A Reign of Winter Adventure Path Character


Male human monk (tetori) 16

LG Medium humanoid (human)

Init +6+4 Dex plus +2 Reactionary trait; Senses Perception +21


AC 28, touch 22, flat-footed 24 (+5 armor, +2 deflection, +4 Dex, +4as monk level +5 for monk's robes monk, +1+1 Baba Yaga boon natural, +2 Wis)

hp 168 (16d8+6416d8 monk, +48 Con, +16 Favored Class, +0 Toughness feat; +12 temporary hp); once as immediate action at 0 hp—breath of life (CL 20th)

Fort +13+10 base, +3 Con, Ref +14+10 base, +4 Dex, Will +13+10 base, +2 Wis, +1 morale heroes' feast; +4 vs. fear; +2 vs. enchantment

Defensive Abilities evasion; DR 5/—5/— Baba Yaga boon; Immune disease, poison; Resist cold 30greater ring of energy resistance


Speed 80 ft.30 ft. base, +50 ft. monk, -0 ft. armor


+3 unarmed strike +22/+17/+12BAB plus +6 Str plus +3 enhancement plus +1 morale heroes' feast (2d8as monk level +5 for monk's robes+9+6 Str plus +3 enhancement plus grab [costs ki]; on crit +2Iron Axe weapon training) or

Power Attack +3 unarmed strike +18/+13/+8BAB plus +6 Str plus +3 enhancement plus -4 Power Attack plus +1 morale heroes' feast (2d8as monk level +5 for monk's robes+17+6 Str plus +3 enhancement plus +8 Power Attack plus grab [costs ki]; on crit +2Iron Axe weapon training)


+3 sling +20/+15/+10BAB plus +4 Dex plus +3 enhancement plus +1 morale heroes' feast (1d4+9+6 Str plus +3 enhancement; on crit +2Iron Axe weapon training; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 5050 ft. ft.)

Special Attacks graceful grappler (constrict), quivering palm (1/day, DC 2010 + 1/2 character level + Wis modifier), stunning fist (17monk level plus +1 monk's robe/day, DC 2010 + 1/2 character level + Wis modifier)


Before Combat Iguruzu consumes extended heroes' feast each morning.

Base Statistics Without heroes' feast, Iguruzu's stastics are hp 156 (16d8+6416d8 monk, +48 Con, +16 Favored Class, +0 Toughness feat); Will +12+10 base, +2 Wis; +0 vs. fear; Melee +3 unarmed strike +21/+16/+11BAB plus +6 Str plus +3 enhancement (2d8as monk level +5 for monk's robes+9+6 Str plus +3 enhancement plus grab [costs ki]; on crit +2Iron Axe weapon training); Ranged +3 sling +19/+14/+9BAB plus +4 Dex plus +3 enhancement (1d4+9+6 Str plus +3 enhancement; on crit +2Iron Axe weapon training; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 5050 ft. ft.); CMB +22+16 monk level, +0 size, +6 Str (+26CMB plus +2 Improved Grapple plus +2 Greater Grapple grapple [+38normal bonus plus monk level escape grapple], +26CMB plus +2 Improved Bull Rush plus +2 gauntlets of the skilled maneuver bull rush, +24CMB plus +2 Improved Trip trip).


Str 2216 base, +2 race, +0 level, +4 belt of physical might, Dex 1813 base, +0 race, +1 level, +4 belt of physical might, Con 1713 base, +0 race, +2 level, +2 Black Rider mantle, Int 1313 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1413 base, +0 race, +1 level, Cha 1111 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +12/+7/+2; CMB +23+16 monk level, +0 size, +6 Str, +1 morale heroes' feast (+27CMB plus +2 Improved Grapple plus +2 Greater Grapple grapple [+39normal bonus plus monk level escape grapple], +27CMB plus +2 Improved Bull Rush plus +2 gauntlets of the skilled maneuver bull rush, +25CMB plus +2 Improved Trip trip); CMD 3910 +12 BAB, +0 size, +6 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 deflection, +0 dodge, +3 monk (45CMD plus -BAB plus +16 monk level plus +2 Improved Grapple vs. grapple, 41CMD plus plus +2 Improved Bull Rush/Trip vs. bull rush or trip)

