Init +5+0 Dex, +5 soldier; Senses Notice +3

Action Dice 6d6


Defense 16, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor use II, -0 DP, -1 size, +5 soldier)

Fort +7+4 base, +3 Con, Ref +2+2 base, +0 Dex, Will +7+6 base, +1 Wis

Defensive Abilities sterner stuff; DR 5/—4 hardened leather armor + 1 Fortune of War I (6/— during dramatic scene); Resist fire 5

Statistics, Injuries, & Conditions

Vitality 12096 + 24 from soldier; Wounds 241.5 x 16 Con

Subdual     (fatigued    ); Stress     (shaken    )

Str 1616 base, +0 race, +0 level, Dex 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level, Con 1614 base, +0 race, +2 level, Int 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Cha 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +8


Speed 50 ft.50 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Reach 2

Melee superior axe +12BAB plus +3 Str plus +1 forte (1d10+7+3 Str plus +1 Crunch! plus +1 superior plus +2 toothed necklace of the predator/18-20 plus AP 2 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]) or
superior great club +12BAB plus +3 Str plus +1 forte (2d6+7+3 Str plus +1 Crunch! plus +1 superior plus +2 toothed necklace of the predator/18-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt] plus massive) or
trample +12BAB plus +3 Str plus +1 forte (1d10+6+3 Str plus +1 Crunch! plus +2 toothed necklace of the predator/18-20) or
unarmed +12BAB plus +3 Str plus +1 forte (1d4+6+3 Str plus +1 Crunch! plus +2 toothed necklace of the predator)

Special Attacks accurate, crunch!, harsh beating, shove, trample I (1d10 lethal, threat 18-20), weapon specialist (most deadly)

Special Qualities armor use I, improved stability, paired skills (Athletics, Impress)

Proficiencies, Skills, & Interests

Proficiencies bows; Forte blunt, edged, hurled, unarmed; Ritual Weapon throwing spear


Basic Combat Feats—Armor Basics, Combat Instincts, Contempt

Melee Combat Feats—All-Out Attack, Club Basics, Club Mastery

Skill Feats—Basic Skill Mastery (Officer)

Terrain Feats—Animal Partner (55animal 50 XP plus + 5 XP / Terrain feat)

Unarmed Combat Feats—Rage BasicsB

Skills Acrobatics +33 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Athletics +118 ranks, +3 Str, -0 armor, Blend +10 ranks, +1 Cha, Bluff +10 ranks, +1 Cha, Crafting (carving, stonecutting) +54 ranks, +1 Int, Disguise -30 ranks, +1 Cha, -4 armor disguise penalty, Haggle +10 ranks, +1 Wis, Impress +98 bonus ranks from paired skill, +1 Cha, Intimidate +127 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 insight, +2 morale from Rage Basics (+15 when holding a readied club; 19-20), Investigate +10 ranks, +1 Wis, Medicine +1110 ranks, +1 Int, Notice +32 ranks, +1 Wis, Prestidigitation +00 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Resolve +42 ranks, +2 Con, -0 armor, Ride +00 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Search +32 ranks, +1 Int, Sense Motive +10 ranks, +1 Wis, Sneak +22 ranks, +0 Dex, -0 armor, Survival +98 ranks, +1 Wis, Tactics +107 ranks, +1 Int, +2 insight (19-20); Alignment Skills Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Tactics; Origin Skills Medicine, Sneak

Studies Ghula, Giant History

Alignment Talehtepo

Languages Matugyune (literate), Mitayune (illiterate), Tlatollehi (illiterate)

Character Demographics

XP Earned 40,001 of 60,000

Male giant soldier 8


Large folk

Height 12'11", Weight 1,020 lbs., Hair Brown, Eyes Blue, Skin Caucasian, Age 22


Panache 0x; Prudence 3+3 soldier

Appearance Bonus +0x; Money Saved/Earned 30%30% prudence; Income 0x

Reputation & Renown

Legend +4+4 soldier; Reputation 25[80 for class level 8 plus 16 from adventure 1; plus 15 for adventure 2; plus 15 for adventure 3; plus 17 for adventure 4; plus 14 for adventure 5; plus 14 for adventure 6 plus 2 for saving allies; plus 16 for adventure 7; plus 16 for adventure 7 = 205] [-180 for Military Renown 4]; Renown 22

Heroic Renown 0x; Military Renown 66 purchased for 180 reputation (Shirt-Wearer); Noble Renown 0x


Combat Gear red tioye (2; heal 1d6 vitality or 1 wound), root ale (decreases shaken 1 grade)

Other Gear moderate hardened leather armor, superior axe (bleed, grip, poisonous), superior great club (bleed, grip, poisonous), toothed necklace of the predator (+2(+1 at Level 1-6, +2 at Level 7-12, +3 at Level 13-18, +4 at Level 19-20 from Lesser Damage Bonus charm damage rolls; gain Rage Basics feat; Reputation Value: 3125 (Level 1-6), 31 (Level 7-12), 39 (Level 13-18), 47 (Level 19-20)), backpack, canteen, comfort food (2)

Coin In Hand 15s

Stake 239s

Special Abilities

Accurate Each time you spend 1 action die to boost an attack check, you roll and add the results of 2 dice (e.g., at Career Level 1, 1d4 becomes 2d4).

