Init +7+5 assassin, +2 Dex; Senses Notice +5
Action Dice 5d4
Defenses |
Defense 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 assassin, +2 Dex, -1 DP)
Fort +3+2 base, +1 Con, Ref +3+2 base, +2 Dex, -1 DP, Will +3+2 base, +1 Wis
DR 11 partial leather/; Resist fire 3
Statistics, Injuries, & Conditions |
Vitality 4036 + 4/level; Wounds 1313 Con
Subdual (fatigued ); Stress (shaken )
Str 1414 base, +0 race, +0 level, Dex 1515 base, +0 race, +0 level, Con 1311 base, +1 talent, +0 race, +1 level, Int 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Cha 1313 base, +0 race, +0 level
Base Atk +3
Offense |
Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor
Reach 1
dagger +6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 forte (1d6+2+2 Str/17-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]) or
hand claw +6BAB plus +2 Str plus +1 forte (1d6+2+2 Str/17-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt])
Special Attacks blade flurry, favored foes (folk, outsiderChoose additional type at CL 6, 11, and 16), heartseeker, venom master
Special Qualities animal empathy, camouflage (forest/jungle), charming, cold read, encouragement, enlightened crafting, hand of death, quick on your feet, wicked dance
Proficiencies, Skills, & Interests |
Proficiencies blunt, unarmed; Forte edged; Ritual Weapon war-club
Gear FeatsYeoman's Work
Melee Combat FeatsKnife Basics, Knife Mastery
Terrain FeatsBattlefield Trickery
Skills Acrobatics +42 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Athletics +20 ranks, +2 Str, -0 armor, Blend +32 ranks, +1 Cha (+8 forests/jungles), Bluff +21 ranks, +1 Cha, Crafting (pharmacy, pottery, choose 1 focus) +98 ranks, +1 Int, Disguise +32 ranks, +1 Cha, -0 armor disguise penalty, Haggle +10 ranks, +1 Wis, Impress +10 ranks, +1 Cha, Intimidate +43 ranks, +1 Wis (+5 vs. characters who know your reputation), Investigate +54 ranks, +1 Wis, Medicine +10 ranks, +1 Int, Notice +54 ranks, +1 Wis, Prestidigitation +53 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Resolve +21 ranks, +1 Con, -0 armor, Ride +53 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Search +76 ranks, +1 Int, Sense Motive +32 ranks, +1 Wis, Sneak +64 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Survival +10 ranks, +1 Wis, Tactics +32 ranks, +1 Int ; Alignment Skills Acrobatics, Prestidigitation, Ride, Sneak; Origin Skills Investigate, Search
Studies Great Ancestors, Naci History
Alignment Kawreelanit
Languages Mishkoyune (illiterate), Mitayune (illiterate)
Character Demographics |
XP Earned 5,001 of 10,000
Male Naci human assassin 4
Industrious Ranger
Medium folk
Height 5'8", Weight 170 lbs., Hair Black, Eyes Brown, Skin Olive, Age 19
Lifestyle |
Panache 2+2 assassin; Prudence 3+3 Yeoman's Work feat
Appearance Bonus +1+1 from Panache; Money Saved/Earned 30%30% prudence; Income 20s20s panache
Reputation & Renown |
Legend +1+1 assassin; Reputation 39[40 for class level 4 plus 16 for adventure 1 plus 13 for adventure 2 = 69] [-30 for Noble Renown 1]; Renown 21 purchased, 1 class feature
Heroic Renown 11 gained from assassin Unspoken Name class feature (Coup-Counter); Military Renown 0x; Noble Renown 11 purchased for 30 reputation (Seer)
Possessions |
Combat Gear root ale (decreases shaken 1 grade)
Other Gear partial leather armor, dagger (bleed, hurl), hand claw (bleed, grip), large sack, purse, torches (5)
Coin In Hand 49s
Stake 219s
Special Abilities |
Animal Empathy The Dispositions of non-adversary animals increases by 5.
Battlefield Trickery When you successfully Ambush one or more characters, choose a number of them up to the number of Terrain feats you have. Each target suffers the effects of a successful Cheap Shot trick (no attack is made and no damage is rolled).
Blade Flurry (Knife Attack Trick) If you hit by 4 or more, you inflict knife damage twice. If by 10 or more, you inflict knife damage thrice. Roll each knife damage separately.
Charming 1/sessionImprove Disposition of 1 non-adversary NPC by 5.
Cold Read 1/sessionAs free action, ask GM a number of personal questions about one NPC you can see per starting action dice. Target may conceal answer by spending 1 action die per question ignored. May target any one character only once per session.
Encouragement 1/sceneSpeak to 1 of your teammates for 1 minute to grant +1 morale bonus with saving throws until the end of the current scene.
Enlightened Crafting Your maximum Crafting rank increases to your Career Level + 5.
Favored Foes Against standard characters of chosen Types, threat range of attacks and Notice, Sense Motive, and Survival checks increases by 2.
Hand of Death If you fail a Blend or Resolve check without suffering an error, you still succeed at the lowest possible result as long as the check DC (or opponent's check result) is equal to or less than your Assassin Level +20.
Heartseeker Your BAB is equal to Career Level for attacks against special characters, and such attacks gain armor-piercing 2.
Knife Basics All knives on your person are considered armed at all times.
Knife Mastery 1/roundFeint an opponent you've hit with a knife this round as a free action (-4 on Prestidigitation check).
Quick on Your Feet 11 for assassin 1; increases at 7, 11, 15, and 19/sceneMake a Mask or Ambush check as a free action. Can also make trained Disguise checks even when you lack a kit.
Venom Master 1once per Covert feat possessed (minimum 1)/combatWhen making an attack with a poisonous or venomous quality weapon, raise error range by 1 to lower poison's first incubation period to Instant. With a miss, you become flat-footed at the end of your current Initiative Count.
Wicked Dance (Stance) Your 1-handed melee attacks inflict 2 additional dice of sneak attack damage. May not take move actions (though you may still take 5-ft. Bonus Steps as normal).
Defeated Enemies Blue Octorok, Bullywug Mucker (2), Ettercap, Giant Scorpion, Keeper Warrior, Leever, Octorok
History write