Dread Roleplaying Game


Hispanic Male

 1. What is your physical description?

Six-foot-tall, stocky build coming in at 240 pounds. Left ear is pierced on the lob with a small stud. Not too old, but am starting to show signs of some aging with wrinkling on my face and hands.

 2. Of what felony, or felonies, were you convicted?

Drug abuse violations. I ran an underground prescription medication ring so that any of my "patients" could get the pills they wanted.

 3. How much longer do you have on your sentence?

One week. I'm being transported to a different facility for release.

 4. Most everyone in prison claims innocence, but are you really?

No, I plead guilty. The evidence against me was overwhelming. I don't necessary believe that what I was doing was wrong, but I do admit that it was against the law. I've been trying to just lay low during my 5-year sentence and be on my best behavior.

 5. What is your greatest fear, and how do you react when you face it?

My greatest fear is dying. Not the actual being dead part, but how I will die. It could be anything. Heart attack. Gun shot. Train crossing. Meteor. Donald Trump. Anything! Oh I'm having anxiety just thinking about it...

 6. When people talk about you behind your back, and they do, what are they saying?

They're probably talking about how my misuse of my medical license and ability to write prescriptions lead to many people overdosing any dying. Thus, talking about how I am to blame for their deaths. I do not believe that. Those people made their own choice. They would have gotten those pills with or without me. I just decided to capitalize on it.

 7. Everyone indulges in something from cheating on a diet to something dangerous; what is your guilty pleasure or vice?

I enjoy putting myself into dangerous situations that could potentially lead to my death. It makes me feel like I have control over what I fear the most. I haven't been able to indulge this guilty pleasure/vice for a while as I've been in prison, but just before I was locked up, I went sky diving. If I'm going to die, it's going to be on my own terms.

 8. You are one of the best in the world at doing something, mostly because very few people consider it at all useful. What is it?

If you asked my ex-wife, she'd say that I'm extremely good at basket weaving, but I don't agree with that and feel that it's a title someone else put on me as some joke. I would say that I'm very good at sorting dangerous wildlife and plants from safe wildlife and plants. Really not a useful skill in our modern world, but I've got it!

 9. What common habit nearly drives you up the wall?

Gum chewing and blowing bubbles with the gum. Stop. Just stop. Oh my god stop!

 10. Only you know if you accidentally or intentionally burned down your parents' house; what happened?

It was an accident. I was maybe 15 years old. I was home alone. My parents were at a get together of some sort the town over and were going to be gone for the night. I lit a candle in the living room and was reading a book. I dozed off. I woke up to the smell of smoke and saw that the entire other side of the living room was on fire. The smoke alarms begin howling and I ran to the kitchen to call 911. I let them know there was a fire, my location, and ran out of the house. The fire department showed up nearly 15 minutes later. The house was a total loss.