Init +2+0 Dex, +2 priest; Senses darkvision I, Notice +5

Action Dice 6d6


Defense 16, flat-footed 16 (+6 priest)

Fort +8+4 base, +4 Con, Ref +2+2 base, +0 Dex, Will +7+4 base, +3 Wis; +2 vs. disease and poison

DR 2thick hide 2/—

Statistics, Injuries, & Conditions

Vitality 9163 priest + 28 Con/level; Wounds 27Con modifier x 1.5

Subdual     (fatigued    ); Stress     (shaken    )

Str 1312 base, +0 race, +1 level, Dex 1012 base, -2 race, +0 level, Con 1814 base, +4 race, +0 level, Int 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1716 base, +0 race, +0 level +1 Masks of God (Perceptive), Cha 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +5


Speed 20 ft.20 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Reach 1 (3 with long staff)

Melee long staff +7BAB plus +1 Str plus 1 forte (1d8+1+1 Str subdual/18-20) or
dagger +7BAB plus +1 Str plus 1 forte (1d6+1+1 Str/17-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt])

Ranged dagger +5BAB plus +0 Dex (1d6+1+1 Str/17-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt])

Special Attacks beguiling

Path Spells (CL 7th)

1/scene—cure wounds II, cure wounds IV, heal, mass cure wounds II, neutralize poison, restoration I

Paths Life IV

Special Qualities acolyte, devout, encouragement, enlightened crafting, free hint, improved stability, masks of god (perceptive), practiced impress, restricted actions (Kick actions, Jump, Swim), signs & portents I, whirlwind guard

Proficiencies, Skills, & Interests

Proficiencies bow; Forte blunt, edged, unarmed; Ritual Weapon long staff


Basic Combat Feats—Combat Focus, Wolf Pack Basics

Chance Feats—Fortune Favors the Bold

Gear Feats—Bandage

Melee Combat Feats—Staff Basics

Skill Feats—Well-Rounded

Skills Acrobatics +00 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Athletics +10 ranks, +1 Str, -0 armor, Blend +65 ranks, +1 Cha, Bluff +10 ranks, +1 Cha, Crafting (cooking, stonecutting) +55 ranks, +0 Int, Disguise +10 ranks, +1 Cha, -0 armor disguise penalty, Haggle +30 ranks, +3 Wis, Impress +87 ranks, +1 Cha, Intimidate +30 ranks, +3 Wis, Investigate +30 ranks, +3 Wis, Medicine +1010 ranks, +0 Int, Notice +52 ranks, +3 Wis, Prestidigitation +00 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Resolve +95 ranks, +4 Con, -0 armor, Ride +22 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Search +33 ranks, +0 Int, Sense Motive +74 ranks, +3 Wis, Sneak +55 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Survival +107 ranks, +3 Wis, Tactics +55 ranks, +0 Int; Origin Skills Crafting, Survival

Studies Tribe of Flame (Dwarven) History

Alignment Nagetaka

Languages Mitayune (literate), Nutauyune (literate), Tlatollehi (illiterate)

Character Demographics

XP Earned 25,001 of 40,000

Male dwarf priest 7


Medium folk

Height 4 ft. 2 in., Weight 185 lbs., Hair Black, Eyes Brown, Skin Tanned, Age 49


Panache 31 from Charisma, 2 from priest; Prudence 22 from priest

Appearance Bonus +1+1 panache; Money Saved/Earned 25%25% prudence; Income 30s30s panache

Reputation & Renown

Legend +6+6 priest; Reputation 1040 for class level 4; Renown 11

Heroic Renown 11 purchased for 30 reputation (Coup-Counter); Military Renown 0x; Noble Renown 0x


Combat Gear None

Other Gear dagger (bleed, hurl), long staff (reach +1, trip), backpack, canteen, cook's kit, hemp rope (50 ft.), pouch, rations (7 days)

Coin In Hand 7s

Stake None

Special Abilities

Acolyte Gain ritual weapon at no cost which may not be sold. If lost or destroyed, it's replaced at no cost at the end of the next Downtime lasting 1 day or more.

Bandage You gain Medicine as an Origin Skill and your Medicine checks are trained even when you lack a doctor's bag. When you have a doctor's bag you may Mend each character one additional time per day.

Beguiling When you successfully Taunt a character, you may decline the standard result to have your target become fixated on you for 1d6 rounds. Special characters and villains may spend 1 action die to cancel this effect and become immune to this ability for the rest of the scene.

Combat Focus 1once per Basic Combat feat possessed (minimum 1)/scene—Double one of your attribute bonuses for a single attack, damage roll, or save.

Darkvision I Ignore the effects of dim and faint light.

Devout When you fail an attack check with your ritual weapon or a skill check with a Priest class skill and don’t suffer an error, you may spend an action die to re-roll the check. You may use this ability only once per check.

Encouragement 1/scene—Speak to 1 of your teammates for 1 minute to grant +1 morale bonus with saving throws until the end of the current scene.

Enlightened Crafting Your maximum Crafting rank increases to your Career Level + 5.

Fortune Favors the Bold When you roll an action die, the result increases by 2. Bonus added only once regardless of exploding action dice.

Free Hint 1/session—Request a free hint from the GM. If he refuses, gain 1 bonus action die.

Improved Stability You're considered 1 Size category larger for carrying capacity, Trample attacks, and resisting Bull Rush and Trip attempts so long as you are standing firmly on the ground and not climbing, flying, or riding.

Practiced Impress If you spend an action die to boost an Impress check and it still fails, gain the die back after the action is resolved. Against multiple targets, only regain the die if the check fails against all of them.

Restricted Actions Kick attacks, as well as Jump and Swim checks you make are considered untrained.

Signs & Portents I 5once per starting Action Dice/adventure (not session)—As 1-minute action, request a free hint from the GM. If he refuses, gain 1 bonus action die.

Whirling Guard (Stance) Standard characters cannot flank you.

Wolf Pack Basics Gain additional +2 bonus (+4 total) when attacking flanked opponent.

Defeated Enemies Skulltula

History Stands-on-Spiders has lost everything with the coming of the Ghula. All members of his family were killed by the iron-wielding Keepers of the Gate, and he has vowed to drive them from his ancestral lands or die trying. He is a healer by trade but has focused on combative skills with his staff of late.

Fantasy Craft Roleplaying Game | SAVAGE! Campaign | Phoenix Gaming Club — 2015 | DM — Charles W. Plemons III
Based Upon Epoch Campaign Setting | Modified by Kaliegh Belda and Charles Plemons
1 Games Played | Last Played 06/28/2016 | Created 03/01/2015 | Played by Parker Harmon