Male aasimar cleric (flagellant) 11
CN Medium outsider (native)/humanoid (human)
Init +2+2 Dex; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 shield)
hp 92 (11d8+3311d8 cleric, +22 Con, +11 Favored Class, +0 Toughness feat)
Fort +11+7 base, +2 Con, +1 Resilient trait, +1 cloak of resistance, Ref +6+3 base, +2 Dex, +1 cloak of resistance, Will +14+7 base, +5 Wis, +1 Indomitable Faith trait, +1 cloak of resistance; +5 vs. inhaled poison and stench, +1 vs. Kyuss create spawn effects
DR 2/; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor (6 squares)
+2 longsword +13/+8BAB plus +2 Str plus +2 enhancement plus +1 Weapon Focus (1d8+4+2 Str plus +2 enhancement/19-20) or
boot knife +11/+6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d4+3+2 Str plus +1 enhancement/19-20)
masterwork cat-o'-nine-tails +11/+6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d4+2+2 Str plus +0 enhancement nonlethal)
masterwork sighted sling +11/+6BAB plus +2 Dex plus +1 enhancement (1d4+2+2 Str plus +0 enhancement; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 6050 ft. plus 25% sighted ft.) or
thrown needle +11BAB plus +2 Dex ranged touch (1 plus 1 bleed; increments 55 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 1010 ft. ft.)
Special Attacks +1 attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges up to 30 feet, channel positive energy 73 plus 2 Cha plus 2 Extra Channel/day (DC 1710 plus 1/2 cleric level plus 2 Cha [19 vs. undead], 6d6)
Aasimar Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +13)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +16)
7/daybattle rage (+5half cleric level), touch of glory (+11cleric level)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 11th; concentration +16)
6thblade barrierD (DC 21), heal (DC 21)
5thflame strikeD (2; DC 20), furious assault, righteous wrath of the faithful
4thbane weapon, blessing of fervor, communal protection from energy, divine powerD (DC 19), neutralize poison
3rdavoid grievous injury, communal resist energy (2), dispel magic, magic vestment, searing light
2nddistraction cascade (DC 17), divine insight, hold person (DC 17), lesser restoration, spiritual weaponD, weapon of awe
1stalter arrow's fortune (DC 16), anticipate weakness, astute fighting (2), divine favor, fate revealed, shield of faithD
0 (at will)create water, detect magic, mending, resistance
D Domain spell; Domains Glory, War
Str 1413 base, +0 race, +1 level, Dex 1513 base, +0 race, +0 level, +2 enhancement belt of incredible dexterity, Con 1414 base, +0 race, +0 level, Int 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 2015 base, +2 race, +1 level, +2 enhancement headband of unshakeable resolve , Cha 1513 base, +2 race, +0 level
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +10+8 BAB, +0 size, +2 Str; CMD 2410 +8 BAB, +0 size, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 deflection, +0 dodge
Traits Indomitable Faith, Resilient
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Bolster, DiehardB, Empower Channel Energy, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain, whip), Extra Channel, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Martial Weapon Proficiency (cat-o'-nine-tails, longsword), Point-Blank Shot, Selective Channeling, Shield Proficiency (light), Simple Weapon Proficiency (club, dagger, heavy mace, light mace, quaterstaff, sling), Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills +20 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Appraise +10 ranks, +1 Int, Bluff +42 ranks, +2 Cha, Climb +20 ranks, +2 Str, -0 armor, Diplomacy +1710 ranks, +2 Cha, +3 class skill, +2 racial, Disguise +20 ranks, +2 Cha, Escape Artist +20 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Fly +20 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Heal +81 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class skill, Intimidate +42 ranks, +2 Cha, Knowledge (arcana) +84 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (geography: Realmspace) +32 ranks, +1 Int, Knowledge (history: Realmspace) +84 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (planes) +128 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (religion: Wildspace) +1511 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill (+2 involving Kyuss), Knowledge (space) +76 ranks, +1 Int, Linguistics +62 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Perception +92 ranks, +5 Wis, +2 racial, Profession (spacehand) +113 ranks, +5 Wis, +3 class skill, Ride +20 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Sense Motive +113 ranks, +5 Wis, +3 class skill, Spellcraft +95 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class skill, Stealth +20 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Survival +61 ranks, +5 Wis, Swim +20 ranks, +2 Str, -0 armor; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
AcrobaticsLanguages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Semaphore
SQ aura, deadened flesh, greater mortified spellcasting, mortified spellcasting, scion of humanity, spontaneous casting
Combat Gear +1 flaming sling bullet (3), +1 frost sling bullet (3), bee mushroom, earth elemental gem, mushroom, minor now and later admixture, minor regroup admixture, oil of grease, oil of hold portal, potion of barkskin, potion of bear's endurance, potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of displacement, potion of invisibility, potion of remove curse, potion of remove disease, potion of resist energy (fire), potion of spider climb, potion of undetectable alignment, scroll of cure critical wounds (CL 14th), scroll of raise dead (CL 9th), scroll of speak with dead (CL 5th), scroll of speak with haunt (CL 7th), scroll of wind walk (CL 14th), smelling salt solution admixture, stardust elixir of cosmic acuity, stardust elixir of stellar insight, stardust elixir of void breathing, wand of cure moderate wounds (CL 5th; 25 charges), wand of lesser restoration (7 charges), whisk away admixture, adamantine weapon blanche (2), antitoxin, dung grenade (2), shadow paste, shriek bomb (3), tangleburn bag, tanglefoot bag (2), thunderstone, tindertwig (4)
Other Gear +2 longsword, boot knife, masterwork cat-o'-nine-tails, masterwork sighted sling with 40 bullets, +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 buckler (+2 shield, -0 ACP, 5% spell failure) (3), amulet of natural armor +1, belt of incredible dexterity +2, boots of humankind, cloak of resistance +1, handy haversack, headband of unshakeable resolve, mask of sweet air, ring of divine inspiration, ring of protection +2, robe of needles, canteen, cold-weather outfit, flint and steel, hip flask filled with applejack, manacles with simple lock and key, rope (50 ft.), scroll case, silver holy symbol of Valhallan pantheon (worth 25 gp), 477 pp, 30 gp, 1 sp, 6 cp
Battle Rage (Sp) As standard action, touch grants bonus on melee damage rolls equal to 1/2 cleric level (minimum +1) for 1 round.
Bolster Any creature healed by your channel energy gains +1 luck bonus on attack and damage rolls as well as a resistance bonus equal to your Wis modifier (minimum 1) to saves against fear for 1 round per die of channel energy healing.
Channel Positive Energy (Ex) As standard action, not provoking attack of opportunity, 30-ft. burst centered on cleric affecting either all living or all undead (choose one) in radius curing or inflicting damage respectively.
Deadened Flesh (Ex) Gain damage reduction that does not apply against self-inflicted wounds from mortified spellcasting or greater mortified spellcasting.
Diehard Automatically stabilize when hp total is below 0 but you are not dead. May choose to act as if disabled rather than dying. Must make decision immediately upon being reduced to negative hp. If you do not choose to act as if disabled, immediately fall unconscious. When using this feat, you are staggered. Can take move action, but if you perform standard action (or any other strenuous action, including some swift actions such as casting a quickened spell), you take 1 hp damage after completing the act. If your negative hp are equal to or greater than your Con score, you immediately die.
Empower Channel Energy When channeling energy, can expend a spell slot or prepared spell to deal or heal additional dice of damage equal to half level of expended spell (rounding down).
