A Chronoshift: Spelljammer Character


Male hurwaeti freebooter 9

CN Medium humanoid (reptilian)

Init +5+5 Dex; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7


AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 19 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +2 shield)1
1 lose shield bonus for 1 round when attacking with flayer flail

hp 75 (9d10+99d10 freebooter, +0 Con, +9 Favored Class, +0 Toughness feat)

Fort +7+6 base, +0 Con, +1 cloak of resistance, Ref +12+6 base, +5 Dex, +1 cloak of resistance, Will +5+3 base, +1 Wis, +1 cloak of resistance

Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge

Flaws mute


Speed 40 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor plus 10 ft. boots of striding and springing (8 squares)


+1 flayer flail +12/+7BAB plus +3 Str plus +1 enhancement plus -1 using buckler (1d10+5+4 1.5x Str plus +1 enhancement/19-20) or

+1 crushing light flail +13/+8BAB plus +3 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d8+4+3 Str plus +1 enhancement)


+1 mighty (+3 Str) composite longbow +15/+10BAB plus +5 Dex plus +1 enhancement (1d8+4+3 Str plus +1 enhancement/x3; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 110110 ft. ft.)

Special Attacks +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls when making attacks of opportunity, +1 on attack rolls against aberrations, +1 trait bonus on AoO when attacking with weapons from maritime weapon group, dirty fighting +3d4, terrifying croak (Will DC 1410 + 1/2 character level + 0 Cha)


Str 1616 base, +0 race, +0 level, Dex 2017 base, +2 race, +1 level, Con 1112 base, -2 race, +1 level, Int 1313 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1210 base, +2 race, +0 level, Cha 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +9/+4; CMB +12+9 BAB, +0 size, +3 Str (+17 disarm); CMD 2910 +9 BAB, +0 size, +3 Str, +5 Dex, +1 deflection, +1 dodge, -0 armor check penalty (30 vs. disarm)

Traits Dockhand Ruffian, Rigging Monkey

Feats AcrobaticB, Acrobatic Dodge, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat ExpertiseB, Combat Reflexes, Counterstrike, Deft Opportunist, DodgeB, Greater DisarmB, Improved DisarmB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Lethal DisarmB, Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), MobilityB, Shield Proficiency (buckler), Simple Weapon Proficiency (all)

Skills (armor check penalty -0-0 armor, -0 shield); Acrobatics +188 ranks, +5 Dex, -0 armor, +3 class skill, +2 Acrobatics feat (+27 when jumping), Appraise +10 ranks, +1 Int (+2 nonmagical metal or gem goods), Bluff +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Climb +148 ranks, +3 Str, +3 class skill, -0 armor (+16 onboard ship), Craft (traps) +62 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Diplomacy +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Disable Device +81 ranks, +5 Dex, -0 armor, +2 masterwork thieves' tools, Disguise +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Escape Artist +168 ranks, +5 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Fly +70 ranks, +5 Dex, -0 armor, +2 Acrobatics feat, Heal +65 ranks, +1 Wis, Intimidate +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Knowledge (engineering) +87 ranks, +1 Int, Linguistics +98 ranks, +1 Int, Perception +73 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Profession (spacehand) +51 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Ride +50 ranks, +5 Dex, -0 armor, Sense Motive +62 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Sleight of Hand +102 ranks, +5 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Stealth +168 ranks, +5 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Survival +10 ranks, +1 Wis, Swim +30 ranks, +3 Str, -0 armor

Languages Abyssal, Beholder, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin, Hurwaeti, Infernal, Orc, Semaphore; can't speak

SQ defensive style (maneuverability), freebooter talent (nimble footwork, poison use, scrambling evasion), greed, jumper, natural cloud

Combat Gear +1 ghost touch arrow (3), potion of cure light wounds, potion of haste, potion of remove disease, whisk away admixture, drow poison (19), giant wasp poison (3), large scorpion venom (3), tangleburn bag, tanglefoot bag (2), thistle arrows (10), thunderstone, tindertwig (5)

Other Gear +1 crushing light flail, +1 flayer flail, +1 mighty (+3 Str) composite longbow with 90 arrows, +1 buckler, +1 mithral chain shirt, boots of striding and springing, cloak of resistance +1, gauntlets of the skilled maneuver (disarm), goggles of night, ring of protection +1, canteen, cold-weather outfit, flint and steel, manacles with simple lock and key, masterwork thieves' tools, rope (50 ft.), 620 pp, 7,551 gp, 7 cp


Acrobatic Dodge 83 plus Dex modifier/day—As immediate action, when you would normally be hit with a melee or ranged attack, make Acrobatics check (DC equal to opponent's attack roll) to gain free 5-foot step and must take it to avoid the attack. If you cannot take this move, cannot use this feat. Movement does not count against any other movement you take and does not provoke attack of opportunity. May only use when you have an armor check penalty of 0, carrying no more than a light load, and not wielding a two-handed weapon or shield.

Combat Expertise Choose to take a -3-1 plus -1 per 4 BAB penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +3+1 plus +1 per 4 BAB dodge bonus to AC. Can only be used when making an attack or full-attack action with a melee weapon. Effect lasts until your next turn.

Combat Reflexes Make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. May make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Counterstrike (Ex) If an opponent misses you with an attack of opportunity, you may make an attack of opportunity against him in return. This counts against the total number of attacks of opportunity you may take in a round.

