Init +8+3 Dex plus +5 martial artist; Senses Notice +2

Action Dice 6d6


Defense 20, flat-footed 17 (+7 martial artist, +3 Str)

Fort +6+4 base, +2 Con, Ref +7+4 base, +3 Dex, Will +5+4 base, +0 Wis, +1 insight

DR 22 dwarven-crafted moderate padded armor/—; Resist cold 55 dwarven-crafted moderate padded armor, fire 55 Devilish Heritage

Statistics, Injuries, & Conditions

Vitality 11296 + 16 Con/level; Wounds 221.5x 15 Con (rounded down)

Subdual     (fatigued    ); Stress     (shaken    )

Str 1915 base, +2 race, +2 level, Dex 1615 base, +0 race, +1 Devilish Heritage, +0 level, Con 1511 base, +4 race, +0 level, Int 1012 base, -2 race, +0 level, Wis 1111 base, +0 race, +0 level, Cha 1112 base, -2 race, +0 level, +1 discipline of the spirit

Base Atk +8


Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Reach 21 base +1 martial artist

Melee macuahuitl +13BAB plus +4 Str plus +1 forte (1d8+5+4 Str plus +1 Crunch!/18-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]) or
gore +12BAB plus +4 Str (1d8+5+4 Str plus +1 Crunch!/16-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]) or
unarmed strike +12BAB plus +4 Str (1d4+9+4 Str plus +1 Crunch! plus +2 Martial Arts plus +2 Master's Art/15-20 plus AP 2)

Special Attacks cheap shot, crunch!, gore II (1d8 lethal, threat 16-20, bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]), harsh beating, shove

Special Qualities enlightened athletics, life of discipline (discipline of the spirit), no pain, paired skills (Athletics, Impress), parry, ploy (knife hand), restricted actions (influence, outmaneuver, tumble), reviled, unbreakable, unyielding, wuxia I

Proficiencies, Skills, & Interests

Proficiencies blunt; Forte edged, hurled, unarmed; Ritual Weapon war-club


Basic Combat Feats—Combat Instincts

Species Feats—Devilish Heritage, Native Ferocity

Unarmed Combat Feats—Kicking Basics, Kicking Mastery, Martial Arts, Master's Art, Two-Hit Combo

Skills Acrobatics +107 ranks, +3 Dex, -0 armor, Athletics +1511 ranks, +4 Str, -0 armor, Blend +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Bluff +00 ranks, +0 Cha, Crafting +00 ranks, +0 Int, Disguise +00 ranks, +0 Cha, -0 armor disguise penalty, Haggle +00 ranks, +0 Wis, Impress +90 ranks, 9 bonus ranks from Paired Skills, +0 Cha, Intimidate +44 ranks, +0 Wis, Investigate +00 ranks, +0 Wis, Medicine +00 ranks, +0 Int, Notice +55 ranks, +0 Wis, Prestidigitation +41 ranks, +3 Dex, -0 armor, Resolve +53 ranks, +2 Con, -0 armor, Ride +52 ranks, +3 Dex, -0 armor, Search +00 ranks, +0 Int, Sense Motive +00 ranks, +0 Wis, Sneak +41 ranks, +3 Dex, -0 armor, Survival +55 ranks, +0 Wis, Tactics +66 ranks, +0 Int ; Alignment Skills Acrobatics, Prestidigitation, Ride, Sneak; Origin Skills Survival, Tactics

Studies Ghula, Ogre History, Trial by Combat

Alignment Kawreelanit

Languages Mitayune (illiterate), Wucheyune (literate)

Character Demographics

XP Earned 40,001 of 60,000

Male ogre martial artist 8


Large outsider

Height 8'2", Weight 503 lbs., Hair None, Eyes Black, Skin Midnight Blue, Age 19


Panache 1+1 martial artist; Prudence 1+1 martial artist level 6

Appearance Bonus +0x; Money Saved/Earned 20%20% prudence; Income 10s10s from 1 panache

Reputation & Renown

Legend +2+2 martial artist; Reputation 19080 for class level 8; plus 16 from adventure 1; plus 13 from adventure 2; plus 12 from adventure 3; plus 15 for adventure 4; plus 13 for adventure 5; plus 13 for adventure 6; plus 14 for adventure 7; plus 14 for adventure 8 = 190; Renown 0x

Heroic Renown 0x; Military Renown 0x; Noble Renown 0x


Combat Gear blue tioye (2; ignore first fatigued/shaken suffered this scene), common meal (3), root ale (decreases shaken 1 grade)

Other Gear dwarven-crafted moderate padded armor, macuahuitl (bleed, hook), comfort food

Coin In Hand 10s

Stake 385s

Special Abilities

Cheap Shot Make attack at -4 penalty and choose one of opponent's attributes or Speed. With a hit, opponent suffers -2 penalty with all attack and skill checks using the chosen attribute, or a -10 ft. penalty to Speed until the end of the scene. With a miss, you become flat-footed. Each combatant may suffer from only 1 successful Cheap Shot per scene.