Equipment Descriptions
adamantine weapon blanche When poured on weapon and exposed to flame for full round, allow weapon (or 10 ammunition) to overcome damage reduction as adamantine for one successful hit.
antitoxin Consume to gain +5 alchemical bonus on Fort saves against poison for 1 hour.
bee mushroom Activate as standard action not provoking attacks of opportunity to gain 2d8 temporary hp. Until these temporary hp are depleted or 5 minutes pass, whichever comes first, gain Fly 15 ft. (good) and Climb 15 ft. speeds. Ends immediately if you make contact with water. Can end as move action if desired.
boot knife Add +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage; reduce enemy "natural" armor bonus (if any) by 1 (for purposes of resolving this attack only).
boots of humankind As standard action, choose to gain +3 enhancement bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, or Swim until you remove the boots or spend another standard action to reassign the bonus.
cat-o'-nine-tails Deals no damage to any creature with armor bonus +1 or higher or natural armor +3 or higher.
cold-weather outfit Gain +5 circumstance bonus on Fort saves against exposure to cold weather.
dung grenade Any creature directly hit or in splash radius takes 1d6 fire damage and is covered in guano becoming sickened for 1d4 rounds. A DC 15 Reflex save halves damage and sickened duration. Thrown as splash weapon with range of 10 feet.
earth elemental gem As standard action, break gem to summon Large elemental under your control as if by summon nature's ally for 11 rounds.
handy haversack As move action provoking attacks of opportunity, retrieve any specific item stored in bag. Two side pouches can each hold 2 cu. ft. of material weighing up to 20 lbs. Central pocket can hold 8 cu. ft. of material weighing up to 80 lbs. Pack always weighs only 5 lbs.
headband of unshakeable resolve 3/dayAs immediate action when you first suffer a fear effect, reduce effect by one step (panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, or shaken to negated). Also grants +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom (temporary ability bonus for first 24 hours).
manacles Can bind Medium creature, DC 30 Escape Artist, or break (DC 26 Str check). Has hardness 10 and 10 hp. Unlock with DC 20 Disable Device.
mask of sweet air Breathe freely in air fouled by smoke, dust, and fumes without fear of suffocation. Gain +5 bonus on saves against airborne stenches and inhaled poison.
minor now and later Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to cure 1d8+5 hp and gain +1 morale on attack rolls and saves against fear, and 1d8+5 temporary hp for 5 minutes.
minor regroup admixture Consume as a standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to cure 1d8+5 hp and gain +2 morale on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 7 minutes.
mushroom Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to cure 2d4 hp or increase your land speed by 20 ft. until start of your next turn.
ring of divine inspiration 1/dayAs full-round action, use your Knowledge (religion) in place of any other Knowledge skill check.
robe of needles 6/dayAs standard action, launch ranged touch attack with range of 10 ft. and 5 range increments dealing 1 piercing damage and 1 bleed damage. As full-round action, target can extra needle and end bleed effect. Needle destroyed upon miss or extraction. Robe regrows all spent needles each morning.
scroll case As move action, retrieve scroll. Hold 4; if more crammed inside retrieval becomes full-round action. Case must be destroyed to damage contents (hardness 2 for leather or 5 for wood; 2 hp; break DC 15). Not watertight.
shadow paste Take 1 minute to apply to skin, clothes, or armor and gain +4 alchemical bonus to Stealth checks for 1 hour and can make Stealth checks in normal or bright light (though not when already observed).
shriek bomb As move action, light fuse. As standard action, throw as splash weapon. Explodes in 1d3-1 rounds (0 means end of your turn) dealing 2d6 sonic damage in 10-ft.-radius burst (Fortitude DC 15 half). Thrown as splash weapon with range of 10 feet.
smelling salt solution Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to cure 2d8+3 hp and gain +4 enhancement Con for 3 minutes.
stardust elixir of cosmic acuity For 1 hour, gain +4 insight bonus on AC against attacks from aberrations and saving throws against spells and abilities used by aberrations.
stardust elixir of stellar insight For 1 hour, gain +5 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks.
stardust elixir of void breathing For 24 hours, gain cold resistance 5, breathe freely underwater or in a vacuum and immune to gases, vapors, inhaled diseases, inhaled poisons, and similar spell effects such as cloudkill or stinking cloud. Neither you nor equipment harmed by temperatures between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit and no Fort saves due to temperature are necessary.
