A Chronoshift: Spelljammer Character


Female old dragonborn oracle (seer) 9 / cloaked dancer 1

CG Medium humanoid (human, reptilian)

Init +3-1 Dex plus +4 Improved Initiative; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6


AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +1 deflection, -1 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 62 (10d8+109d8 oracle, 1d8 cloaked dancer, +0 Con, +10 Favored Class, +0 Toughness feat)

Fort +4+3 base, +0 Con, +1 cloak of resistance (+4 vs. nonlethal from cold), Ref +4+4 base, -1 Dex, +1 cloak of resistance, Will +8+6 base, +1 Wis, +1 cloak of resistance; +4 vs. paralysis and sleep, +1 vs. Kyuss create spawn effects

Defensive Abilities 25%50% at 10th level, 75% at 15th chance to negate critical hits; Immune fatigue; Resist cold 5


Speed 20 ft.30 ft. base, -10 ft. armor (4 squares)


darkwood quarterstaff +6/+1BAB plus -1 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d6-1-1 Str plus +0 enhancement) or

grooved masterwork silver dagger +6/+1BAB plus -1 Str plus +1 enhancement (1d4-2-1 Str plus +0 enhancement plus -1 alchemical silver/19-20)


blowgun +5/+1BAB plus -1 Dex (1d2+0+0 enhancement; increments 105 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 2020 ft. ft.) or

dart +5BAB plus -1 Dex (1d4-1-1 Str plus +0 enhancement; increments 55 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 2020 ft. ft.) or

thrown grooved masterwork silver dagger +6BAB plus -1 Dex plus +1 masterwork (1d4-2-1 Str plus +0 enhancement plus -1 alchemical silver; increments 55 = thrown/early firearm | 10 = projectile; range 1010 ft. ft.)

Special Attacks enchanting dance 11/day per cloaked dancer level/day (beguiling dance [DC 1710 plus 1 cloaked dancer plus Cha modifier])

Oracle Spells Known (CL 9th [11thLasting Caster feat determining spell duration]; concentration +15)

4th (□□□□□/day)—blessing of fervor, recitationF, scryingF (DC 20)

3rd (□□|□□□□□/day)—blessed mantle, clairaudience/clairvoyance, cure serious wounds, haste, prayer, sudden slip (DC 19)

2nd (□□□|□□□□□/day)—close wounds, detect thoughts (DC 18), distracting divination (DC 18), distraction cascade (DC 18), divine protection, seer's reaction

1st (□□□|□□□□□/day)—alter arrow's fortune (DC 17), bane (DC 17), bless, firebelly (DC 17), remove fear, resurgence, voidmote (DC 17)

0 (at will)—detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, guidance, light, mending, read magic, vigor, virtue

Mystery Old Gods; F requires focus


Str 811 base, +0 race, +0 level, -3 age, Dex 914 base, -2 race, +0 level, -3 age, Con 1112 base, +2 race, +0 level, -3 age, Int 1613 base, +0 race, +1 level, +2 age, Wis 1311 base, +0 race, +0 level, +2 age, Cha 2316 base, +2 race, +1 level, +2 age, +2 enhancement headband of alluring charisma

Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +5+6 BAB, +0 size, -1 Str; CMD 1510 +6 BAB, +0 size, -1 Str, -1 Dex, +1 deflection, +0 dodge, -0 armor check penalty

Traits Cold Fortitude, Sacred Touch

Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Craft Wand, Draconic Aspect (white)B, Extra Revelation, Extra Spells Known, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Lasting Caster, Shield Proficiency (all except tower shields), Simple Weapon Proficiency

Skills (armor check penalty -0-0 armor, -0 shield); Acrobatics -10 ranks, -1 Dex, -0 armor, Appraise +52 ranks, +3 Int, Bluff +145 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill, Climb +01 ranks, -1 Str, -0 armor, Diplomacy +167 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill, Disguise +60 ranks, +6 Cha, Escape Artist -10 ranks, -1 Dex, -0 armor, Fly -10 ranks, -1 Dex, -0 armor, Heal +117 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Intimidate +101 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill, Knowledge (arcana) +148 ranks, +3 Int, +3 class skill, Knowledge (religion: Wildspace) +104 ranks, +3 Int, +3 class skill (+2 involving Kyuss), Linguistics +41 ranks, +3 Int (+9 identifying forgeries), Perception +65 ranks, +1 Wis, Perform (dance) +2110 ranks, +6 Cha, +5 competence from scarf of the suggestive dance, Perform (sing) +115 ranks, +6 Cha, Profession (forture teller) +1410 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Ride +01 ranks, -1 Dex, -0 armor, Sense Motive +51 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, Sleight of Hand +34 ranks, -1 Dex, -0 armor, Spellcraft +148 ranks, +3 Int, +3 class skill, Stealth +34 ranks, -1 Dex, -0 armor, Survival +21 ranks, +1 Wis, Swim +10 ranks, -1 Str, -0 armor, Use Magic Device +156 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Semaphore

