Init +8+3 Dex, +5 soldier; Senses keen sight, sharp hearing; Notice +4

Action Dice 6d6


Defense 19, flat-footed 14 (-1 armor, +2 armor use II, +3 Dex, +5 soldier)

Fort +6+4 base, +2 Con, Ref +8+2 base, +3 Dex, +3 Lightning Reflexes, Will +8+6 base, +2 Wis

DR 5/—4 hardened leather armor + 1 Fortune of War I (6/— during dramatic scene); Resist fire 5

Statistics, Injuries, & Conditions

Vitality 10496 + 8 Con/level; Wounds 1414 Con

Subdual     (fatigued    ); Stress     (shaken    )

Str 1313 base, +0 race, +0 level, Dex 1616 base, +0 race, +0 level, Con 1414 base, -2 race, +2 level, Int 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1410 base, +4 race, +0 level, Cha 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +8


Speed 35 ft.40 ft. base, -5 ft. armor

Reach 1

Melee superior reflex bow spike +9BAB plus +1 Str (1d8+2+1 Str plus +1 superior/18-20) or
unarmed +9BAB plus +1 Str (1d4+1+1 Str/18-20)

Ranged superior reflex bow (standard arrow) +12BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 forte (1d6+1+1 superior/18-20 plus AP 4) or
superior reflex bow (barbed arrow) +12BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 forte (1d6+1+1 superior/18-20 plus AP 2 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]) or
small rock +12BAB plus +3 Dex plus +1 forte (1+1+1 Str subdual)

Special Attacks +2 damage with a bow vs. standard characters, accurate, animal turning, deadshot, eagle eye, multi-shot, steady shot

Special Qualities aloof, burden of ages, called shot, camouflage (forest/jungle), fortunes of war I, weapon specialist (most deadly)

Proficiencies, Skills, & Interests

Proficiencies blunt, edged, siege weapons, unarmed; Forte bows, hurled; Ritual Weapon throwing spear


Basic Combat Feats—Lightning Reflexes

Ranged Combat Feats—Angry Hornet, Blackened Sky, Bow Basics, Bow Mastery, Bow Supremacy, Hurled Basics

Terrain Feats—Animal Partner (55animal 50 XP plus + 5 XP / Terrain feat)

Skills Acrobatics +31 ranks, +3 Dex, -1 armor, Athletics +99 ranks, +1 Str, -1 armor, Blend +00 ranks, +0 Cha (+5 in forests/jungles), Bluff +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Crafting +98 ranks, +1 Int (carpentry, carving), Disguise -40 ranks, +0 Cha, -4 armor disguise penalty, Haggle +20 ranks, +2 Wis, Impress +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Intimidate +75 ranks, +2 Wis, Investigate +20 ranks, +2 Wis, Medicine +10 ranks, +1 Int, Notice +42 ranks, +2 Wis, Prestidigitation +20 ranks, +3 Dex, -1 armor, Resolve +76 ranks, +2 Con, -1 armor, Ride +20 ranks, +3 Dex, -1 armor, Search +98 ranks, +1 Int, Sense Motive +20 ranks, +2 Wis, Sneak +75 ranks, +3 Dex, -1 armor, Survival +64 ranks, +2 Wis, Tactics +87 ranks, +1 Int ; Alignment Skills Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Tactics; Origin Skills Acrobatics, Sneak

Studies Elven History, Ghula History, Puzzles

Alignment Talehtepo

Languages Mishkoyune (literate), Mitayune (illiterate)

Character Demographics

XP Earned 40,001 of 60,000

Male elf soldier 8


Medium fey

Height 6'1", Weight 155 lbs., Hair Blue, Eyes Green, Skin Dark Brown, Age 150


Panache 1+1 soldier; Prudence 1+1 soldier

Appearance Bonus +1+1 natural elegance; Money Saved/Earned 20%20% from Prudence; Income 10s10s panache

Reputation & Renown

Legend +4+4 soldier; Reputation 20380 for class level 8 plus 16 for adventure 1; plus 15 for adventure 2; plus 15 for adventure 3; plus 17 for adventure 4; plus 14 for adventure 5; plus 14 for adventure 6; plus 16 for adventure 7; plus 16 for adventure 8 = 203; Renown 0x

Heroic Renown 0x; Military Renown 0x; Noble Renown 0x


Combat Gear arrows (89; AP 2, poisonous), barbed arrows (124; bleed, poisonous), common meal (3)

Other Gear moderate hardened leather armor, superior reflex bow (+1 damage), small rock, backpacks (2), bedroll (cold 4), canteen, comfort food, goat, hearty food (5), singed hemp rope (48 ft.), small sacks (3), torches (4)

Coin In Hand None

Stake 22s

Special Abilities

Accurate Each time you spend 1 action die to boost an attack check, you roll and add the results of 2 dice (e.g., at Career Level 1, 1d4 becomes 2d4).

Aloof Error range increases by 2 making Impress and Sense Motive checks against non-elves.

Angry Hornet At the start of your Initiative Count when armed with a bow or thrown weapon, accept a -2 penalty to attack and skill checks until the start of your next Initiative Count. Once during your current Initiative Count, take a half action to make 2 Standard Attacks with that weapon. May not use this with weapons that have the load quality.