tangleburn bag Throw as ranged touch with range increment of 10 ft. against Large or smaller target. Target hit takes -2 penalty on attack rolls and -4 penalty to Dex and must make DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to floor, unable to move. On successful save, move only half speed. Winged flying creature is not stuck to floor but must make DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly and fall to ground. Direct hit also deals 1d6 fire damage and target must save (DC 20 Reflex) or catch fire. For 2 rounds, extinguishing these flames is a DC 25 Reflex save, and using water in the attempt causes a burst of flames like alchemist's fire making a direct hit plus splash damage. After 2 rounds, DC 15 Reflex save and water works normally.
tanglefoot bag Throw as ranged touch with range increment of 10 ft. against Large or smaller target. Target hit takes -2 penalty on attack rolls and -4 penalty to Dex and must make DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to floor, unable to move. On successful save, move only half speed. Winged flying creature is not stuck to floor but must make DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly and fall to ground.
thunderstone Throw as ranged attack with range increment of 20 ft. When striking hard surface (or is struck), each creature in 10-ft.-radius must make DC 15 Fort save or be deafened for 1 hour. Aiming at a particular 5-ft. square is against AC 5.
whisk away Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to gain invisibility and 60 ft. fly (good) and +2 bonus on Fly skill checks for 5 minutes. If flight expires while aloft, float downward 60 ft. per round for 1d6 rounds.
Greater Mortified Spellcasting (Ex) As swift action, inflict upon yourself 2 hp damage/spell level to cast spell in same round as 2 levels higher or increase DC by +2 (neither affects casting time). Stacks with Heighten Spell and Spell Focus. Cannot use temporary hit points to power spells in this manner.
Improved Unarmed Strike You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.
Mortified Spellcasting (Ex) As swift action, inflict upon yourself 1 hp damage/spell level to cast spell in same round as 1 level higher or increase DC by +1 (neither affects casting time). Stacks with Heighten Spell and Spell Focus. Cannot use temporary hit points to power spells in this manner.
Scion of Humanity (Ex) Count as outsider (native) and humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. Can pass for human without using the Disguise skill.
Selective Channeling When channeling energy, choose a number of targets in area up to your Cha modifier. These targets are not affected.
Spontaneous Casting "Lose" any prepared cleric spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower.
Touch of Glory (Sp) As standard action, touch grants bonus equal to cleric level on single Cha-based skill check or Cha ability check for 1 hour or until creature touched applies the bonus to a roll.
Height 6'; Weight 200 lbs.; Hair Black; Eyes Gold; Skin Pale; Tattoos sick catman on left arm; Age 20; Religion Valhallan Pantheon; Homeland Realmspace; Favored Class Cleric
Defeated Enemies Advanced Arachnoid Manticore, Advanced Gauth Beholderkin Goon, Advanced Gray Ooze Goon, Avolakia, Bob-omb, Brown Scavver, Chunin Ninja Magus, Dastardly Cad Goon, Devouring Maws Haunt, Drow Raider (2), Gray Scavver, Green Hammer Brother Lackey, Hobgoblin Marauder Goon, Mohrg, Ogrillon Pugilist, Resilient Fire Giant Skeleton, Rodent of Unusual Size Lackey (2), Space Stingray, Tengu Ruffian, Tragic Spectre, Void Turtle-Shark, Wasp Swarm
Defining Characteristic Views himself as selfless, but he is deeply flawed and seeks to be better.
Table: Contacts | |||
Name | Contact Type | Location | Notes |
Eira Shadowthorn | Contact | Tarvin, Ginsel, Greyspace | F Human Sylvar-Loyalist Thief |
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Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Phoenix Gaming Club 2022-2025 | DM Charles W. Plemons III 98 Games Played | Last Played 02/18/2025 | Created 04/25/2022 | Played by Chris Harmon |