Combat Instincts 1/round—When an adjacent opponent attacks and misses you, gain free attack against him. If attack hits, it inflicts 1/2 damage (rounded up).

Crunch! Strength-based damage rolls inflict 1 additional damage.

Discipline of the Spirit When adjacent character scores a threat, you may spend 1 action die to activate their critical success.

Enlightened Athletics Your maximum Athletics rank is your Career Level +5.

Guillotine Kick (unarmed attack trick) 1/round—If you hit by 4 or more, you inflict your unarmed damage one additional time (rolling damage separately for each). If the attack misses, you become sprawled.

Harsh Beating The Fortitude save DCs of subdual damage you inflict increase by 4.

Kicking Basics Don't become flat-footed when you fail Trip attempts.

Knife Hand (unarmed attack trick) Attack gains armor-piercing 4.

Native Ferocity 6once per starting action dice/combat—Activate critical hits when using a natural or unarmed attack for 1 less action die (minimum 0).

No Pain Ignore the first fatigued or shaken condition you gain each scene.

Martial Arts Your unarmed attacks inflict 2 additional damage and again +1 threat range. Also, you may choose one attribute, substituting that attribute's modifier in place of Dex when calculating Defense, and in place of Strength when making unarmed attack checks.

Paired Skills Each time you gain 1 or more ranks in Athletics, gain equal ranks in Impress. May not increase Impress beyond its maximum rank.

Parry (Forte) 1once per Melee Combat feat possessed (minimum 1)/combat—As initiative action once per round, when not flat-footed, after you are hit by a melee or unarmed attack but before damage is rolled, make a Reflex save (DC equal to attack roll). If successful, damage reduced to 0 (although any special effects still apply).

Relentless Attack Gain +2 attack bonus if your last attack was against this same target and missed.

Restricted Actions Influence, Outmaneuver, and Tumble checks you make are considered untrained.

Reviled The Disposition of non-ogres decrease by 10.

Shifting Footwork (stance) When you make unarmed attack, target's Dodge decreased by 1/2 (round down). May also move 5 ft. each time you hit with unarmed attack.

Shove Optionally apply to a melee or unarmed attack with which you have forte. With hit against a target of equal or smaller Size, push target back 5 ft. May follow to remain adjacent to target or stay in current location.

Two-Hit Combo On your turn, accept -2 penalty attack and skill checks until start of next turn to gain 2 unarmed Standard Attacks with a half action.

Unbreakable Each time you suffer attribute impairment, it decreases by 1 (minimum 0).

Unyielding May spend up to 3 action dice when you Refresh, gaining 2 wounds per action die spent and an amount of vitality equal to the sum of the action dice results. You may also Refresh when unconscious or dying.

Wuxia I Jump results no longer limited by your height and distance you Jump increases by 50% (rounded up).

Defeated Enemies Alpha Bulette, Beamos, Blue Octorok, Blue Tektite (2), Cave-Gnawer Ghula, Ettercap, Flyclops, Giant Firemouth Frog, Giant Scorpion, Giant Turtle (2), Gnoll (2), Gnoll Shaman, Gray Widow Spider (2), Keeper Snake Cultist, Keeper Warrior (3), Leever, Nightmare Rider (2), Octorok, Ogre Keeper Warrior, Ogre Mauler, Pack Wolf, Peahat, ReDead, Roasted Shambler, Skulltula, Snake Yaqyachi, Tektite (2), Triceratops, Velociraptor, Wight

History write

Fantasy Craft Roleplaying Game | SAVAGE! Campaign | Phoenix Gaming Club — 2015 | DM — Charles W. Plemons III
Based Upon Epoch Campaign Setting | Modified by Kaliegh Belda and Charles Plemons
22 Games Played | Last Played 08/23/2016 | Created 10/18/2015 | Played by Casey Scruggs