Hunter: The Vigil 3 Games Played Created 10/02/2010 Phoenix Gaming Club
Name: Jenny Evans
Player: Casey Scruggs
Chronicle: Hunt Begins
Concept: Gang Member
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Greed
Profession: Criminal
Cell: The Furies
Compact/Conspiracy: None
Power Intelligence 2 Strength 2 Presence 2
Finesse Wits 2 Dexterity 3 Manipulation 3
Resistance Resolve 2 Stamina 2 Composure 3
(-3 unskilled)

Academics 0, Computer 0, Crafts 2 (automobiles), Investigation 1, Medicine 0, Occult 1, Politics 0, Science 0

(-1 unskilled)

Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Drive 2, Firearms 2 (SMGs), Larceny 3 (lockpicking), Stealth 1, Survival 0, Weaponry 0

(-1 unskilled)

Animal Ken 1, Empathy 0, Expression 0, Intimidation 2, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Streetwise 2 (gangs), Subterfuge 0

Other Traits
Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle
        -1 -2 -3          
Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Filled Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle Empty Circle
Size: 5
Speed: 10
Initiative Mod: 7
Defense: 2
Armor: 1/2
Experience: (3 experience | 4 practical)
10 Selfish thoughts Empty Circle
9 Minor selfish act (withhold charity) Empty Circle
8 Injury to another (accidental or otherwise) Empty Circle
7 Petty theft (shoplifting) Empty Circle
6 Grand theft (burglary) Filled Circle
5 Intentional, mass property damage (arson) Filled Circle
4 Impassioned crime (manslaughter) Filled Circle
3 Planned crime (murder) Filled Circle
2 Casual/callous crime (serial murder) Filled Circle
1 Utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) Filled Circle

  • Danger Sense (Rating ●●; You gain a +2 modifier on reflexive Wits + Composure rolls for your character to detect an impending ambush. This kind of roll is typically made prior to the first turn of a surprise attack.)
  • Fast Reflexes (Rating ●; +1 Initiative per dot)
  • Professional Training (Rating ●●; Contacts—gang members, drug dealers; Third Asset Skill—Stealth)
  • Quick Draw: Firearms (Rating ●; Your character can draw a pistol and fire without penalty as a single action in a turn. If a weapon is hidden on your character's person (under a coat or in a purse), it can be drawn and used in the same turn without the normal loss of Defense.)
  • Resources (Rating ●)



Derringer .32 Pistol (Damage 2 | Range 20/40/80 | Clip 2 | Strength 2 | Size 1), Mini-Uzi (Damage 2 | Range 25/50/100 | Clip 30 | Strength 2 | Size 1 | Special Folding Stock; Sling; Autofire), Smith & Wesson M686 Revolver (Damage 3 | Range 35/70/140 | Clip 6 | Strength 3 | Size 1)

2 .32 bullets, 3 .357M bullets, 80 9mmP bullets

Cell Phone, Cigarettes, Flashlight (Durability 1 | Size 1 | Structure 2), Kevlar Vest (Rating 1/2 | Strength 1 | Defense 0 | Speed 0 | Bulletproof [converts Firearms from lethal to bashing]), Lighter, Lock Picks, Pocket Knife, 4 Zip Ties
 History Jenny Evans

Jenny Evans grew up in a poor family and got into trouble early on. She found herself addicted to drugs and in an Aryan gang by age 15. She was in and out of juvenile facilities until she started spending time for armed robbery in a real prison. There, she made even more connections with some truly disreputable individuals. By her mid-twenties, Jenny was a felon who had committed almost any crime imaginable.

Jenny got caught up in an assault on a man one evening that resulted in the veil being ripped from her eyes. The man turned out to be a werewolf who shredded her fellow gang members and injured Jenny. She realized the world was full of dangerous creatures who could slaughter anyone in a moment. She began hunting them and realized they were committing horrible atrocities across the world. As she learned more, she realized the mistakes she had made in life. How could she hate her fellow man when there is so much out there that man should be united against?

What did you do before the Hunt? Aryan gang member.
Where did you learn your skills? School of hard knocks.
How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Purchased on the street.
Do you have surviving family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? Yes, but do not stay in touch.
What is your biggest fear? Being judged for the things done in past.
What makes you laugh out loud? People falling over.
What makes you angry? Seeing people be bullied by supernatural threats.
What talent would you most like to have? The ability to turn back time and undo the past.
What would be your theme music? "Back In the Saddle" by Aerosmith

Gender Female | Height 5 ft. 8 in. | Weight 132 lbs. | Age 29
Race Caucasian | Nationality American | Skin Tone Pale | Hair Blonde | Eyes Blue

Appearance Attractive and fit blonde covered in a myriad of prison and professional tattoos, most of which have some kind of gang meaning.
Mannerisms Generally calm and calculating, careful not to make mistakes.
Last Played December 28, 2010

Defeated Enemies: Feeder Demon (2)
Attributes 5/4/3 ♦ Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) ♦ Merits 7 ♦ (Buying the fifth dot in any area costs two points) ♦ Health = Stamina + Size ♦ Willpower = Resolve + Composure ♦ Size = 5 for adult humans ♦ Defense = Lowest of Dexterity or Wits ♦ Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure ♦ Speed = Strength + Dexterity + 5 ♦ Starting Morality = 7