Black Male
1. What is your physical description? |
My name is Reginald, but if you call me that, I'll beat you. People call me Moose because I am such a big man. Lots of muscle, a bit of fat. I am over six feet tall, late 30s, and look exactly like the biker you would think I am. I have lots of tattoos and usually wear a bandana to cover my balding head.
2. What do you do to make a living? |
I am a plumber and have been for fifteen years.
3. Outside of work, what hobby, interest, or sport occupies most of your time, and why do you find it interesting? |
I love motorcycles and am great at working on them. I spend most of my time riding with others. People assume I am part of an outlaw biker gang because I look the part, but I am not. I am really just a fan of the open road, bikes, and the look. The people I tend to ride with are the same.
4. What is your opinion on the United States legal system and what are your experiences with it? |
I have never once been in trouble with the law and have a spotless record. I don't even have a speeding ticket.
5. What is your level of concern for the well-being of others, and how do you demonstrate this in your life? |
I am gruff on the exterior because people make so many assumptions about me due to my hobbies and race. However, I am really a teddy bear. I love people and being such a mountain of a person, I am often able to come to the aid of others in need.
6. How do you react physically and mentally to stress or danger? |
If threatened, I punch it. If stressed, I work on my motorcycle, often slamming tools around and such.
7. Everyone indulges in something from cheating on a diet to something dangerous; what is your guilty pleasure or vice? |
I love Combos snacks. Love them. I eat several bags a day.
8. You are one of the best in the world at doing something, mostly because very few people consider it at all useful. What is it? |
I can make "super soaker" style water guns out of 2-liter bottles and common household items, and they can spray up to 20 feet!
9. What common habit nearly drives you up the wall? |
I can't stand it when people fidget. Just sit still!
10. Your father has pushed you to attain the sort of athletic glories he was unable to in his youth. What sport is your specialty? |
I am incredibly skilled at badminton. I can move like a moose-sized gazelle when a racket is involved. It is amazing.