Dread Roleplaying Game


Quarter-Asian Caucasian Male

 1. What is your physical description?

Andrew is tall and pleasantly plump. He has fair skin and dark brown hair.

 2. What is your current occupation, and how did you acquire the skills needed for it?

Andrew is in Information Technology. He has gotten where is with a lot of research mixed with trial and error experience. His bachelor's degree in technology gave him a broad knowledge of different aspects of IT and taught him how to adapt to new concepts.

 3. Outside of work, what hobby, interest, or sport occupies most of your time, and why do you find it interesting?

Andrew often leaves his computer at work to go home to his computer at home. He has spent a tremendous amount of time perfecting his ability in First Person Shooter video games. In many real life situations, Andrew can be hesitant and introverted. However, video games gave him an outlet to develop his extroverted alter ego Drunk Tiger.

 4. What motivates you to get out of bed and keep going each day?

His daughter's smile and laughter.

 5. What is your greatest fear, and how do you react when you face it?

He has a crippling fear of spiders. When faced usually results in him yelling for his wife to save him.

 6. When people talk about you behind your back, and they do, what are they saying?

Andrew is very self-critical. Regardless of what people are actually saying, he believes they see and talk about his faults.

 7. Everyone indulges in something from cheating on a diet to something dangerous; what is your guilty pleasure or vice?

Andrew is known to consume an unhealthy amount of caffeine stimulants. You can't play videos games if you're asleep.

 8. What makes you laugh that probably shouldn't?

People falling/tripping regardless of the severity.

 9. How come you no longer allow yourself to have pets?

Andrew gets too attached to things. Pets tend to have a shorter life span. It's hard to deal with.

 10. Your father taught you how to hunt something very dangerous. What was it?

As a child, Andrew's father took him on many "snipe hunts". These creatures are savages and said to have many teeth. Still into his adulthood, he has not seen one of these creatures but through his various hunting trips, he has become proficient at knocking down weeds with sticks and pin pointing sounds in the forest.