Damage Reduction 3/ |
Fortification 0% |
Miss Chance 0% |
Spell Resistance 0%
Immune n/a |
Resist 2 Fire |
Weakness n/a
Other 1 Fire damage to all successful non-reach melee attackers.
Combat Options  |
- Attack Bonus Gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when using a atlatl.
- Blessed of Ahi (Su) You gain fire resistance 2, which stacks with any other source of fire resistance. You also glow with the light of a candle at all times that affects hiding abilities (-2 circumstance penalty to Sneak checks).
- devastation gauntlets □□□ On a critical melee hit, spend up to 3 charges per day to add extra damage. 1 chargeadd +2d6 damage, 2 chargesadd +3d6 damage, 3 chargesadd +4d6 damage.
- Flames of Ahi (Su) When an enemy strikes you with a non-reach melee weapon, he is blasted with the burning fires of Ahi, dealing 1 point of fire damage. In addition, when using a melee weapon, natural weapon, or unarmed strike, you deal an additional point of fire damage on every successful hit. This damage does not multiply with a critical hit.
- Frenetic Reflexes (Ex) Make Attack of Opportunity against opponents who withdraw or 5-foot step to leave or move through threatened area. Opponents trying to avoid your AoO with a Tumble check add 10 to the DC.
- Greater Rage (Ex) □□□□ 4/dayFly into a rage, gaining +6 Strength, +6 Constitution, +3 morale bonus on Will saves, and -2 penalty to Armor Class for (new Constitution modifier plus 3) rounds. Afterwards become fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, cannot charge or run) for the duration of the encounter.
- Power Attack On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.
- If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can't add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks), even though the penalty on attack rolls still applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. If you choose to use a double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking with only one end of it in a round, you treat it as a two-handed weapon.)
- Resolve of the Steel Mind Benefit (Ex) Roll d20 twice for initiative.
- Resolve of the Steel Mind Method (Ex) □ 1/dayReplace an initiative roll with a 10.
- Slaughtering Sweep (Ex) You twirl your two-handed weapon over your head, duck down, and deliver a sweeping attack that chops through your opponents. This reckless attack leaves you off balance, but it can potentially devastate your foes. Make an attack as normal and roll your damage. You can decide to distribute your damage among as many foes in your threatened area as you wish, but the total damage you inflict cannot exceed your damage result. Use your attack roll result to determine if you hit each foe you try to injure. Using this technique requires a full-round action, and you suffer a -2 penalty to Armor Class until your next action.
- Thunderous Slam (Ex) With a great war cry, you slam your weapon into your opponent and send him reeling backward. As a full-round action, you make an attack against your foe with a two-handed weapon at your best base attack bonus. If you hit, your opponent suffers damage equal to your Strength bonus. In addition, roll your damage die (or dice) opposed by the target's Strength check as if he had been targeted by a bull rush. If the target fails his check, you move your target 5 feet (1 square) directly away from you.
- Whirling Uppercut (Ex) You deliver a savage upward strike to your opponent that might send him flying through the air. As a full-round action, make an attack with a two-handed weapon at your highest base attack bonus. This attack provokes an attack of opportunity. If you hit, your opponent must make a Strength check opposed by your total damage result. He suffers a -4 penalty for every size category he is smaller or a +4 bonus for every size category he is larger than your own. If he fails this check, he flies through the air a number of 5-foot squares equal to your damage divided by 5, rounded down. He suffers no additional injuries from the fall.
Languages Common Trade, Panahi, Sahaugin
Appraise +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Bluff -1 (-1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Climb +16 (+3 Str, 13 ranks),
Concentration +3 (+3 Con, 0 ranks),
Craft (obsidian weapon-making) +15 (+1 Int, 14 ranks),
Diplomacy -1 (-1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Disguise -1 (-1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Forgery +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information -1 (-1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Heal +15 (+0 Wis, 15 ranks),
Intimidate +10 (-1 Cha, 11 ranks),
Jump +16 (+3 Str, 13 ranks),
Knowledge (arcana) +10 (+1 Int, 9 ranks),
Listen +0 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks),
Ride +13 (+2 Dex, 11 ranks),
Search +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Sense Motive +0 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks),
Sneak +0 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, -2 Blessed of Ahi),
Spellcraft +3 (+1 Int, 0 ranks, +2 synergy Knowledge [arcana]),
Spot +0 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks),
Survival +0 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks),
Swim +17 (+3 Str, 14 ranks),
Tumble +4 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, +2 synergy Jump),
Use Rope +6 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, +4 renowned silk rope)
Armor Check Penalty
-0-0 armor -0 helm -0 shield |
Swim Check Penalty -0 |
Permanent Class Skills Knowledge (arcana)
Armor Proficiency (light),
Armor Proficiency (medium),
Blessed of Ahi,
Faster Healing,
Flames of Ahi,
Heavy Weapon Fighting (Slaughtering Sweep, Thunderous Slam, Whirling Uppercut),
Improved Critical (great maca),
Iron Will,
Martial Weapon Proficiency (atlatl, great maca, handaxe, maca, throwing axe),
Power Attack,
Power Critical (great maca),
Resolve of the Steel Mind,
Shield Proficiency (all),
Simple Weapon Proficiency (club, dagger, light mace, heavy mace, shortspear, sling, spear),
Weapon Focus (great maca)
Special Qualities  |
- Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Requires level 15Berserker Class Level + 4 Rogue to flank.