SQ oracle's curse (lame), revelations (eldritch knowledge, from beyond, gift of prophecy 1/day, natural divination [31/day plus 1 per 4 oracle levels/day])

Combat Gear frog suit, oil of grease, oil of hold portal (2), oil of wood shape, potion of barkskin, potion of cure light wounds (6), potion of cure moderate wounds (6), potion of hide from animals (8), potion of resist energy (electricity), scroll of speak with haunt (CL 7th), scroll of raise dead (CL 9th), wand of cure serious wounds (23 charges), wand of magic missile (CL 9th; 17 charges; requires Use Magic Device check), blowgun darts (10), darts (42)

Other Gear darkleaf cloth leaf armor, blowgun, darkwood quarterstaff, grooved masterwork silver dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, burglar's bracers, circlet of persuasion, cloak of resistance +1, death's will gloves, handy haversack, headband of alluring charisma +2, mnemonic vestment, one-third league boots, page of spell knowledge (bless), quick runner's shirt, ring of protection +1, ring of sustenance, scarf of the suggestive dance, spectacles of understanding, canteen, cold-weather outfit, flint and steel, holy symbol tattoo, holy text (worth 25 gp), manacles with simple lock and key, rope (50 ft.), silver mirror (worth 1,000 gp), 646 pp, 1,204 gp, 5 sp


Dragon Blood (Ex) Count as both dragons and humans for any effect related to race.

Enchanting Dance (Su) /day—As standard action while wearing light or no armor and carrying light load, start an enchanting dance with one of the effects below on those who can observe you within the appropriate range. Concentrate each round to maintain effect up to cloaked dancer level + Con modifier rounds (minimum 1). The save DC equals 10 + cloaked dancer level + Cha modifier; regardless of saving throw result, a creature cannot be affected by your enchanting dance again for 24 hours. This is an enchantment (compulsion) mind-affecting ability.

Beguiling Dance When you start or maintain this dance, all enemies within 30 ft. who can see you must succeed on a Will save or be dazed for 1 round and have attitude toward you improved by one step as long as you maintain the dance.

Equipment Descriptions

burglar's bracers On command, transform to and from masterwork thieves' tools. /day—While using tools or wearing bracers, can take 10 on single Disable Device check, even when in immediate danger or distracted.

circlet of persuasion Gain +3 competence bonus on Charisma-based checks.

cold-weather outfit Gain +5 circumstance bonus on Fort saves against exposure to cold weather.

death's will gloves As swift action, deliver stream of poison as ranged touch attack at target within 30 ft. As full-round action, provoking attacks of opportunity, refill glove. Gain +4 competence bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal poisons or toxins on your body.

frog suit Activate as standard action not provoking attacks of opportunity to gain 2d8 temporary hp. Until these temporary hp are depleted or 5 minutes pass, whichever comes first, gain +20 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump and Swim 30 ft.; however, land speed maximum becomes 15 ft. Can end as move action if desired.

grooved mastercraft template Applied poison lasts two hits but gives +2 circumstance bonus to save; negates poison use and doubles chances of poisoning self.

handy haversack As move action provoking attacks of opportunity, retrieve any specific item stored in bag. Two side pouches can each hold 2 cu. ft. of material weighing up to 20 lbs. Central pocket can hold 8 cu. ft. of material weighing up to 80 lbs. Pack always weighs only 5 lbs.

manacles Can bind Medium creature, DC 30 Escape Artist, or break (DC 26 Str check). Has hardness 10 and 10 hp. Unlock with DC 20 Disable Device.