All-Out Attack At start of your Initiative Count, may take penalty up to -4 on attack and skill checks to gain insight bonus to melee damage rolls equal to twice that number until the start of your next Initiative Attack. If any of your attacks miss this round, you become flat-footed at the end of your current Initiative Count.

Armor Basics While wearing armor, decrease its Defense penalty and ACP by 1 (minimum 0). Reduce Speed penalty by 5 ft. (minimum 0).

Armor Use I Gain +1 Defense when wearing armor, and receive 20% discount purchasing armor.

Berserk Stance (Stance) Gain +3 Str and +3 Con. May not make skill checks but may still oppose them as normal. When you leave this stance, become fatigued.

Brained (Club Attack Trick) May only be used when inflicting subdual damage. If target fails his save against subdual damage, he instead fails 2 saves.

Club Basics Your club attacks inflict your choice of lethal or subdual damage.

Combat Instincts 1/round—When an adjacent opponent attacks and misses you, gain free attack against him. If attack hits, it inflicts 1/2 damage (rounded up).

Contempt 1/round—Make free attack against a standard character. May use up to once per combat per starting action dice.

Crunch! Strength-based damage rolls inflict 1 additional damage.

Driving Stance (Stance) When you hit an adjacent opponent with a melee attack, they're pushed 5 ft. away (assuming there is an empty square behind them). If pushed, you may move into the square they previously occupied.

Harsh Beating The Fortitude save DCs of subdual damage you inflict increase by 4.

Improved Stability You're considered 1 Size category larger for carrying capacity, Trample attacks, and resisting Bull Rush and Trip attempts so long as you are standing firmly on the ground and not climbing, flying, or riding.

Most Deadly (Proficient) When using a weapon with which you are proficient, costs 1 fewer action dice (minimum 0) to activate critical hits.

Paired Skills Each time you gain 1 or more ranks in Athletics, gain equal ranks in Impress. May not increase Impress beyond its maximum rank.

Shove Optionally apply to a melee or unarmed attack with which you have forte. With hit against a target of equal or smaller Size, push target back 5 ft. May follow to remain adjacent to target or stay in current location.

Sterner Stuff The keen quality of each attack made against you decreases by 4.

Trample I Move up to your Speed through areas occupied by targets 2 or more Sizes smaller than you. Must end movement in an unoccupied area. At end of movement, make single Trample attack and compare against Defense of each opponent run over. The second and each subsequent opponent gains a cumulative +2 bonus to defense against this attack. Damage is rolled separately for each opponent hit. Targets hit roll Fortitude (DC equal to damage) or become sprawled.

Animal Partner

Grizzly Bear (Large Animal Walker — 55 XP; Threat Level 6Career Level -4 (normal Animal Partner cost) +2 (for Veteran II)): Str 20, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 10; SZ L (2x2, Reach 1); Spd 30 ft. ground; Init +3III plus -1 Dex; Atk +11V plus +5 Str; Def 13IV plus -1 Dex plus -1 size; Res +7IV plus +3 Con (Fortitude) or +3IV plus -1 Dex (Reflex) or +4IV Will; Health 180VI vitality and 24VI (16 Con) wounds; Comp —; Skills: Athletics +13III plus +5 Str, Intimidate +10IV, Notice +6II; Qualities: Veteran II

Attacks/Weapons: Bite III (dmg 2d10+5 lethal; threat 15-20) or Claw I (dmg 1d8+5 lethal; threat 18-20)

Defeated Enemies Beamos, Blue Tektite, Brown Stalker Spider (2), Bullywug Mucker (2), Carnivorous Ape (2), Elder Air Elemental, Ettercap, Giant Firemouth Frog, Giant Frog, Immature Bulette, Keeper Combatant, Keeper Thug, Keeper Warrior (9), Leever (2), Mummified Priest (2), Nightmare Rider (2), Octorok (5), Ogre Keeper Warrior (2), Ogre Mauler, Peahat, Pristichampus Crocodilian, Roasted Shambler, Rock Ooze Living Statue, Slurk, Tektite, Tepoizcat, Tocatlpilli, Velociraptor (4), Veteran Blue Octorok

History Standing Bison is a giant soldier who uses his abilities to his advantage. He is huge and terrifying and recently lost his father at the hands of the ghula.

Fantasy Craft Roleplaying Game | SAVAGE! Campaign | Phoenix Gaming Club — 2015 | DM — Charles W. Plemons III
Based Upon Epoch Campaign Setting | Modified by Kaliegh Belda and Charles Plemons
32 Games Played | Last Played 08/30/2016 | Created 10/06/2015 | Played by Peyton Harmon