A Chronoshift: Spelljammer Character


Male human fighter 11

LN Medium humanoid (human)

Init +8+6 Dex, +2 Reactionary trait; Senses Perception +17


AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +1 deflection, +6 Dex, +1 natural)

hp 95 (11d10+2211d10 fighter, +11 Con, +11 Favored Class, +0 Toughness feat)

Fort +8+7 base, +1 Con, Ref +9+3 base, +6 Dex, Will +5+3 base, +2 Wis; +3 vs. fear, +1 vs. Kyuss create spawn effects

Defensive Abilities bravery +3; Resist fire 1


Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor (6 squares)


balanced masterwork chop sword +14/+9/+4BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d6+3+2 Str plus +1 enhancement/x3) or

+1 silver dagger +14/+9/+4BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d4+2+2 Str plus +1 enhancement plus -1 silver/19-20)


+1 corrosive sighted composite longbow +22/+17/+12BAB plus +6 Dex plus +1 enhancement plus +1 Weapon Focus plus +1 Greater Weapon Focus plus +2 Weapon Training (1d8+7+2 Str plus +1 enhancement plus +2 Weapon Specialization plus +2 Weapon Training/19-20/x3 plus 1d6 acid; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 1350 ft. ft.) or

Deadly Aim Rapid Shot +1 corrosive sighted composite longbow +17/+17/+12/+7BAB plus +6 Dex plus +1 enhancement plus +1 Weapon Focus plus +1 Greater Weapon Focus plus +2 Weapon Training minus -2 Rapid Shot minus -3 Deadly Aim (1d8+13+2 Str plus +1 enhancement plus +2 Weapon Specialization plus +2 Weapon Training plus +6 Deadly Aim/19-20/x3 plus 1d6 acid; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 1350 ft. ft.)

Special Attacks +1 attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges up to 30 feet, weapon training (bows +2, siege engines +1)




Str 1515 base, +0 race, +0 level, Dex 2315 base, +2 race, +2 level, +4 enhancement belt of incredible dexterity, Con 1313 base, +0 race, +0 level, Int 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1412 base, +0 race, +0 level, +2 enhancement headband of inspired wisdom, Cha 1111 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB +13+11 BAB, +0 size, +2 Str; CMD 3010 +11 BAB, +0 size, +2 Str, +6 Dex, +1 deflection, +0 dodge

Traits Eyes and Ears of the City, Reactionary

Feats Armor Proficiency (all), Clustered Shots, Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (ballista)B, Greater Weapon Focus (longbow)B, Improved Critical (longbow)B, Improved Precise Shot, Manyshot, Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), Point-Blank ShotB, Point Blank Master (longbow)B, Precise ShotB, Rapid Shot, Shield Proficiency (all), Simple Weapon Proficiency (all), Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow)

Skills (armor check penalty -0-0 armor, -0 shield); Acrobatics +71 ranks, +6 Dex, -0 armor, Appraise +10 ranks, +1 Int, Bluff +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Climb +105 ranks, +2 Str, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Craft (bows) +84 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Diplomacy +11 ranks, +0 Cha, Disguise +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Escape Artist +93 ranks, +6 Dex, -0 armor, Fly +82 ranks, +6 Dex, -0 armor, Heal +31 ranks, +2 Wis, Intimidate +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Knowledge (engineering) +84 background ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (local: Realmspace) +65 ranks, +1 Int, Knowledge (nobility: Realmspace) +65 ranks, +1 Int, Knowledge (religion: Wildspace) +10 ranks, +1 Int (+2 involving Kyuss), Linguistics +65 ranks, +1 Int (+11 identify forgeries), Perception +1711 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill, +1 trait bonus, always a class skill, Profession (banker) +72 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill, Profession (barrister) +72 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill, Ride +123 ranks, +6 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Sense Motive +42 ranks, +2 Wis, Stealth +1710 ranks, +6 Dex, -0 armor, +1 competence cloak of nebula veiling, Survival +105 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill, Swim +20 ranks, +2 Str, -0 armor

Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan

SQ armor training 3

Combat Gear +1 dwarf-bane arrows (8), +1 flaming arrows (6), +1 frost arrows (11), +1 human-bane arrow (5), +1 minor enfeebling arrows (2), +1 shock arrows (13), grubworm of invisibility, life mushroom, oil of fire trap (CL 3rd), oil of grease, oil of hold portal, potion of barkskin, potion of bear's endurance, potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds (4), potion of cure serious wounds, potion of haste (2), potion of invisibility, potion of lesser restoration, potion of reduce person, potion of remove curse, potion of spider climb, quick fix admixture, super leaf, arrows (109), fireheart spice (5)

Other Gear +1 corrosive sighted composite longbow (+2 Str), +1 silver dagger, +1 striking knaxe, balanced masterwork chop sword, +3 insulated (fire) nimble leather half armor, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of incredible dexterity +4, cloak of nebula veiling, devastation gauntlets, efficient quiver, headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of protection +1, sandals of quick reaction, spectacles of understanding, torc of displacement, 3,430 pp, 6 gp


Armor Training (Ex) Move at normal speed wearing medium armor. Reduce armor check penalty by 3 (min. 0) and increase maximum Dex bonus allowed by 3.

Clustered Shots When using a full-attack action to make multiple ranged weapon attacks the same opponent, total the damage from all hits before applying that opponent's damage reduction. If the massive damage optional rule is being used, that rule applies if the total damage you deal with this feat is equal to or exceeds half the opponent's full normal hit points (minimum 50 points of damage).

Deadly Aim Take -3-1 base minus 1 per 4 BAB penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain +6+2 base plus 2 per 4 BAB bonus on all ranged damage rolls. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. Bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Equipment Descriptions

cloak of nebula veiling 1/day—As standard action, gain benefit of invisibility spell for 3 minutes. Gain +1 competence bonus on Stealth checks (factored into Skills above).

devastation gauntlets Item has 3 charges that recharge daily. As swift action, spend 1, 2, or 3 charges after confirming critical hit but before rolling damage to add damage to the total: 1 charge for +2d6, 2 charges for +3d6, or 3 charges for +4d6.

efficient quiver Has three extradimensional spaces. First can hold up 60 items of approximate size and shape of an arrow. Second can hold up to 18 items of approximate size and shape of a javelin. Third can hold up to 6 items of approximate size and shape as a bow, spear, or staff. Retrieving any item is same as drawing from a regular quiver or scabbard. Quiver always weighs only 2 lbs.

fireheart spice Consumed on meal or on own provides resist fire 2 and 3d4 temporary hp for 1 hour.

insulated mastercraft template Grants 1 point of resistance against acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic (chosen when crafted); cannot be insulated against multiple energy types.

javelin of lightning Becomes 5d6 lightning bolt when thrown (Reflex DC 14 half). Consumed in attack.

life mushroom Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to gain 2d4 temporary hp.

minor enfeebling If ammunition strikes a creature, target takes 1d6+3 Str damage (DC 14 Fort save for half). Target's Strength cannot drop below 1; effect does not stack with itself.

nimble mastercraft template Increase armor's maximum Dex bonus by 1.

quick fix Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to cure 1d8+5 hp and gain +1 on attack rolls, +1 dodge on AC and Reflex saves, increase all modes of movement by 30 ft. (max. twice normal speed), and gain one extra attack when making a full attack action for 5 rounds.

sandals of quick reaction Can take both a standard and move action during a surprise round. If you already have the ability to take both actions in a surprise round from another source, instead gain +10 circumstance bonus to speed during the surprise round.

sighted mastercraft template Increase range increment by 25%.

spectacles of understanding When worn, any languages read convert to one language you know, as comprehend languages. Gain +5 bonus to Linguistics checks to identify forgeries and can make such checks untrained (factored into Skills above).

striking mastercraft template Gain +2 circumstance bonus to confirm critical hit with this weapon.

super leaf Activate as standard action not provoking attacks of opportunity to gain 2d8 temporary hp. Until these temporary hp are depleted or 5 minutes pass, whichever comes first, gain Fly 30 ft. (good) but must land before flying any further. Can feather fall as long as you have not expended your flight speed for the round. Can use talk to make secondary melee attack dealing 1d6 plus half Str damage. Can end as move action if desired.

torc of displacement Item has 3 charges that recharge daily. As immediate action, spend 1, 2, or 3 charges to gain miss chance for 1 round: 1 charge for 20%, 2 charges for 30%, or 3 charges for 40%.