Traits Reactionary, Sacred Touch

Feats Binding Throw, ChokeholdB, Combat Expertise, Greater GrappleB, Improved Bull Rush, Improved GrappleB, Improved Ki Throw, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Ki Throw, Monk Weapon Proficiency (club, dagger, handaxe, heavy crossbow, javelin, kama, light crossbow, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear), Pinning KnockoutB, Power Attack, Spinning Throw, Stunning FistB, Stunning PinB, Vital Strike

Skills (armor check penalty -0-0 armor, -0 shield); Acrobatics +2215 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor (+38 when jumping), Appraise +10 ranks, +1 Int, Bluff +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Climb +112 ranks, +6 Str, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Diplomacy +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Disguise +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Escape Artist +2316 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor (+35normal bonus plus monk level escape grapple), Fly +40 ranks, +4 Dex, -0 armor, Heal +108 ranks, +2 Wis, Intimidate +84 ranks, +0 Cha, +3 class skill, +1 skill specialization from Iron Axes, Knowledge (religion) +2016 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Perception +2116 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill, Ride +40 ranks, +4 Dex, -0 armor, Sense Motive +20 ranks, +2 Wis, Stealth +169 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Survival +108 ranks, +2 Wis, Swim +112 ranks, +6 Str, +3 class skill, -0 armor

Languages Common, Tien

SQ counter-grapple, diamond body, fast movement, form lock, inescapable grasp, ki pool (101/2 monk level plus +2 Wis, adamantine, cold iron, lawful, magic, silver), maneuver training, purity of body, still mind, wholeness of body

Combat Gear potion of bear's endurance, potion of cure serious wounds (5), potion of enlarge person, potion of feather step, potion of fly, potion of haste (3), potion of heroism, potion of invisibility (3), potion of nondetection, potion of remove curse, M1914 Concussion Grenades (3)

Other Gear +3 sling with 20 sling bullets, amulet of mighty fists +3, belt of physical might +4 (Str, Dex), bracers of armor +5, gauntlets of the skilled maneuver (bull rush), greater ring of energy resistance (cold), monk's robe, 2 necklaces of fireballs (type VII), ring of protection +2, backpack, trail rations (7 days), waterskin, emerald (worth 5,000 gp each), 11,874 gp, 5 sp


Binding Throw After successfully using Ki Throw feat, as swift action make grapple check against that opponent.

Break Free (Ex) Add monk level on combat maneuver or Escape Artist checks to escape a grapple (factored in above). If you fail a save against an effect causing you to be entangled, paralyzed, slowed, or staggered, may spend 1 point from ki pool as immediate action to attempt new save.

Chokehold While grappling opponent up to one size larger than you, may attempt grapple check at -5 penalty. If successful, you pin opponent and hold in a chokehold. When you maintain grapple, you also maintain chokehold. A creature in chokehold cannot breathe, speak, or cast spells with verbal component. Opponent must hold breath or begin suffocating. Creatures that do not breathe, immune to bleed damage, or immune to critical hits are immune to chokehold. When grapple ends, so does chokehold.

Combat Expertise Choose to take a -4-1 plus -1 per 4 BAB penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +4+1 plus +1 per 4 BAB dodge bonus to AC. Can only be used when making an attack or full-attack action with a melee weapon. Effect lasts until your next turn.

Constrict (Ex) With successful grapple check, inflict additional bludgeoning damage equal to unarmed strike damage, along with normal effects of successful grapple.

