Dread Roleplaying Game


Caucasian Male

 1. What is your physical description?


 2. Are you a junior or senior in high school?


 3. How close a friend were you to Janie Prescott, and what is your last memory of her?

Pretty close. My last memory of Janie was at a birthday party at a friend's house. We all were playing games. We had an apple bobbing competition and Janie and I gone for the same apple. We both laughed when we realized we had both gotten hold of it.

 4. School has always been tough for you, but what is the one class you excel at and enjoy?

Home Ec. I can bake with the best of them.

 5. What is your greatest fear, and how do you react when you face it?

Leaving home for college. I don't want my dad to be by himself. And I don't want the financial burden on him. I've been thinking about getting a job once I graduate high school.

 6. You, or your family, desperately need money. Why?

My dad worked at Merry Island, but as tourism has dwindled, so has his work hours. He's had to pick up odd jobs just to keep us afloat.

 7. Sometimes you just need to let off some steam. What illegal and/or dangerous activity has been your outlet, and how do you keep it secret from your family?

I hang out with some of my track teammates around the cliffs. We generally get drunk and go cliff diving. I either stay at a friend's house or wait long enough until my dad is passed out before I go home.

 8. You are one of the best in the world at doing something, mostly because very few people consider it at all useful. What is it?

I can hock a loogie at nearly 10 feet.

 9. Why do you feel responsible for the loss of a loved one?

People, adults and friends both, always tell me that it's not my fault that mom left. Dad has always managed to take care of us. He's been a good dad. And I think he was a good husband. But I know she wasn't happy. She always wanted a daughter--and all I can think is that is what drove her away; that I couldn't be what she wanted me to be.

 10. Your father has pushed you to attain the sort of athletic glories he was unable to in his youth. What sport is your specialty?

Running. Track and field.