Blood Pool
In this chronicle, all characters are ghouls, with a maximum Blood Pool of 10. Under the normal rules, a ghoul's mysical Blood Pool is directly related to the amount of actual blood in his system. When a ghoul is injured, he risks losing some of that mystical blood as it spills out on the ground.
To simplify game play, the characters in this chronicle use their Blood Pool as a representation of the mystical energy within their system. It is not tied directly to the amount of blood in the body. Thus, injury does not decrease the character's available Blood Pool, but expenditure of Blood works normally. For example, a ghoul who heals a Health Level using his Blood Pool expends one point.
Extra Health Level
The Storyteller System is, oddly enough, designed for storytelling and role-playing. However, the Blood Cell variation we are playing is exceedingly violent. To help keep game play going, all PCs have one extra Bruised health level beyond normal.