Counter-Grapple (Ex) May make AoO against creature attempting to grapple you (unless it possesses Greater Grapple feat), even if target has concealment or total concealment, is flat-footed, or has exceptional reach.

Evasion (Ex) If subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, take no damage if saving throw is successful.

Fast Movement (Ex) A monk wearing armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses his extra speed.

Grab (Ex) If you hit with attack associated with this special attack, deal normal damage and start grapple as free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Normally, only usable against targets of equal or smaller size. You can either conduct grapple normally or take -20 CMB on future grapple checks on simply use body part to maintain grapple but do not gain grapple condition yourself. A hold does not deal damage unless you have constrict special attack. If you do not, each successful grapple check in successive rounds deals damage for attack initiating the hold. Otherwise, it deals this damage and constrict damage. You receive +4 bonus on CMB to start and maintain a grapple.

Graceful Grappler (Ex) Use monk level in place of BAB to determine CMB and CMD grappling (factored in above). Retain Dex bonus to AC and ability to make AoO and suffer no penalty to attack while grappled or pinning a foe. Gain grab ability with unarmed strikes against your size or smaller for 1 ki point or against larger foes for 2 ki points.

Greater Grapple As move action, maintain grapple. Allows you to make two grapple checks each round (to move, harm, or pin your opponent), but you are not required to make two checks. Only one need be successful to maintain grapple.

Improved Bull Rush You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush combat maneuver.

Improved Grapple You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver.

Improved Ki Throw When using Ki Throw feat, may throw target into any square you threaten occupied by another creature. Make bull rush combat maneuver check at -4 penalty against secondary target. If successful, thrown creature lands prone in secondary target's square, while secondary target is pushed back and knocked prone in an adjacent square. If failed, thrown creature lands prone in nearest square you threaten adjacent to secondary target. If you throw a Large or larger creature into an area containing multiple secondary targets, take -4 penalty on bull rush for each target after the first.

Improved Trip You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver.

Improved Unarmed Strike You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Iron Axes of Jomsburg

Come to Terms Specialized in Intimidate.

Weapon Training (Sling, Unarmed Strike) When you confirm critical hit with specified weapon, gain bonus on damage equal to critical multiplier of the weapon.

Ki Pool (Su) As long as you have at least 1 point in your ki pool, you can make a ki strike allowing your unarmed attacks to overcome specific kinds of damage reduction. As swift action, spend 1 ki pool point to make additional attack at highest attack bonus when making a full attack, or increase speed by 20 ft. for 1 round, or give self +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round. Ki pool replenished each morning following 8 hours of rest or meditation and do not have to be consecutive.

Form Lock (Su) As standard action using 2 points from ki pool, negate a polymorph effect by touch (make Wisdom check + monk level vs. DC 11 + caster level of effect or HD of creature for supernatural effects). If a creature you are grappling attempts a polymorph effect, this can be used as an immediate action.

Inescapable Grasp (Su) As swift action lasting until your next turn using 1 point from ki pool, suppress opponent's freedom of movement and magical bonuses to Escape Artist or checks to escape grapple. Also duplicates effect of dimensional anchor.

Wholeness of Body (Su) As standard action, spend 2 points from ki pool to heal self (only) hit points equal to monk class level.

Ki Throw On successful unarmed trip attack against target your size or smaller, throw target into any one empty square you threaten (does not provoke attack of opportunity on foe). A monk can affect larger creatures by spending 1 ki point per size difference.

Magic Item Descriptions

necklace of fireballs (type VII) As standard action, wearer (only) can detach one sphere and hurl it up to 70 ft. where it denotes as varying strength fireball spell (DC 14 Reflex half). If carried or worn by a character failing a saving throw against magical fire attack, item must save as well (with +7 save bonus) or all remaining spheres detonate. Does not take up neck magic item slot. Contains following strength spheres: 2 at 9d6, 3 at 7d6, 4 at 5d6, and 4 at 3d6.

