A Reign of Winter Adventure Path Character


Male reincarnated kobold slayer (bounty hunter) 13

N Small humanoid (reptilian)

Init +3+3 Dex; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 (+1 to l1ocate traps or +7 to notice unusual stonework)


AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 23 (+6 armor, +2 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +3 shield, +1 size); +4trap sense vs. traps

hp 142 (13d10+5213d10 slayer, +26 Con, +13 Favored Class, +13 Toughness feat)

Fort +13+8 base, +2 Con, +3 cloak of resistance, Ref +15+8 base, +3 Dex, +1 Deft Dodger, +3 cloak of resistance, Will +6+4 base, -1 Wis, +3 cloak of resistance; +4 vs. traps, +3 vs. poison

Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants), evasion, trap sense +4+1; +2 at 6th; +3 at 9th; +4 at 12th; +5 at 15th; +6 at 18th; Resist cold 2frost-forged chain shirt, fire 2flameward amulet

Weaknesses light sensitivity


Speed 35 ft.30 ft. base, +5 ft. Fleet feat, -0 ft. armor


+1 flaming burst flame tongue adamantine dwarven waraxe +18/+13/+8BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 size plus +1 enhancement plus +1 Weapon Focus (1d8+3+2 Str plus +1 enhancement/19-20/x3 plus 1d6 fire) or

alchemical silver dagger +16/+11/+6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 size (1d3+1+2 Str plus -1 silver/19-20) or

dagger +16/+11/+6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 size (1d3+2+2 Str/19-20) or

mwk short sword +17/+12/+7BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 size plus +1 enhancement (1d4+2+2 Str/19-20) or

sap +16/+11/+6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 size (1d4+2+2 Str nonlethal)


net +17BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 size ranged touch (entangle; increments 1net special; range 1010 ft. ft.) or

thrown alchemical silver dagger +17BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 size (1d3+1+2 Str plus -1 silver/19-20; increments 55 = thrown | 10 = projectile; range 1010 ft. ft.) or

thrown dagger +16BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 size (1d3+2+2 Str/19-20; increments 55 = thrown | 10 = projectile; range 1010 ft. ft.)

Special Attacks +4 circumstance bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits, +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids, constrict (1d6+2+2 Str modifier), dirty trick, incapacitate (Fort DC 1710 plus 1/2 slayer level plus Int modifier), sneak attack +4d6, studied target +31 plus +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20 (31 plus +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20 targets), submission hold


Str 1415 base, -4 race, +1 level, +2 enhancement anaconda's coils, Dex 1614 base, +2 race, +0 level, Con 1412 base, -2 race, +2 level, +2 Black Rider bonus, Int 1313 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 88 base, +2 race, +0 level, -2 curse, Cha 110 base, -2 race, +0 level, -6 curse, -1 curse

Base Atk +13/+8/+3; CMB +14+13 BAB, -1 size, +2 Str (+16 grappling); CMD 2910 +13 BAB, -1 size, +2 Str, +3 Dex, +2 deflection, +0 dodge

Traits Deft Dodger, Restless Wayfarer

Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Critical Focus, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (aklys, bolas, dan bong, lasso, net), Extra Slayer Talent, Flanking Foil, Fleet, Improved Critical (dwarven waraxe), Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), Shield Proficiency (buckler, light), Simple Weapon Proficiency (all), Toughness, Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe)

Skills (armor check penalty -1-1 armor, -0 shield); Acrobatics +127 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, -1 armor, Appraise +10 ranks, +1 Int (+3 to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones), Bluff +02 ranks, -5 Cha, +3 class skill, Climb +1511 ranks, +2 Str, +3 class skill, -1 armor, Craft (baskets) +51 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Diplomacy +05 ranks, -5 Cha, Disable Device +2512 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, +6 trapfinding, +2 masterwork thieves' tools, -1 armor, Disguise +13 ranks, -5 Cha, +3 class skill, Escape Artist +42 ranks, +3 Dex, -1 armor, Fly +20 ranks, +3 Dex, -1 armor, Heal +42 ranks, -1 Wis, +3 class skill, Intimidate +34 ranks, -5 Cha, +3 class skill, +1 specialization (from Come to Terms), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +51 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (geography) +127 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, +1 trait, Knowledge (local) +61 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, +1 trait, Knowledge (planes) +20 ranks, 1 bonus GM rank, +1 Int, Perception +53 ranks, -1 Wis, +3 class skill (+12 to locate traps, +8 to notice unusual stonework), Ride +61 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, -1 armor, Sense Motive +64 ranks, -1 Wis, +3 class skill, Stealth +2213 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, +4 size, -1 armor, Survival +1512 ranks, -1 Wis, +3 class skill, +1 specialization (from Freiherr title) (+20 following tracks), Swim +51 ranks, +2 Str, +3 class skill, -1 armor

Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Varisian

SQ greed, reincarnated, slayer's advance 1/day, slayer talents (evasion, hard to fool 31 plus 1 per 5 slayer levels/day, terrain mastery [cold +2], trapfinding +6+1/2 slayer level (minimum 1)), stalker, swift tracker, track +6+1/2 slayer level (minimum 1), weapon familiarity

Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure serious wounds (2), potions of endure elements (2), potion of enlarge person, potion of feather step, potions of fly (2), potion of good hope, potion of interrogation, potion of invisibility, potion of reduce person, potion of remove blindness/deafness potion of spider climb, alchemist's fire, cold iron weapon blanche (2), liquid ice (2)

Other Gear +2 poison-resistant frost-forged chain shirt, +2 buckler, +1 flaming burst flame tongue adamantine dwarven waraxe, alchemical silver dagger, dagger, masterwork short sword, net, sap, cloak of resistance +3, flameward amulet, frontovik's gas mask, hat of disguise, insidious bear trap, ring of protection +2, ring of x-ray vision, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, canteen, cleats, flint and steel, gear maintenance kit, iron pot, manacles keys, manacles (Medium) with simple lock, manacles (Small) with simple lock, masterwork thieves' tools, medium tent, mess kit, rope (50 ft.), snowshoes, soap (50 uses), torches (5), trail rations (7), 885 gp, 6 sp, 7 cp


Constrict (Ex) With successful grapple check, inflict additional bludgeoning damage, along with normal effects of successful grapple.

Dirty Trick (Ex) Declare before rolling attack roll for a sneak attack against a studied target. If hit, deal damage normally, but instead of rolling sneak attack damage, attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver check as free action with +1 bonus to CMB for each die of sneak attack damage. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Equipment Descriptions

alchemist's fire Throw as ranged touch with range increment of 10 ft. Direct hit deals 1d6 fire damage; every creature within 5 ft. of point of impact takes 1 hp fire damage from splash. On round following direct hit, target takes additional 1d6 fire damage. Can spend full-round action to attempt to extinguish before taking this additional damage (DC 15 Reflex). Rolling on ground provides +2 bonus on save. Leaping into large body of water or magically extinguishing flames automatically smothers the fire.

liquid ice Throw as ranged touch with range increment of 10 ft. Direct hit deals 1d6 cold damage; every creature within 5 ft. of point of impact takes 1 hp cold damage from splash. Alternately, within 1d6 rounds of opening container use to freeze a liquid or coat an object in thin layer of ice.

manacles with simple lock Can bind Medium creature, DC 30 Escape Artist, or break (DC 26 Str check). Has hardness 10 and 10 hp. Unlock with DC 20 Disable Device.

manacles with simple lock Can bind Small creature, DC 30 Escape Artist, or break (DC 26 Str check). Has hardness 10 and 10 hp. Unlock with DC 20 Disable Device.

medium tent Assemble in 30 minutes; holds 2 Medium creatures.

net Throw up to 10 ft. as ranged touch at target within one size category of you. If hit, target entangled (-2 attack, -4 Dex, move half speed, cannot charge or run, DC 15 + spell level to cast spell). If you control trailing rope with opposed Str check, creature can move only within limits of rope. As full-round action, target can escape with DC 20 Escape Artist. Burst with DC 25 Str check. Net has 5 hp. Must be folded to throw effectively; after first throw, -4 penalty to attack rolls with net until refolded (2 rounds proficient user, 4 rounds nonproficient).

Evasion (Ex) If subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, take no damage if saving throw is successful.

Flanking Foil When you hit an adjacent opponent with a melee attack, until the start of your next turn, that opponent gains no flanking attack bonus against you and cannot deal sneak attack damage to you. It can still provide a flank for its allies.

Fleet While wearing light or no armor and not carrying a medium or heavy load, base speed increases by 5 ft.

Incapacitate (Ex) As standard action, study target for 1 round. On following round, if you make sneak attack against target and target is denied its Dex bonus to AC, the sneak attack can possibly knock the target out. Attempt automatically fails if the target recognizes you as an enemy. If sneak attack successful, target must make Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 slayer level + Int modifier) or be knocked out for 1d6 rounds. If save is successful, target still takes sneak attack damage as non-lethal damage but is immune to incapacitate ability for 1 day.

Iron Axes of Jomsburg

Come to Terms Specialized in Intimidate.

Freiherr Title Specialized in Survival.

Hired Hands When hiring services of individual NPC, do so at 10% discount.

Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Magic Item Descriptions

anaconda's coils Gain +2 enhancement Str and +2 competence grapple (factored in above). Grants constrict ability for 1d6 + Str modifier.

flame tongue 1/day—As standard action, blast fiery ray as 30 ft. ranged touch dealing 4d6 fire damage.

flaming burst special weapon ability On command, weapon deals extra 1d6 fire damage on successful hit. On successful critical hit, deals extra fire damage depending upon weapon's critical hit multiplier: x2 grants 1d10, x3 grants 2d10, and x4 grants 3d10. This extra damage applies on a critical hit even if the regular fire bonus is inactive.

frontovik's gas mask Breathe freely even underwater or in vacuum. Immune to harmful gases and vapors including inhaled disease, inhaled poison, and spells like cloudkill and stinking cloud. Can see through magical and mundane clouds, fogs, and mists that grant conceal, but only if you are within the area of effect. Imposes -2 penalty on hearing- and sight-based Perception checks.

hat of disguise On command, use disguise self for 10 minutes. As part of disguise, hat can appear as a comb, ribbon, headband, cap, coif, hood, helmet, or other headwear.

insidious bear trap Perception DC 15, Disable Device DC 20. Atk +10 melee (2d6+3 dmg), halves speed (or immobilized if trap is secured to solid object). Creature can escape with DC 20 Disable Device, DC 22 Escape Artist, or DC 26 Strength check. On command, snaps shut, open, or resets. Can be set to ignore creature speaking password designated by you. You can effortlessly insert and withdraw the spike securing the trap to the ground, even into stone. 1/day—Can be commanded to turn trap invisible up to 5 hours or until triggered (+40 to DCs for Perception and Disable Device checks, but no bonus to attack); you can still see trap. 1/day—Can be set to emit an audible alarm or mental ping, as per alarm, when triggered.

ring of x-ray vision On command allows wearer to see range of 20 ft. even with no illumination even penetrating up to 1 ft. of stone, 1 in. of metal, or 3 ft. of wood or dirt. Thicker substances or thin lead block vision. Must be used in 1-minute increments; every consecutive minute after 10 causes 1 point of Con damage.

Reincarnated Originally a dwarf reincarnated as a kobold. Lost +2 Con, hardy, slow and steady, and stability. Gained -4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, small size modifiers, light sensitivity, natural armor, and normal speed.

Slayer Talents Only one talent that adds effects to sneak attack can be applied to an individual attack, and the decision of which to use must be made before the attack roll is made.

Hard to Fool (Ex) 31 plus 1 per 5 slayer levels/day—Roll two dice while making a Sense Motive check and take better result. Must choose to use this talent before making the Sense Motive check. Usable one additional time per day per 5 slayer levels.

Terrain Mastery (Ex) Gain bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks when in this terrain. Cannot be tracked and leaves no trail, unless desired, in this terrain.

Trap Sense (Ex) Gain bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps and dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.

Trapfinding Add bonus to Perception skill checks to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (factored into Skills section above). Can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Slayer's Advance (Ex) 1/day—As move action, can move up to twice base speed. Can use Stealth as part of this movement, but take -10 penalty on check.

Sneak Attack (Ex) Attack deals extra damage anytime target is denied Dex bonus to AC, or when flanking a target. Extra damage not multiplied on critical hit. Ranged attacks must be within 30 ft. Must be able to see and reach a vital spot. Cannot sneak attack a creature with concealment.

Studied Target (Ex) As swift or move action, study up to 31 plus +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20 targets and gain +31 plus +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls and Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival check against targets. The DCs of slayer class abilities against these targets increase by 31 plus +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or new target studied. May discard connection to a studied target as free action. If you deal sneak attack damage to a target, can study target as an immediate action and apply studied target bonuses to that attack.

Submission Hold (Ex) Take -5 penalty on combat maneuver check to inflict damage with grapple; if successful, add sneak attack damage. Damage is nonlethal unless you have ability to inflict lethal damage in a grapple and choose to do so.

Swift Tracker (Ex) Move at normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking normal -5 penalty. Take only -10 penalty (instead of normal -20 penalty) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Height 3 ft.; Weight 31 lbs.; Hair None (scales); Eyes Yellow; Skin Red; Age 14 in kobold body (55 actual); Religion Gozreh; Homeland Varisia; Favored Class Slayer; XP Earned 398,761 of 445,000

Mercenary Company Iron Axes of Jomsburg; Fame 3232 passed training checks; Prestige Points 3432 passed training checks plus 3 blog journal entries minus 1 PP Freiherr title expenditures

Defeated Enemies Andrazku Demon, Animated Ice Nymph, Annis Hag Cleric, Bone Golem (2), Denizen of Leng, Drakelands Barbarian, Dusha Koza, Frost Giant (3), Frostcrawler, Glass Golem, Greater Ceustodaemon (2), Greater Shadow, Pale Tower Guard (2), Peryton, Rokhar's Raider (2), Shadow, Witchfire, Wood Golem (4), Zemlemer Tracker, Zombie

History Raised in the frontier wilderness of Varisia, Kenwrec is a seasoned veteran of dozens of battles and skirmishes. His father raised him as a trapper and bounty hunter, and the pair brought in many of the rogues and scoundrels who fled into the Varisian wilds to escape justice. He is skilled with the lethal use of his axe but also with the nonlethal capture of foes using his net. He always carries manacles to shackle those he captures. In his travels, Kenwrec has met death multiple times. He has been reincarnated as an orc, bugbear, and kobold.