A Chronoshift: Spelljammer Character


Male half-hobgoblin slayer 11

NG Medium humanoid (goblinoid, human)

Init +3+3 Dex; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17 (+22 locating traps)


AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 natural); +3 vs. traps

hp 129 (11d10+5511d10 slayer, +22 Con, +11 Favored Class, +11 Toughness feat, +11 ring of vigor)

Fort +11+7 base, +2 Con, +2 cloak of resistance, Ref +12+7 base, +3 Dex, +2 cloak of resistance (+3 vs. traps), Will +6+3 base, +1 Wis, +2 cloak of resistance; NOTE: ossuary mask provides resistance bonus to Will save but overlapped with cloak

Defense contingent spell (breath of life), trap sense +3+3 as rogue level 11


Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -10 ft. armor, +10 ft. boots of dwarvenkind (6 squares)


+1 corrosive hurtful scythe +16/+11/+6BAB plus +4 Str plus +1 enhancement (2d6+8+6 1.5x Str plus +2 enhancement/19-20/x4 plus 1d6 acid) or

masterwork light flail +16/+11/+6BAB plus +4 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d8+4+4 Str plus +0 enhancement) or

masterwork dagger +16/+11/+6BAB plus +4 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d4+4+4 Str plus +0 enhancement/19-20)


masterwork composite longbow +15/+10/+5BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 enhancement (1d8+4+4 Str/x3; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 110110 ft. ft.) or

thrown masterwork dagger +15BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 enhancement (1d4+4+4 Str/19-20; increments 55 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 1010 ft. ft.)

Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6+3d6 slayer plus 1d6 Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat, studied target (move or swift action, 3 targets, +3, increase DCs by 3)


Str 1817 base, +0 race, +1 level, Dex 1615 base, +0 race, +1 level, Con 1412 base, +0 race, +0 level, +2 enhancement belt of mighty constitution, Int 2014 base, +2 race, +0 level, +4 enhancement headband of vast intelligence, Wis 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Cha 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB +15+11 BAB, +0 size, +4 Str (+22CMB plus +2 Greater Trip plus +2 Improved Trip +3 Dex from Fury's Fall trip); CMD 2910 +11 BAB, +0 size, +4 Str, +3 Dex, +1 deflection, +0 dodge, -0 armor check penalty (31CMD plus +2 Improved Trip vs. trip)

Traits Avid Reader (Knowledge [space: Greyspace]), Dirty Fighter

Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Combat Expertise, Fury's Fall, Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), Shield Proficiency (all; except tower shields), Simple Weapon Proficiency (all), Toughness

Skills (armor check penalty -0-0 armor, -0 shield); Acrobatics +1711 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Appraise +125 ranks, +5 Int, +2 competence ossuary mask, Bluff +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Climb +1811 ranks, +4 Str, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Diplomacy +55 ranks, +0 Cha, Disable Device +2411 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, +2 circumstance masterwork thieves' tools, +5 trapfinding, -0 armor, Disguise +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Escape Artist +1411 ranks, +3 Dex, -0 armor, Fly +00 ranks, +3 Dex, -0 armor, Heal +00 ranks, +1 Wis, Intimidate +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +150 ranks, 7 background ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (local: Greyspace) +190 ranks, 11 virtual ranks headband of vast intelligence, +5 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (nature) +160 ranks, 11 virtual ranks headband of vast intelligence, +5 Int, Knowledge (space: Greyspace) +160 ranks, 11 background ranks, +5 Int, Perception +1711 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, +2 competence ossuary mask (+22 locating traps), Profession (spacehand) +100 ranks, 6 background ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Ride +126 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, -0 armor, Sense Motive +1711 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, +2 competence ossuary mask, Stealth +2111 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill, +4 racial, -0 armor, Survival +1511 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill (+20 following tracks), Swim +136 ranks, +4 Str, +3 class skill, -0 armor; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth

Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Semaphore, Undercommon

SQ advanced talents, slayer talents (jaguar's grace, jaguar's pounce, reaping stalker, trap spotter, trapfinding), stalker, swift tracker, track +51/2 slayer level, trapfinding +51/2 slayer level

Combat Gear major quick fix admixture, oil of align weapon (lawful), potion of astute fighting (CL 10th) (2), potion of blur, potion of cure moderate wounds (3), potion of enlarge person, potion of invisibility, potion of lesser restoration, potion of pass without trace, potion of remove disease, ultra mushroom, whisk away admixture, 20 arrows, 20 blunt arrows

Other Gear +1 greater maneuvering speed breastplate (+7 armor, +3 max Dex, -0 ACP, 25% spell failure, 20 ft. speed), +1 corrosive hurtful scythe, +1 striking knaxe, masterwork composite (+4 Str) longbow, masterwork dagger, masterwork light flail, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of mighty constitution +2, boots of dwarvenkind, cloak of resistance +2, counterstrike bracers, formless vest, gloves of manual prowess, headband of vast intelligence +4 (Knowledge [local: Greyspace], Knowledge [nature]), lenses of situational sight, ossuary mask, quick runner's shirt, ring of protection +1, ring of vigor, masterwork thieves' tools, 368 pp, 4 gp


Avid Reader Choose one Knowledge skill; you can always choose to take 10 with that skill, even when distracted or threatened.

Combat Expertise Choose to take a -3-1 plus -1 per 4 BAB penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +3+1 plus +1 per 4 BAB dodge bonus to AC. Can only be used when making an attack or full-attack action with a melee weapon. Effect lasts until your next turn.

Contigent Spell (breath of life) When slain by hp damage, immediately affected by breath of life (CL 10th).

Dirty Fighter When you hit a foe you are flanking, deal 1 additional point of damage (added to base damage and multiplied on critical hit).

Dual Heritage (Ex) Count as both human and hobgoblin for any effect related to race.

Equipment Descriptions

boots of dwarvenkind Gain 10 ft. enhancement bonus to movement rate if wearing armor that encumbers as medium or heavy armor, or if in medium or heavy encumbrance.

counterstrike bracers 2/day—As immediate action after an enemy misses you with a melee attack, take an attack of opportunity (even if you have none remaining for the round) before enemy takes any other actions or attacks.

formless vest 1/day—As immediate action, take half damage dealt by critical hit or sneak attack.

gloves of manual prowess Item has 3 charges that recharge daily. As swift action, spend 1, 2, or 3 charges to gain competence bonus on next Dex-based skill check you make within the next round (cannot take 10 or 20): 1 charge for +5, 2 charges for +7, or 3 charges for +10.

greater maneuvering special armor ability Armor check penalty reduced to 0.

hurtful special weapon ability Weapon's enhancement bonus to damage is +1 higher.

lenses of situational sight As standard action, adjust one, two, or three lenses into or out of position. Each lens can be used up to 10 minutes in 1-minute increments before permanently losing magical properties. Green lens grants detect magic without need to concentrate. Pink lens grants ability to see invisibility. Purple lens grants 60 ft. darkvision or increases existing darkvision by 60 ft.

major quick defense admixture Consume as a standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to gain +4 armor bonus for 6 hours. Gain +3 enhancement natural armor for 60 minutes and +3 deflection bonus to AC and CMD for 6 minutes.

ossuary mask Wearer gains +2 competence bonus on Appraise, Perception, and Sense Motive checks as well as +2 resistance bonus on Will saves (factored in above).

quick runner's shirt 1/day—As swift action, take additional move action on your turn.

ring of vigor Gain +1 enhancement bonus hp per level or HD. Must be worn a week before this benefit is gained, and if removed another week is required.

speed special armor ability 3/day—As swift action, command armor to produce haste effect on you for 1 round.

striking mastercraft template Gain +2 circumstance bonus to confirm critical hit with this weapon.

whisk away admixture Consume as standard action provoking attacks of opportunity to gain invisibility and 60 ft. fly (good) and +2 bonus on Fly skill checks for 5 minutes. If flight expires while aloft, float downward 60 ft. per round for 1d6 rounds.