Dirty Fighting (Ex) Melee (only) attack deals extra damage anytime target is denied Dex bonus to AC, or when flanking a target. Extra damage not multiplied on critical hit. Must be able to see and reach a vital spot. Cannot dirty fight a creature with concealment. Can deal nonlethal damage when using a weapon dealing nonlethal damage, or may use any other weapon to deal nonlethal damage with a -4 penalty on the attack roll. Extra damage from dirty fighting stacks with similar types of extra damage (such as sneak attack). Dirty fighting does not count as sneak attack for purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Equipment Descriptions

cold-weather outfit Gain +5 circumstance bonus on Fort saves against exposure to cold weather.

crushing mastercraft template Reduce enemy "shield" armor bonus (if any) by 1 (for purposes of resolving this attack only).

drow poison Injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1 minute for 2 minutes; effect unconsciousness 1 minute/2d4 hours; cure 1 save.

flayer flail 1/day—As part of successful attack, single target affected by confusion (DC 16 Will negates; CL 7). Functions as +1 heavy flail.

ghost touch special weapon ability Deal damage normally against incorporeal creatures without 50% reduction in damage. Incorporeal creatures can pick up and move or wield while manifesting.

giant wasp poison Injury; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.

large scorpion venom Injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

manacles Can bind Medium creature, DC 30 Escape Artist, or break (DC 26 Str check). Has hardness 10 and 10 hp. Unlock with DC 20 Disable Device.

tangleburn bag Throw as ranged touch with range increment of 10 ft. against Large or smaller target. Target hit takes -2 penalty on attack rolls and -4 penalty to Dex and must make DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to floor, unable to move. On successful save, move only half speed. Winged flying creature is not stuck to floor but must make DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly and fall to ground. Direct hit also deals 1d6 fire damage and target must save (DC 20 Reflex) or catch fire. For 2 rounds, extinguishing these flames is a DC 25 Reflex save, and using water in the attempt causes a burst of flames like alchemist's fire making a direct hit plus splash damage. After 2 rounds, DC 15 Reflex save and water works normally.

tanglefoot bag Throw as ranged touch with range increment of 10 ft. against Large or smaller target. Target hit takes -2 penalty on attack rolls and -4 penalty to Dex and must make DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to floor, unable to move. On successful save, move only half speed. Winged flying creature is not stuck to floor but must make DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly and fall to ground.

thistle arrow Deals normal damage plus 1 point of bleed damage for 1d6 rounds. Remove with move action without provoking AoO but deals additional 1d3 damage. A standard action DC 12 Heal check removes without additional damage.

thunderstone Throw as ranged attack with range increment of 20 ft. When striking hard surface (or is struck), each creature in 10-ft.-radius must make DC 15 Fort save or be deafened for 1 hour. Aiming at a particular 5-ft. square is against AC 5.

whisk away Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to gain invisibility and 60 ft. fly (good) and +2 bonus on Fly skill checks for 5 minutes. If flight expires while aloft, float downward 60 ft. per round for 1d6 rounds.

Freebooter Talents

Nimble Footwork (Ex) When making Acrobatics check to move through threatened squares, movement is not reduced or penalized (move normal speed while passing through squares using Acrobatics). Cannot use wearing medium or heavy armor or if speed reduced due to carrying medium or heavy load.

Poison Use (Ex) Never risk accidentally poisoning yourself applying poison to a weapon.

Scrambling Evasion (Ex) Any time you would make a Reflex save, may also make Acrobatics check against same DC; if you succeed on both rolls, move up to half speed as immediate action.

Greater Disarm Whenever you successfully disarm an opponent, the weapon lands 15 ft. away from its previous wielder, in a random direction.

Improved Disarm You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a disarm combat maneuver.

Improved Unarmed Strike You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Jumper (Ex) Always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.

Lethal Disarm As free action, when you successfully disarm an opponent you threaten, make an attack of opportunity against that target.

Mobility Gain +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.

Mute You understand language but cannot speak; communication requires signs, gestures, noises, or by writing.

Natural Cloud (Ex) 1/day—Emit natural cloud of obscuring moisture functioning as fog cloud as if cast as spell-like ability. As non-magical effect, cannot be dispelled but can be dissipated with natural and magical winds.

Terrifying Croak (Su) 1/hour—As standard action, emit thunderous croak and all creatures not of hurwaeti subtype within 30 ft. must make Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Cha modifier) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. A target that successfully saves cannot be affected by your croak for 24 hours. Creatures already shaken become frightened for 1d4 rounds instead. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Cannot be caught flat-footed and do not lose Dex bonus to AC if your attacker is invisible. Still lose Dex bonus to AC if immobilized or an opponent successfully uses the feint action against you.

Height 6'11"; Weight 264 lbs.; Hair Bald; Eyes Dark; Skin Olive Green; Age 110; Religion Revelry pantheon; Homeland Phlogiston; Favored Class Freebooter

Defeated Enemies Coliar Derhii, Dastardly Cad Goon, Despicable Cad Lackey, Drow Raid Leader, Drow Raider (2), Drow Scout (2), Ogrillon Pugilist, Spawn of Kyuss, Tengu Ruffian

Defining Characteristic Gatecrasher. First one in and lays waste to his foes!

History write

Future Level-Up Plans: All goals met; set new ones.

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