Chronicle Established - 11/22/2006
Blood Cell
A World of Darkness Chronicle
Anthony "Boomstick" Anders Character Created on 11/26/2006
Played By Colby Westerfield
2 Active Game Sessions
Nature: Perfectionist Demeanor: Loner Concept: U.S. Marine Sniper

Dexterity (Steady)


Virtues & Pools
Humanity 6
Conscience 3
Self-Control 3
Courage 4
Willpower 6
Blood Pool (10/1)
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5

Dex + Wits + 1d10


Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1


Drive 2, Firearms 5 (sniping), Melee 2, Security 3, Stealth 4 (evading), Survival 2


Academics 1, Computer 1, Investigation 1, Linguistics (English) 0, Medicine 1, Occult 2


Potence 1, Protean 1

Weapon Difficulty Damage Range Rate Mag Conceal
Strike 6 Str n/a 1 n/a n/a
Kick 7 Str +1 n/a 1 n/a n/a
Knife 6 Str +1 n/a 1 n/a J
Stake1 6 Str +1 n/a 1 n/a T
Para-Ordnance P14-45 Heavy Pistol 6 5 35 3 13 J
Barrett M82A3 Sniper Rifle 82 10 300 2 11 N

1 May paralyze a vampire if driven through the heart. The attacker must target the heart (difficulty 9) and score three damage successes.
2 Reduce Difficulty by 1 when setup in a sniper position.

Gear (Carried)

Canteen, Cell Phone, 2 (           ) Concussion Grenades (8 Dice, reduce by 1 Dice per yard away), Corner Mirror, Folding Utility Knife, (      ) Fragmentation Grenade (12 Dice, reduce by 1 Die per yard away), Gun Cleaning Kit, Leatherman Multitool, Mini Maglite, Silver Combat Knife, (      ) Smoke Grenade, Stake, Two-Way Radio Headset, Zippo

  • Barrett M82A3 with sling, bipod and thermal-imaging scope
    11-round magazine (.50 BMG)                          |     
    11-round magazine (.50 BMG)                          |     
    11-round magazine (.50 BMG)                          |     
    11-round magazine (.50 BMG Armor-Piercing Incendiary)                          |     
    Subtract 1 Die from Damage Pool, Armor -1 effective, Aggravated
  • Para-Ordnance P14-45 with hip holster
    13-round magazine (.45ACP)                          |               
    13-round magazine (.45ACP)                          |               
    13-round magazine (.45ACP Hollow-Point)                          |               
    Add 1 Die to Damage Pool, Armor x2 effective
    13-round magazine (.45ACP Silver Nitrate Hollow-Point)                          |               
    Add 1 Die to Damage Pool, Armor x2 effective, Aggravated to Garou plus 1 Health Damage/Turn for 3 Turns (non-soakable)

Armor (Worn)

Class III Vest (add 3 soak dice; reduce all Dex-based dice pools by 1 die)

Age 29
Date of Birth April 2, 1977
Nationality United States of America

Current XP Total 7
Total XP Spent 30

Hair Brown
Eyes Green
Race Caucasian

Backgrounds Allies 2, Contacts 2, Status 1

Height 5'10"
Weight 178 lb.
Gender Male

Merits/Flaws None

Defeated Enemies

1 Lackey, 1 Neonate Vampire, 1 WD-42 Gut Coil

Anthony "Boomstick" Anders is the sniper of the team, carrying the massive Barrett M82A3 .50 caliber sniper rifle. This massive gun is not a tactical weapon and is so large (5 ft. long, 20 lb. unloaded) it gets in the way indoors, but when Anthony gets to setup, he smites foes like the wrath of a vengeful deity. Indoors, he often slings the rifle and relies on his trusty .45 pistol.
Anthony is a perfectionist at heart and greatly prides himself on his perfect marksmanship. He is a bit of a loner and prefers to be on his own, setup in a hidden location rather than kicking down doors with his allies. Anthony is an invaluable part of the team, keeping eye on the target area and warning his teammates of trouble as well as providing a means of escape.