Animal Turning 1/combat—You may Turn animals.

Armor Use I Gain +1 Defense when wearing armor, and receive 20% discount purchasing armor.

Blackened Sky At the start of your Initiative Count when armed with a bow or thrown weapon, accept a -5 penalty to attack and skill checks until the start of your next Initiative Count. Once during your current Initiative Count, take a half action to make 4 Standard Attacks with that weapon. May not use this with weapons that have the load quality. If any of the four attacks miss, you become flat-footed at the end of your current initiative.

Bow Basics When you wield a bow, it gains AP 2.

Bow Mastery When you wield a bow, its maximum range increases 4 increments.

Bow Supremacy When you wield a bow, it gains spike.

Burden of Ages Any effect that cures or restores vitality has only 1/2 normal effect (rounded up).

Called Shot Suffer attack penalty depending on target's armor (-3 partial, -6 moderate, -9 full) but ignore Damage Reduction provided by the armor with successful hit.

Deadshot (Stance) Gain +2 bonus with ranged bow attacks and damage. May not move while in this stance (though you may still take 5-ft. Bonus Steps as normal).

Eagle Eye (Bow Attack Trick) 5once per Ranged Combat feat/combat—Substitute your Search (Wis) bonus for your ranged attack bonus. If attack misses, become flat-footed at the end of your Initiative Count.

Fortunate At beginning of each game session, gain 11d4 per Chance feats possessed, including this one.d4 bonus action dice.

Hurled Basics Double Str damage when calculating thrown weapon damage.

Keen Sight Visual range increment equals your Wisdom score x 50 ft. Ignore range penalties from 2nd and 4th range increments when Aiming.

Lightning Reflexes Roll twice when making Initiative checks and keep the result you prefer.

Most Deadly (Proficient) When using a weapon with which you are proficient, costs 1 fewer action dice (minimum 0) to activate critical hits.

Multi-Shot (Bow Attack Trick) Fire 3 arrows and roll one attack. If you hit by 4 or more, you inflict ammunition damage twice. If by 10 or more, you inflict ammunition damage thrice. Roll each arrow damage separately.

Sharp Hearing Hearing range increment equals your Wisdom score x 10 ft. May always act during a surprise round unless deafened.

Steady Shot (Bow or Hurled Attack Trick [Forte]) If you haven't moved from your current spot in the last 2 rounds, gain +2 bonus with bow and hurled attack checks.

Zen Shot (Hurled Stance) Target's cover worsens 2 grades (e.g., 1/2 cover becomes no cover). May not move while in this stance, though you may still take Bonus 5-ft. Steps as normal.

Animal Partner

Velociraptor (Medium Animal Walker — 55 XP; Threat Level 5Career Level -4 (normal Animal Partner cost) +1 (for Veteran I)): Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10; SZ M (1x1, Reach 1); Spd 50 ft. ground (Run 250 ft.); Init +5III plus +2; Atk +7V plus +2 Str; Def 15III plus +2 Dex; Res +4III plus +1 Con (Fortitude) or +5III plus +2 Dex (Reflex) or +3III Will; Health 100IV vitality and 12IV (12 Con) wounds; Comp —; Skills: Acrobatics +7II plus +2 Dex, Survival +5III plus -2 Int, Tactics +3II plus -2 Int; Qualities: Feat (Wolf Pack Basics) (gain total +4 attack [includes normal flank bonus] against flanked opponent), improved senses (scent), superior runner I, veteran I

Attacks/Weapons: Rending Talon (Kick III: dmg 2d6+2 lethal; threat 17-20; upgrades: AP 2, bleed)

Defeated Enemies Beamos (2), Blue Tektite (3), Brown Stalker Spider, Bullywug Mucker (2), Carnivorous Ape (5), Cave-Gnawer Ghula, Deku Scrub (5), Dire White Ape, Ettin, Fanged Vase (3), Flyclops, Froghemoth, Ghula-Possessed Scorpion, Giant Frog, Giant Firemouth Frog (2), Giant Frostfoot Frog, Giant Turtle (2), Gnoll, Grizzly Bear, Hell Hound (2), Keeper Combatant (2), Keeper Priest, Keeper Priestess, Keeper Snake Cultist (2), Keeper Thug (6), Keeper Warrior (5), Leever, Moldorm (2), Mountain Giant, Mummified Priest (2), Octorok (4), Ogre Keeper Warrior, Ogre Mauler, Pack Wolf (2), ReDead, Rock Ooze Living Statue, Skulltula (2), Sluggula, Snake Yaqyachi, Tektite (2), Tepecot, Titanoboa, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor (3), Wight (6)

History Singing Mammoth is an elven archer born from the Tribe of the Steppe. He is 150 years young and specializes in hunting by bow.

Fantasy Craft Roleplaying Game | SAVAGE! Campaign | Phoenix Gaming Club — 2015 | DM — Charles W. Plemons III
Based Upon Epoch Campaign Setting | Modified by Kaliegh Belda and Charles Plemons
35 Games Played | Last Played 08/30/2016 | Created 10/06/2015 | Played by Taylor Averdick