Greater Trip When you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity.

Improved Trip You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver.

Slayer Talents Only one talent that adds effects to sneak attack can be applied to an individual attack, and the decision of which to use must be made before the attack roll is made.

Jaguar's Grace (Ex) Deal nonlethal damage with lethal weapon without suffering -4 attack penalty. Can be used to apply nonlethal sneak attack damage.

Jaguar's Pounce (Ex) As immediate action, when you deal sneak attack damage, attempt disarm or trip combat maneuver as if target were flat-footed (losing Dex bonus to CMD) without provoking AoO.

Reaping Stalker (Ex) Treat any sickle or scythe wielded as one size category larger for determining damage dice and increase critical threat range by 1; does not stack with any other effect increasing threat range.

Trap Spotter (Ex) When you come within 10 ft. of a trap, receive immediate Perception check (rolled secretly by GM) to notice.

Sneak Attack (Ex) Attack deals extra damage anytime target is denied Dex bonus to AC, or when flanking a target. Extra damage not multiplied on critical hit. Ranged attacks must be within 30 ft. Must be able to see and reach a vital spot. Cannot sneak attack a creature with concealment.

Stalker (Ex) Gain studied target bonus on Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth checks against studied opponents.

Studied Target (Ex) As move or swift action, study up to 3 targets and gain +3 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls and Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival check against targets. The DCs of slayer class abilities against these targets increase by 3. Bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or new target studied. May discard connection to a studied target as free action. If you deal sneak attack damage to a target, can study target as an immediate action and apply studied target bonuses to that attack.

Swift Tracker (Ex) Move at normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking normal -5 penalty. Take only -10 penalty (instead of normal -20 penalty) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Trap Sense (Ex) Gain bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps and dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.

Trapfinding Add bonus to Perception skill checks to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (factored into Skills section above). Can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Height 5'9"; Weight 155 lbs.; Hair Mahogany; Eyes Brown; Skin Reddish Orange; Age 22; Religion Chain Breakers; Homeland Greyspace; Favored Class Slayer

Defeated Enemies Guild Foxclaw (2), Half-Goblin Hooligan (2), Rodent of Unusual Size, Toothy Transmuter

Defining Characteristic Tactical preparation.

History Finch was born and has lived his entire life in and across Greyspace. He was born on the planet Oerth and that’s where he stayed from birth until adulthood, when he wanted to go beyond his planet and explore the great beyond. As a young adult, he worked at different ports as security, a peace officer in the town of Bonanza, brief stint as a travelling rodeo rider, professional entertainment escape artist, and went on to become an adventurer and mercenary. Finch is a natural athlete, spending his down time swimming, climbing, learning to ride various big, rambunctious animals. He knows how to be self-reliant and provide for himself and teammates in battle and in times of dire need. Capable of being incredibly stealthy, Finch can sneak up on people, is extremely observant, and a loyal, hardworking individual. Recently he has been looking for more of a permanent adventuring crew to fight alongside with, explore, and of course get unbelievably wealthy with.

As a warrior, he prides himself with his bond to the scythe. Growing up on a vast farm with wheat field as far as the eye can see, he spent his early days harvesting crops and baling hay. There he learned just how effective the scythe can be, not only at the farms, but also to taking down his enemies. Finch is an avid reader, dirty fighter, and doesn’t like to play fair. Instead, he uses flanking and trip maneuvers to gain advantage and make his opponents think twice about trying to take him one on one.

Future Level-Up Plans: Combat Reflexes for additional attacks of opportunity per round.

Table: Contacts
Name Contact Type Location Notes
Kael Fenstrom Contact Tarvin, Ginsel, Greyspace M Half-Elf Treasure Hunter

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