Chronicle Established - 11/22/2006
Blood Cell
A World of Darkness Chronicle
Simon "Rocket Man" Winchester Character Created on 11/23/2006
Played By Casey Scruggs
2 Active Game Sessions
Nature: Gallant Demeanor: Thrill-Seeker Concept: British SAS

Dexterity (Fast)


Perception (Attentive)
Virtues & Pools
Humanity 7
Conscience 3
Self-Control 4
Courage 3
Willpower 6
Blood Pool (10/1)
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5

Dex + Wits + 1d10


Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1


Artillery 4 (rocket launchers), Demolitions 3, Drive 3, Firearms 4 (assault rifles), Melee 3, Security 3, Stealth 4 (shadowing), Survival 2


Investigation 1, Linguistics (Arabic, English) 1, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Science 1


Auspex 1, Potence 1

Weapon Difficulty Damage Range Rate Mag Conceal
Strike 6 Str n/a 1 n/a n/a
Kick 7 Str +1 n/a 1 n/a n/a
Knife 6 Str +1 n/a 1 n/a J
Stake1 6 Str +1 n/a 1 n/a T
Colt M4 Carbine Assault Rifle 72 7 200 3/3B 20/30 T
AT-4 Rocket Launcher 7 12 200 1 1 T
Para-Ordnance P16-40 Heavy Pistol 62 5 30 3 15 J

1 May paralyze a vampire if driven through the heart. The attacker must target the heart (difficulty 9) and score three damage successes.
2 Reduce difficulty by 2 when using red-dot within 50 feet.

Gear (Carried)

Canteen, Cell Phone, 2 (           ) Concussion Grenades (8 Dice, reduce by 1 Dice per yard away), Corner Mirror, Explosives Kit, Folding Utility Knife, (      ) Fragmentation Grenade (12 Dice, reduce by 1 Die per yard away), Gun Cleaning Kit, Leatherman Multitool, Mini Maglite, Silver Combat Knife, (      ) Smoke Grenade, Stake, Two-Way Radio Headset, Zippo

  • AT-4 Rocket Launcher—with sling
    3 rockets (2.75-inch)               

  • Colt M4 Carbine—with sling, A.R.M.S. S.I.R. system, tactical flashlight, and red-dot sight
    30-round magazine (5.56mm)                          |                          |                         
                             |                          |                         
    30-round magazine (5.56mm)                          |                          |                         
                             |                          |                         
    30-round magazine (5.56mm)                          |                          |                         
                             |                          |                         
    30-round magazine (5.56mm)                          |                          |                         
                             |                          |                         

  • Para-Ordnance P16-40—with red-dot sight and hip holster
    15-round magazine (.40S&W)                          |                         
    15-round magazine (.40S&W)                          |                         
    15-round magazine (.40S&W Hollow-Point)                          |                         
    Add 1 Die to Damage Pool, Armor x2 effective
    15-round magazine (.40S&W Silver Nitrate Hollow-Point)                          |                         
    Add 1 Die to Damage Pool, Armor x2 effective, Aggravated to Garou plus 1 Health Damage/Turn for 3 Turns (non-soakable)

Armor (Worn)

Class III Vest (add 3 soak dice; reduce all Dex-based dice pools by 1 die)

Age 32
Date of Birth April 17, 1974
Nationality British

Current XP Total 10
Total XP Spent 30

Hair Blonde
Eyes Blue
Race Caucasian

Backgrounds Allies 2, Contacts 2, Status 1

Height 6'1"
Weight 209 lb.
Gender Male

Merits/Flaws None

Defeated Enemies

Anthony "Boomstick" Anders, 1 Lackey, 1 Mexican Soldier, 1 WD-41 Die-Borg, 2 WD-41 Zombies, 1 WD-43 Ripper

Simon is London-born man who lives for attention and excitement. He feels truly alive when fast-roping out of a helicopter under heavy fire into conditions that don't look good and have little hope of survival. So far, he keeps coming back for more. Simon is an expert marksman with most any rifle you put in his hand and is particularly accurate with military assault weapons. His nickname comes from his love of the AT-4 rocket system. He is extraordinarily accurate and capable of hitting moving targets quite easily.
Simon likes to be the center of attention and lives life on the edge. He is not a fool, but he has no fear of putting himself in harm's way.