Init +7+2 Dex, +5 sage; Senses impaired senses (vision), Notice +5 (+1 involving sight)

Action Dice 6d6


Defense 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 sage)

Fort +5+4 base, +1 Con, Ref +6+4 base, +2 Dex, Will +7+4 base, +3 Wis

DR 11 moderate padded armor/—; Resist cold 5

Statistics, Injuries, & Conditions

Vitality 8072 + 8/level; Wounds 1212 Con

Subdual     (fatigued    ); Stress     (shaken    )

Str 1211 base, +0 race, +1 level, Dex 1413 base, +0 race, +1 level, Con 1211 base, +1 specialty, +0 race, +0 level, Int 1414 base, +0 race, +0 level, Wis 1614 base, +2 talent, +0 race, +0 level, Cha 1414 base, +0 race, +0 level

Base Atk +6


Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Reach 1

Melee axe +8BAB plus +1 forte plus +1 Str (1d10+1+1 Str/18-20 plus AP 2) or
superior hand claw +8BAB plus +1 Str plus +1 forte (1d6+2+1 Str plus +1 superior/18-20 plus bleed [Fort DC dmg dealt]) or
unarmed +7BAB plus +1 Str (1d4+1+1 Str/18-20)

Ranged sling +9BAB plus +2 Dex plus +1 forte (1d4+1+1 Str subdual/18-20) or
small rock +9BAB plus +2 Dex plus +1 forte (1+1+1 Str subdual)

Special Attacks salt the wound


4equal to starting Action Dice -2 Bold Heroes campaign quality/scene—detect secret doors, water walk

Special Qualities assistance I, battle planning I, best of the best, bonus feats (2gain 1 bonus Gear or Skill feat at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20), breadth of experience (Intimidate, Prestidigitation, Sneak, Spellcasting), double boost, free hint, hand of fate (1 feat), paired skills (Investigate, Medicine), sharp mind, wise counsel

Proficiencies, Skills, & Interests

Proficiencies bows, hurled, unarmed; Forte edged, hurled; Ritual Weapon reflex bow


Chance Feats—Lady Luck's Smile

Gear Feats—BandageB, Favored Gear (axe)B

Spellcasting Feats—The Gift, Hidden Spells

Terrain Feats—Animal Partner (55animal 50 XP plus + 5 XP / Terrain feat)

Skills Acrobatics +1210 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Athletics +10 ranks, +1 Str, -0 armor, Blend +1210 ranks, +2 Cha, Bluff +1210 ranks, +2 Cha, Crafting +31 ranks, +2 Int, Disguise +1210 ranks, +2 Cha, -0 armor disguise penalty, Haggle +52 ranks, +3 Wis, Impress +119 ranks, +2 Cha, Intimidate +85 ranks, +3 Wis, Investigate +1310 ranks, +3 Wis, Medicine +124 ranks, 6 Paired Skill ranks, +2 Int, Notice +52 ranks, +3 Wis, Prestidigitation +42 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Resolve +10 ranks, +1 Con, -0 armor, Ride +1210 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Search +53 ranks, +2 Int, Sense Motive +85 ranks, +3 Wis, Sneak +42 ranks, +2 Dex, -0 armor, Spellcasting +42 ranks, +2 Int, Survival +30 ranks, +3 Wis, Tactics +108 ranks, +2 Int ; Alignment Skills Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Tactics; Origin Skills Blend, Impress

Studies Herbalism, Kau History, Keepers of the Gate History, Tioye

Alignment Marihalak

Languages Mitayune (literate), Nutauyune (illiterate), Tlacatecollehi (literate)

Character Demographics

XP Earned 40,001 of 60,000

Female Kau human sage 8

Wise Mystic

Medium folk

Height 5'9", Weight 155 lbs., Hair Bald, Eyes White, Skin Chocolate Brown, Age 22


Panache 2+2 sage; Prudence 2+2 sage

Appearance Bonus +1panache 2; Money Saved/Earned 25%25% prudence; Income 20s20s panache 2

Reputation & Renown

Legend +6+6 sage; Reputation 21580 for class level 8 plus 17 for adventure 1; plus 16 for adventure 2; plus 16 for adventure 3; plus 18 for adventure 4; plus 16 for adventure 5; plus 16 for adventure 6; plus 18 for adventure 7; plus 18 for adventure 8 = 215; Renown 0x

Heroic Renown 0x; Military Renown 0x; Noble Renown 0x


Combat Gear balm (3), body paint (3; swamp), brown tioye (3; +2 gear bonus with Resolve for 8 hours), common meal (3), green tioye (3; cancels sickened or slowed condition), root ale (3; decreases shaken 1 grade)

Other Gear superior moderate padded armor (+1 object saves), axe (AP 2), sling (load 1), small rock, superior hand claw (bleed, grip, poisonous), backpack, bedroll (cold 4), canteen, chalk, comfort food (2), doctor's bag, hearty food (7), pipe, tent, torches (10)

Coin In Hand 13s

Stake 499s

Special Abilities

Adventurer's Luck Roll twice for each treasure roll and keep both results.

