- Black Pearls 0, White Pearls 0, Red Coral 1,770, Pink Coral 24,597, Blue Coral 19,000, Green Coral 0
- Gems (Total Value13,240 gp)
2 alexandrite (500 gp),
1 amber (100 gp),
2 amethyst (100 gp),
7 aquamarine (500 gp),
1 black opal (1,000 gp),
3 bloodstone (50 gp),
3 blue quartz (10 gp),
2 carnelian (50 gp),
3 citrine (50 gp),
3 clear quartz (50 gp),
2 deep blue spinel (500 gp),
1 emerald (1,000 gp),
2 golden yellow topaz (500 gp),
1 jasper (50 gp),
4 lapis lazuli (10 gp),
1 moonstone (50 gp),
2 obsidian (10 gp),
2 onyx (50 gp),
1 sapphire (1,000 gp),
1 star ruby (1,000 gp),
1 tourmaline (100 gp),
1 violet garnet (500 gp),
1 white opal (1,000 gp)
- Shells (Total Value5,740 gp)
1 blue cone shell (50 gp),
2 horse conch (1,000 gp),
2 landsnail (10 gp),
2 nautilus (500 gp),
1 red moon scallop shell (1,000 gp),
2 sand dollar (10 gp),
3 violet snail shell (500 gp),
1 yellow cone (50 gp),
1 yellow whelk (100 gp)
- Jewelry and Art (Total Value0 gp)
Magic Items
- Armor
- Helms
- Major Artifacts
- Minor Artifacts
- Perpetual Talismans
- Earrings and Piercings
2 body piercing of minor fire resistance (resist fire 10) (12,000 gp),
3 +1 body piercing of protection (2,000 gp),
5 +1 earrings of protection (2,000 gp)
- Rings
master ring (up to 10 slave rings; deal 3d6 damage to slave ring wearer as free action; 3/dayuse sending with slave ring wearer) (40,600 gp)
- Rods
3 lesser maximize metamagic rod (3/dayUse Maximize Spell metamagic feat without increasing spell level; works on 0 thru 3rd level spells) (14,000 gp)
- Scepters
- ScrollsArcane
- ScrollsDivine
- Shields
2 +2 buckler (+3 shield; 5% spell failure) (4,165 gp)
- Staffs
- Wands
wand of cure moderate wounds (CL 3; cures 2d8+3 hp; 47 charges) (4,230 gp [90 gp/charge]),
3 wand of fireball (CL 10; 10 charges) (4,500 gp [450 gp/charge])
- Weapons
4 +1 acidic confirming obsidian shortspear (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 enhancement confirm critical; +1d6 acid damage) (8,801 gp),
+1 confirming corded seething electricity shark-tooth warfan (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 enhancement bonus to confirm critical hits; +2 item bonus resist disarm; +2d6 electricity damage) (18,815 gp),
12 +2 confirming threatening flint handaxe (+2 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 confirm critical; increase threat range by 1) (9,106 gp),
+2 corded critical mere (+2 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +2 item against disarm; +1 item damage on successful critical) (8,464 gp),
+2 critical enfeebling obsidian great maca (+2 enhancement attack and damage; +1 item damage on successful critical; deals 1d6+2 temporary Strength damage on a successful critical) (18,470 gp),
2 +1 critical deflecting obsidian dagger (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 item damage on successful critical; 1/roundmake DC 20 Reflex save to deflect a ranged weapon that would normally hit you of which you are aware) (8,452 gp),
2 +2 critical shock threatening flint battleaxe (+2 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 item damage on successful critical; increase threat range by 1; +1d6 electricity damage) (18,760 gp),
5 +1 deft last resort obsidian dagger (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +2 item feint; when grappling, ignore -4 penalty to attack rolls and add +1d6 damage for each size category grappler is larger than you) (8,452 gp),
4 +2 earth-based club (+2 enhancement attack rolls and damage; add +1d6 earth damage) (18,300 gp),
+1 Large ornate seething cold threatening greatclub (+1 enhancement attack and damage rolls; +2 item Intimidate checks; increase threat range by 1; +2d6 cold damage) (18,810 gp),
2 +1 ornate threatening quarterstaff (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; increase threat range by 1; +2 item Intimidate) (2,800 gp),
4 +1 seething cold critical flint shortspear (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1 item damage on successful critical; +2d6 cold damage) (18,451 gp),
4 +1 shock threatening heavy mace (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; +1d6 electricity damage; +1 threat range) (8,612 gp)
- Wondrous Items
+1 amulet of mighty fists (+1 enhancement attack and damage rolls with unarmed and natural attacks) (6,000 gp),
+2 barkskin cape (8,000 gp),
6 +1 bracers of unerring precision (+1 competence BAB; if over 20 add +2 but no iterative attacks) (5,000 gp),
cloak of the salamander (natural or melee attacker suffers 1d6+7 fire damage) (56,000 gp),
6 cloak of stealth (+5 competence Sneak) (2,500 gp),
cloak of stone (+5 circumstance Sneak; meld into stone at CL 5 2/day) (20,800 gp),
3 +1 collar of mighty fangs (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage with natural attacks) (6,000 gp),
cube of frost resistance (on command, create 10-ft. cube that absorbs all cold; if absorbs 50 or more in one round it collapses for 1 hour; if it absorbs 100 or more in 10-rounds, cube is destroyed) (27, 000 gp),
2 devastation gauntlets (On a critical melee hit, spend up to 3 charges per day to add extra damage. 1 chargeadd +2d6 damage, 2 chargesadd +3d6 damage, 3 chargesadd +4d6 damage) (2,000 gp),
2 gloves of arrow snaring (2/daySnatch Arrow feat) (4,000 gp),
5 +2 gloves of dexterity (4,000 gp),
5 +1 lei of natural armor (2,000 gp),
2 magenta battle robes (+2 armor bonus; +1 resistance bonus to saves; +2 competence bonus to Concentration; grants Combat Reflexes feat) (10,800 gp),
4 mantle of second chances (1/dayReroll one roll before the DM declares success or failure; must accept new roll even if worse than original) (6,000 gp),
4 +2 periapt of wisdom (4,000 gp),
4 +2 vest of resistance (4,000 gp)
- Balms
3 balm of blur (3 minute duration; 20% miss chance) (300 gp),
balm of enlarge person (5 minute duration) (250 gp),
3 balm of misplaced aggression (displacement and rage; 50% miss chance and +2 morale Strength and Constitution, +1 morale Will saves, -2 penalty AC, not fatigued at end of rage for 5 rounds) (2,250 gp),
5 balm of the stallion (aid and bear's endurance; +1 morale attacks and saves against fear, gain 1d8+3 temporary hit points, and +4 enhancement Constitution for 3 minutes) (900 gp),
2 balm of tri-animal brew (+4 enhancement Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for 3 minutes) (1,350 gp)
Masterwork Items
- Armor
masterwork buckler (+1 shield; 5% spell failure) (165 gp)
- Helms
6 masterwork light helm (+1 helm; 5% spell failure) (165 gp),
3 masterwork medium helm (+2 helm; -1 Listen and Spot; 10% spell failure) (185 gp)
- Other Goods and Services
- Weapons
14 balanced critical masterwork threatening shark-tooth warpaddle (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage; increase threat range by 1; +1 item damage on successful critical) (1,070 gp)
Mundane Items
- Armor
6 leather belt (+1 armor; 3% spell failure) (2 gp)
- Helm
- Mounts
- Other Goods and Services
- Poisons
- Shields
- Weapons
Unidentified or Miscellaneous Items