mnemonic vestment /day—A spontaneous caster may use a spell slot to cast a spell from a written source (such as a scroll or spellbook) as if he knew the spell. The spell must be on your spell list, a spell level equal or lower than the expended spell slot, and of the same type (ex., arcane, divine) as the spell slot expended. Caster must understand the written source (such as using Spellcraft or read magic) and be carrying it. Activating this item is part of the action of casting the spell as normal, including casting time, providing components and foci, and so on. The written source is not consumed.

one-third league boots /day—Make a mighty jump to horizontally leap up to 1 mile away (at 120 ft. per round) or 1,320 ft. up (at 60 ft. per round) or down (at 240 ft. per round). Cannot use if falling; must jump from standing position. When leaping horizontally, you reach a height one-quarter distance jumped; if you hit an anchored or massive object, you fall. While airborne, you may only take a single free, swift, or immediate action each round. If you can see your end destination (and nothing interferes), you eventually land there safely. If you are leaping blindly, you choose a direction and distance but must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check (adjusted for local conditions or situations like landing in water) to land on your feet or fall prone.

quick runner's shirt /day—As swift action, take additional move action on your turn.

ring of sustenance Continually provides life-sustaining nourishment. Wearer only needs 2 hours of sleep to gain benefit of 8 hours of rest; can prepare spells after 2 hours but still only once per day. Must be worn one full week to attune; if removed, must reattune.

scarf of the suggestive dance Grants +5 competence bonus on Perform (dance) check (included in Skills above). Adds +1 saving throw DC to wearer's fascinate and suggestion bardic performances.

spectacles of understanding When worn, any languages read convert to one language you know, as comprehend languages. Gain +5 bonus to Linguistics checks to identify forgeries and can make such checks untrained (factored into Skills above).

Improved Unarmed Strike You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Lasting Caster Treat caster level as two levels higher when determining spell duration.

Oracle's Curse (lame) (Ex) Reduce base speed by 10 ft.

Revelations Unless otherwise noted, activating a revelation is a standard action.

Eldritch Knowledge (Su) At 7th level and every three levels thereafter, add one sorcerer/wizard spell of a level you can cast to your list of known spells in addition to what you gain from normal level advancement. Once chosen, spell cannot be changed.

From Beyond (Ex) Gain 25%50% at 10th level, 75% at 15th chance of negating critical hit scored against you.

Gift of Prophecy (Su) /day—Enter 1 minute uninterrupted trance taking no other actions and gain benefit of divination spell at 90% effectiveness. Requires no material components.

Natural Divination (Ex) □□□/day—Take 10 minutes to read entrails of freshly killed animal or humanoid and gain insight bonus equal to Charisma modifier on one saving throw. Alternately, take 10 minutes to observe flights of birds and apply +10 competence bonus on any one skill check. Alternately, take 10 minutes to chart marks in dirt or behavior of sand in wind to gain +4 insight bonus to Initiative. Bonuses must be used in the next 24 hours, and you must declare you are using the bonus before check or save is rolled.

Sacred Touch As standard action, stabilize dying creature by touch.

Shared Heritage (Ex) Count as kobold for qualifying for the following feats: Draconic Aspect, Mixed Scales, Draconic Breath, Draconic Glide, Draconic Magic, and Draconic Paragon and can choose from metallic or chromatic dragons.

Height 5 ft. 7 in.; Weight 220 lbs.; Hair None; Eyes Green; Skin White; Tattoos red and gold dragon on rump, House Ozamata crane on arm; Age 120; Religion : Resplendent Order of the Illuminated Path; Homeland Edill, Greyspace; Favored Class Oracle

Defeated Enemies Bob-omb (3), Bowser, Forest Drake, Grievous Festrog, Hobgoblin Ranger, Koopa Troopa Goon, Magikoopa, Orc Mystic Goon, Void Bonesucker

Defining Characteristic A lovable old lady that doesn't take herself too seriously but genuinely cares about others.

History I've been around for a bit and I've seen some things. But what time has taught me is to enjoy your life--don't let it pass you by. Just cause you get a glimpse of the future, it doesn't mean it'll actually happen. When I was younger, I had a vision of being a banker. No thank you! It's a lot more fun running around the galaxies and fighting bad guys. You gotta dig a little deeper to figure out what is really important to you. Go your own way and do your own thing.

Future Level-Up Plans: Take Cloaked Dancer prestige class. Keep in mind to always put maximum ranks in Perform (dance) once taking Cloaked Dancer because abilities are based upon skill ranks.

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