- Second Wind (Ex) □ Once per encounter, as a standard action that does not provoke, the character activates a healing surge and gains a +2 bonus to his Armor Class until his next turn.
Spellcasting and Spell-Like Abilities  |
- Spell-Like Abilities 1/dayguidance (□), light (□), mending (□).
- Caster Level 1st1 levels of druid (from culture) |
Spell Penetration d20+1d20 +1 caster level |
Primary Ability Wisdom
Biographical Information  |
- Why did you become an adventurer? I became an adventurer to serve Ahi.
- What is your favorite motto or saying? If you can't get here from there, stack up some bodies and build a damn bridge.
- How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? It was forged in the fires of the great volcano.
- What's the worst event in your life? Life without shopping centers. Where's the mini-mall on this island?
- Do you have surviving family? Do you stay in touch? My family survives. I buy three Panahi phone cards on Sundays.
- What is your biggest fear? Getting punched in the moouth for being repetitive.
- What makes you laugh out loud? The small macait's so cute!
- What makes you angry? When people come after me lucky charms. And frat boys.
- What talent would you most like to have? I always wanted to be a blacksmith.
- What are your sentiments toward witchery? Show them the sign to Salem.
- What are your sentiments toward other cultures? Smoke'em if you got'em.
- What would be your theme music? Tribal-themed death metal porno soundtrack.
Religion Ahi | Culture Panahi | Heritage 100% Human
Height 7 ft. 3 in. | Weight 275 lb. | Age 27 | Hair Black | Eyes Brown (lava-infused by Ahi)
Mannerisms Nervous, vengeful, twitchy, and secretive.
Appearance Dark-skinned with tattoos blessed and inherited from Ahi herself.
Last Played September 2, 2010
Character Level Record |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Berserker |
Equipment & Possessions  |
Magic Items Equipped
WEAPON+1 acidic sonic threatening obsidian great maca (+1 threat range; +1d6 acid damage; +1d6 sonic damage) (18,620 gp),
NECK+2 lei of natural armor (8,000 gp),
HANDSdevastation gauntlets (On a critical melee hit, spend up to 3 charges per day to add extra damage. 1 chargeadd +2d6 damage, 2 chargesadd +3d6 damage, 3 chargesadd +4d6 damage) (2,000 gp),
EARRINGS+2 earrings of protection (8,000 gp),
Magical Items
+1 critical deflecting obsidian dagger (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 item damage on successful critical; 1/roundmake DC 20 Reflex save to deflect a ranged weapon that would normally hit you of which you are aware) (8,452 gp),
+2 critical enfeebling obsidian great maca (+2 enhancement attack and damage; +1 item damage on successful critical; deals 1d6+2 temporary Strength damage on a successful critical) (18,470 gp),
+2 gloves of dexterity (4,000 gp),
religious idol of mass lesser vigor (1/dayTwo creatures chosen by the wielder no more than 20 ft. from the idol and no more than 30 ft. apart affected by mass lesser vigor for a 15-rnd duration) (5,400 gp),
+1 returning obsidian spear (When thrown, the weapon returns to the square thrown from at the beginning of your next turn, and it is a free action to catch. If you have moved, it falls to the ground in the original square.) (8,320 gp)
- Masterwork Balm Belt
□ balm of barkskin +2 (CL 3; 30 minute duration) (300 gp),
□ balm of cure moderate wounds (cures 2d8+3 hp) (300 gp),
□ balm of fast and furious (haste and +2 morale Strength and Constitution, +1 morale Will saves, -2 penalty AC, not fatigued at end of rage for 5 rounds) (2,250 gp),
□ balm of lesser quick fix (cures 1d8+1 hp plus haste for 5 rounds) (1,200 gp),
□ balm of lesser vigor (fast healing 1; 11 round duration) (50 gp),
□ balm of misplaced aggression (displacement and rage; 50% miss chance and +2 morale Strength and Constitution, +1 morale Will saves, -2 penalty AC, not fatigued at end of rage for 5 rounds) (2,250 gp),
□ balm of the stallion (aid and bear's endurance; +1 morale attacks and saves against fear, gain 1d8+3 temporary hit points, and +4 enhancement Constitution for 3 minutes) (900 gp)
Nonmagical Items
backpack (2 gp),
balanced masterwork flint trident (+1 enhancement attack and damage) (615 gp),
bedroll (1 sp),
belt pouch (1 gp),
□□ candles (5-ft. radius illumination; 1 hour) (1 cp each),
empty flask (3 cp),
flint and striker (full-round action) (1 gp),
masterwork balm belt (free action to retrieve; holds 10 balms) (60 gp),
renowned silk rope (50 ft.; +4 circumstance Use Rope checks) (210 gp),
2 sacks (1 sp each),
tent (10 gp),
□□□ torches (1 cp each),
waterskin (1 gp)
Black Pearls 0 |
White Pearls 0 |
Red Coral 0 |
Pink Coral 10,290 |
Blue Coral 6 |
Green Coral 2
Other Wealth None
Defeated Enemy Record
Awakened Dire Viper, Cave Troll (2), Dire Frost Frog, Feral Inshon, Fiendish Tyrannosaurus Rex (2), Frog Cultist Slaymonger, Inshon Bandit (2), Inshon Warlock, Ophidian Fodder (3), Snakeman Huntsman Solo, Snakeman Shaman, Venomous Inshon, Yuan-Ti Pureblood Psion