Foot (Rating ●; +1 Speed per dot)
  • Professional Training (Rating ●●; Contacts—Catholic priests, Vatican officials; Third Asset Skill—Expression)
  • Resources (Rating ●)
  • Unseen Sense (Rating ●●●; sudden chill in the presence of ghosts)



Remington 870 Shotgun (Damage 4 | Range 20/40/80 | Clip 8 | Strength 3 | Size 2 | Special 9 Again rule; Two-Handed Weapon), Smith & Wesson M640 Revolver (Damage 2 | Range 20/40/80 | Clip 6 | Strength 2 | Size 1)

45 12 gauge slugs, 25 .38 bullets

Cell Phone, First Aid Kit (Durability 1 | Size 2 | Structure 3 | Rating ●), Flashlight (Durability 1 | Size 1 | Structure 2), Flask of Holy Water, Flask of Whiskey, Holy Bible, Kevlar Vest (Rating 1/2 | Strength 1 | Defense 0 | Speed 0 | Bulletproof [converts Firearms from lethal to bashing]), Wooden Cross
 History Wallace Jensen

Wallace is a good, devout man whose life was turned upside down. He discovered that the supernatural really did exist when he went to visit the home of a supposedly possessed girl and found that she was! He spent hours in a gruelling exorcism that was successful. Since that day, he has sought out other signs of the Devil's work and has found it!

Wallace came to the Vigil a bit later than some, but he is still in very good health. He has always jogged to keep in shape, and now he does so even more. He lacks any military experience, although he spent some time skeet shooting.

The stress of fighting the forces of darkness is taking its toll on Wallace, and he has taken to drinking. He normally has a flask of whiskey on his person and almost always closes any evening's work with a beer or two.

What did you do before the Hunt? Catholic priest.
Where did you learn your skills? Seminary.
How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Acquired over time with no special meaning.
Do you have surviving family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? Parents are still living and stay in touch. They have no idea about the Vigil.
What is your biggest fear? Losing family to supernatural forces.
What makes you laugh out loud? When the power of the supernatural is insufficient to withstand a Hunter.
What makes you angry? People being unwilling to recognize that the Devil and his minions are all about, ready to rip people to ribbons.
What talent would you most like to have? Miraculous healing.
What would be your theme music? "Holy Diver" by Dio

Gender Male | Height 5 ft. 11 in. | Weight 243 lbs. | Age 41
Race African-American | Nationality American | Skin Tone Black | Hair Grey and Balding | Eyes Brown

Appearance Handsome middle-aged black man who has recently lost some weight and is trying to build some muscle. He is balding and often forgets to shave.
Mannerisms He has a haunted look to him at times and has taken to starring off into space contemplating his new view of the world.
Last Played December 28, 2010

Defeated Enemies:
Attributes 5/4/3 ♦ Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) ♦ Merits 7 ♦ (Buying the fifth dot in any area costs two points) ♦ Health = Stamina + Size ♦ Willpower = Resolve + Composure ♦ Size = 5 for adult humans ♦ Defense = Lowest of Dexterity or Wits ♦ Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure ♦ Speed = Strength + Dexterity + 5 ♦ Starting Morality = 7