Pacific Islander Female
1. What is your physical description? |
I am a mid-thirties woman from Hawaii with long black hair and several tribal-style tattoos. I am very tall (just over six feet) and very overweight. Sometimes people mistake me for a man at first glance. I smile a lot and try to endear myself to others. I am a hugger. I have bushy eyebrows, and my teeth are very white.
2. What is your current occupation, and how did you acquire the skills needed for it? |
I am a caregiver at a nursing home. I have very little formal training, so my role is mostly providing meals, cleaning up, and so forth. Most of what I know as learned on the job.
3. Outside of work, what hobby, interest, or sport occupies most of your time, and why do you find it interesting? |
I am a psychopath and seriously deranged. I enjoy killing others, especially the helpless. That is why I work in a nursing home. I have smothered several people with pillows, and I cannot wait to hurt someone else. I am getting braver and braver, and I know eventually I will get caught because I am starting to lose control.
4. What motivates you to get out of bed and keep going each day? |
I jump every day with the thought that today could be the day I put an end to someone else. It is all about opportunity and the chance of not getting caught. I am always on the lookout for the chance to influence fate, like bumping someone else in front of a bus when no one else is looking.
5. What is your greatest fear, and how do you react when you face it? |
I hate insects. I scream and run in fear. I particularly dislike things like wasps, bees, mosquitos, and spiders.
6. When people talk about you behind your back, and they do, what are they saying? |
I can usually hear them. They talk about my weight. They talk about my height. They make fun of my appearance like I do not have any value.
7. Everyone indulges in something from cheating on a diet to something dangerous; what is your guilty pleasure or vice? |
Murder. Sweet, sweet murder.
8. What family secret did your aunt tell you on your last birthday? |
I am a descendant of an ancient cult that worships demonic entities summoned through cursed objects. Our family has been involved in trapping people in situations with these objects for centuries. I am desperate to see these things in action. I quite falsely believe that the entities will not harm me, only those around me. I am wrong in my feeling of immunity and safety.
9. You shouldn't be able to do it, you don't even know how you do it, most people wouldn't even believe it possible if they saw you do it. What is it? |
Every once in a while, with a tremendous amount of effort, I can call one of these demonic creatures into my vicinity without use of a cursed object. I am always sure to have a suitable sacrifice/victim waiting. Doing so always leaves me exhausted and drained.
10. How come you no longer allow yourself to have pets? |
They are just too fragile. I cannot seem to keep them alive.