Assistance I May increase error range of an ally's skill check by 1 to reduce the time it takes to 1/2 normal (rounded up, minimum 5 minutes). May only assist 1 ally at a time. May not perform any non-free actions when using this ability. May not be used with Downtime checks.

Bandage Medicine checks are trained even when lacking doctor's bag. When you have a doctor's bag, may Mend a character 1 additional time each day.

Battle Planning I May begin each combat with 1 battle plan already in effect; may enact new one as full action. Plan benefits last until the end of the combat or until different plan enacted. Grants you and each teammate who can see or hear you +2 morale bonus with the following rolls and values.
Crush Them! Melee and unarmed attack checks.
Guard Yourselves! Defense.

Best of the Best 31 for sage 1, 1 for sage 5, 1 for sage 7; increases at 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19/scene—When you or a teammate who can see or hear you makes a skill check, apply the highest available skill bonus among you. Must choose to use before rolling.

Double Boost May spend and roll 2 action dice to boost Wisdom-based skill checks.

Favored Gear When you spend action dice to boost skill or attack check with piece of favored gear, roll 2 dice and add both to the result. Item cannot be destroyed with critical miss or failure (though it can be destroyed through damage). May switch what piece of gear is favored each time you level.

Free Hint 1/session—Request a free hint from the GM. If he refuses, gain 1 bonus action die.

Hand of Fate 11 for sage 6; increases at 12 and 18/adventure—Spend 10 minutes planning to gain 1 temporary Chance feat of your choice until end of current adventure..

Hidden Spells Your Spellcasting checks are not obvious. You make no sound while casting and may cast even when you can't speak.

Impaired Vision Skill checks such as Notice and Search suffer a -4 penalty when related to sight.

Lady Luck's Smile Your action dice explode on its highest or second highest natural result (e.g., 3-4 on d4, 5-6 on d6, and so on).

Paired Skills Each time you gain 1 or more ranks in Investigate, gain equal ranks in Medicine. May not increase Medicine beyond its maximum rank.

Salt the Wound (Forte) When you attack a bleeding opponent, inflict additional 1d6 damage.

Sharp Mind Gain 1 additional skill point per level.

Wise Counsel As long as a teammate can see or hear you when he makes an attack, skill check, save, or damage roll, you may spend and roll 1 action die to boost his result. You always roll this die and add your own action die modifiers; the teammate's die type and modifiers are ignored. No single roll may benefit from more than 1 action die from wise counsel, even if multiple Sages are present.

Animal Partner

Firehawk (Small Animal Flyer/Walker — 55 XP; Threat Level 6Career Level -4 (normal Animal Partner cost) +2 (for Veteran II)): Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; SZ S (1x1, Reach 1); Spd 60 ft. winged flight, 20 ft. ground; Init +5II plus +2 Dex; Atk +6IV +1 Str; Def 17III plus +2 Dex plus +1 size; Res +2II (Fortitude) or +4II plus +2 Dex (Reflex) or +3II +1 Wis Will; Health 90III vitality and 7III (10 Con) wounds; Comp —; Skills: Acrobatics +8II plus +2 Dex, Notice +11IV plus +1 Wis, Search +6IV plus -4 Int; Qualities: Damage immunity (fire), feat (Agile Flyer) (no error range penalties for flying), improved sense (sight), veteran II

Attacks/Weapons: Bite I (dmg 1d6+1 lethal; threat 16-20; upgrades: bleed) or Talon I (dmg 1d4+1 lethal; threat 18-20)

Defeated Enemies Alpha Tyrannosaurus Rex, Beamos, Blue Tektite, Carnivorous Ape (2), Couatl, Deku Scrub (2), Elder Water Elemental, Fanged Vase, Flyclops, Giant Frog, Giant Turtle, Gnoll, Great Lasher Spider, Keeper Combatant, Keeper Priest, Keeper Snake Cultist (2), Keeper Thug, Keeper Warrior (5), Leever, Moldorm, Mountain Giant, Nightmare Rider, Octorok (3), Peahat, Roasted Shambler (3), Rock Ooze Living Statue, Skulltula (4), Vargr, Wight, Yaqyachi

History Abandoned as a toddler, Blazing Sun was found on the riverbank by a tribe of elven mystics. She grew up hiding in the shadows, experimenting with tioye and herbs (often concocting terrible combinations). Because of this she nearly blinded herself and turned her eyes white with a toxic paste she created by accident. She sought injured animals as a child and honed her medicinal skills on them. As a young adult, she spends her free time healing the sick and poor. She is quick-thinking and methodical and always seeks to protect the weak and unfortunate.

Fantasy Craft Roleplaying Game | SAVAGE! Campaign | Phoenix Gaming Club — 2015 | DM — Charles W. Plemons III
Based Upon Epoch Campaign Setting | Modified by Kaliegh Belda and Charles Plemons
32 Games Played | Last Played 08/30/2016 | Created 10/06/2015 | Played by Kaliegh Belda