Maneuver Training (Ex) Use your monk level in place of your base attack bonus when calculating your Combat Maneuver Bonus. Base attack bonuses from other classes are unaffected and added normally.

Pinning Knockout While you have an opponent pinned, when you succeed at a grapple check to deal nonlethal damage using an unarmed strike, light, or one-handed weapon, double your damage result. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune.

Power Attack Take -4-1 plus -1 per 4 BAB penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain +8+2 plus +2 per 4 BAB bonus on all melee damage rolls. Bonus increased by half (+50%) if attacking with a two-handed weapon or a one handed weapon using two hands. Bonus halved (-50%) if attacking with an off-hand weapon. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. Bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Quivering Palm (Su) Set up vibrations in the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if you so desire. Must announce intent before making attack roll, and creatures immune to critical hits are unaffected. If unarmed strike is successful and target takes damage, quivering palm succeeds. Thereafter, any time within a number of days equal to your monk class level, as a free action cause target to die unless Fortitude save is successful. Can have no more than one quivering palm in effect at one time, and using it again while another is in effect negates the first.

Sacred Touch As standard action, stabilize dying creature by touch.

Spinning Throw On successful unarmed trip attack against target your size or smaller, throw target into any one empty square you threaten (does not provoke attack of opportunity on foe) and then, as swift action, make bull rush attempt to push opponent a number of 5-ft. increments as a successful bull rush allows. The target is prone in the last square. A monk can affect larger creatures by spending 1 ki point per size difference. If you have the Improved Ki Throw feat, if you push the target into a square occupied by another creature, resolve as if you used Improved Ki Throw.

Stunning Fist (Ex) Once per round, declare you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Foe damaged by your unarmed attack must make Fortitude saving throw, in addition to taking damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can't take actions, loses any Dex bonus to AC, and takes a -2 penalty to AC. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

Stunning Pin Whenever you pin an opponent, as swift action make Stunning Fist attempt against that opponent.

Vital Strike When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

Height 6'2"; Weight 135 lbs.; Hair Black; Eyes Gray; Skin Pale Brown; Age 24; Religion Irori; Homeland Tian Xia; Favored Class Monk; XP Earned 1,067,641 of 1,300,000

Mercenary Company Iron Axes of Jomsburg; Fame 1919 passed training checks; Prestige Points 1719 passed training checks plus 0 blog journal entries minus 1 PP Weapon Training (Sling) minus 1 PP Weapon Training (Unarmed Strike) expenditures

Defeated Enemies Advanced Crucifixion Spirit, Advanced Erodaemon, Advanced Nessian Warhound (2), Buyan Nuckelavee, Fiendish Heavy Horse (2), Grigori Rasputin, Gug, Gug Savant, Headless of Siberian Cossack (3), Hezrou Demon, Nightmare, Popobala, Rift Drake, Stained-Glass Golem

History Iguruzu "Koshi" Koshin was born and raised in the nation of Tian Xia. Early life was rough, the young nobleman's father was murdered by a group of assassins at the age of 8. His mom also died shortly after his birth. He was moved into the local orphanage and a group of monks took Koshin under their wing and taught him everything the monks knew. He stayed with the group for 16 years, where he learned martial arts and a little medicine.

One strange day, the temperature dropped drastically, and small white flecks fell from the sky. Koshin Along with 12 other monks decided to find and destroy the source of odd weather. The journey was very treacherous as all the other monks either died from hypothermia or starvation from lack of food sources. Amidst the long dense forest, a portal opened. Their was a man from the other side that was dressed in green and black leathers. The soldier was desperate for assistance, so the young monk agreed to help as a medic at their hospital. The first couple days were peaceful until the camp was suddenly on fire. Koshin got outside the compound to look for an escape route and found a cozy little cabin. To his surprise it glowed of magic, much more than he had ever seen. Will the young monk find his way home and stop the source of winter weather, or will he die trying to find his way home?