Improved Precise Shot Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks.

Manyshot When making a full-attack action with a bow, your first attack fires two arrows. If the attack hits, both arrows hit. Apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. Damage bonuses from using a composite bow with a high Strength bonus apply to each arrow, as do other damage bonuses, such as a ranger's favored enemy bonus. Damage reduction and resistances apply separately to each arrow.

Point Blank Master With selected type of ranged weapon, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when firing while threatened.

Precise Shot Shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Rapid Shot As full-attack action with a ranged weapon, fire one additional time this round at your highest attack bonus with that weapon, but that attack and all others take a -2 penalty to hit.

Weapon Training (Ex) Gain bonus on attack, damage, and combat maneuver checks made with weapons from this group. Bonus applies to CMD defending against disarm and sunder attempts made against weapons from this group.

Height 5'10"; Weight 160 lbs.; Hair Dark Brown; Eyes Green; Skin Light Olive; Age 30; Religion Order of Vigilance Pantheon; Homeland Realmspace; Favored Class Fighter

Defeated Enemies Advanced Black Skeleton, Cavernous Bear, Coffin Mimic (2), Death Kiss Beholderkin, Dwarf Pistolero (3), Enraged Hook Horror, Grappling Mining Hulk Golem, Gray Scavver (5), Guard Dog, Guild Foxclaw (2), Guild Sneak Priest, Half-Goblin Hooligan (2), Hammer Brother Koopa, Hammerhead Scavver, Human Sorceress, Koopa Troopa Goon, Piranha Plant Goon (2), Sylvar Shadowhand (Champion Boss Human Rogue), Tragic Spectre, Trapper, Trickster Mage, Zombie Beholder

Defining Characteristic write

History Notch Bowman was born into a wealthy and influential family known for their extensive involvement in banking and law. The Bowmans were pillars of their community, their name synonymous with affluence, integrity, and adherence to the principles of law and order. In a lineage where fortunes were vast and futures predetermined, Notch was expected to continue the family legacy in the realms of finance or jurisprudence.

However, Notch's destiny took a different turn. From a young age, he was captivated not by ledgers and statutes, but by the tales of legendary soldiers and the graceful art of archery. He would often sneak away from his tutors to watch the city's guards practice at the archery range. Noticing his keen interest and natural talent, his parents, though initially hesitant, decided to nurture his passion. They enlisted the finest archers in the city to train him, believing this to be a fleeting fancy. But for Notch, archery was more than a mere fascination; it was a calling.

His devotion to the Order of Vigilance helped reconcile his family's expectations with his own aspirations. In the Order's tenets, Notch found parallels with the values inherent in archery: precision, order, and the safeguarding of the community. He became a fervent adherent, viewing his proficiency with the bow as both a form of worship and an embodiment of his deity's virtues.

As he matured, Notch’s remarkable talent with the bow became renowned. He could hit the smallest targets with unerring accuracy and perform feats of archery that bordered on the miraculous. But personal acclaim was not his aim; Notch yearned to contribute meaningfully to the safety and well-being of his community. Defying his family’s original plans for him, he joined the local guard, committing himself to the protection and service of his fellow citizens.

In the town guard, Notch found his true purpose. He patrolled the streets and walls of his beloved city, defending it from external threats and maintaining order within. His fellow guardsmen, initially skeptical of the "banker's son," soon grew to respect him for his unwavering dedication, keen insight, and unparalleled prowess with the bow.

Once destined for a life among high society, Notch now serves as a steadfast guardian of his city. His story, a testament to following one's own path, is whispered throughout the city—a tale of a young man who chose a bow over a quill and justice over accounts, bridging the world of his forefathers with the passion that burned within him.

Future Level-Up Plans: Take Siege Engineer and Military Engineer feats.

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