Damage Reduction n/a |
Fortification 25% |
Miss Chance 0% |
Spell Resistance 0%
Immune n/a |
Resist n/a |
Weakness n/a
Combat Options  |
- Empower Spell Metamagic (+2 levels) □□□ 3/dayAll variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables.
- Quicken Spell Metamagic (+4 levels) □□□ 3/dayCasting a quickened spell is a free action. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. You may cast only one quickened spell per round. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round action cannot be quickened. Casting a quickened spell doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
- Rage (Ex) □□□ 3/dayFly into a rage, gaining +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 morale bonus on Will saves, and -2 penalty to Armor Class for (new Constitution modifier plus 3) rounds. Afterwards become fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, cannot charge or run) for the duration of the encounter.
- Reach Spell Metamagic (+2 levels) □□□ 3/dayYou may cast a spell that normally has a range of touch at any distance up to 30 feet. The spell effectively becomes a ray, so you must succeed on a ranged touch attack to bestow the spell upon the recipient.
- Seeking Spell Metamagic (+0 levels) □□□ 3/dayYou may alter any spell that requires a ranged attack roll or ranged touch attack roll so that you take no penalty to your attack roll when firing at a target engaged in melee. If your seeking spell misses due to concealment (but not due to incorporeality), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit.
Languages Common Trade, Kuo-Toa, Panahi
Appraise +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Bluff +3 (+3 Cha, 0 ranks),
Climb +1 (+1 Str, 0 ranks),
Concentration +14 (+2 Con, 12 ranks),
Craft (obsidian weapon-making) +5 (+1 Int, 4 ranks),
Diplomacy +8 (+3 Cha, 5 ranks),
Disguise +3 (+3 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Forgery +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +3 (+3 Cha, 0 ranks),
Heal +12 (+5 Wis, 5 ranks, +2 healing belt),
Intimidate +3 (+3 Cha, 0 ranks),
Jump +1 (+1 Str, 0 ranks),
Knowledge (arcana) +6 (+1 Int, 5 ranks),
Knowledge (religion) +8 (+1 Int, 7 ranks),
Listen +5 (+5 Wis, 0 ranks),
Ride +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Search +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Sense Motive +5 (+5 Wis, 0 ranks),
Sneak +7 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, +5 sandals of stealth),
Spellcraft +10 (+1 Int, 7 ranks, +2 synergy Knowledge [arcana]),
Spot +5 (+5 Wis, 0 ranks),
Survival +4 (+4 Wis, 0 ranks),
Swim +6 (+1 Str, 5 ranks),
Use Magic Device +4 (+6 using scrolls) (+3 Cha, 0 ranks, 1 cross-class ranks),
Use Rope +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks)
Armor Check Penalty
-0-0 armor -0 helm -0 shield |
Swim Check Penalty -0 |
Permanent Class Skills Knowledge (religion), Swim
Armor Proficiency (light),
Augment Healing,
Empower Spell,
Lightning Reflexes,
Quicken Spell,
Reach Spell,
Seeking Spell,
Shield Proficiency (all),
Simple Weapon Proficiency (club, dagger, light mace, heavy mace, shortspear, sling, spear)
Special Qualities  |
- armband of maximized healing □ 1/dayUse Maximize Spell feat on any conjuration (healing) spell of 6th level or lower cast.
- Augment Healing (Ex) Add +2 points per spell level to the amount of damage healed by any Conjuration (healing) spell that you cast.
- Second Wind (Ex) □ Once per encounter, as a standard action that does not provoke, the character activates a healing surge and gains a +2 bonus to his Armor Class until his next turn.
- Spontaneous Casting (Ex) "Lose" any prepared spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any with the word "cure" in the name).
Spellcasting and Spell-Like Abilities  |
- Spell-Like Abilities 1/daycure minor wounds (□), light (□), mending (□).
- Caster Level 1st1 levels of druid (from culture) |
Spell Penetration d20+1d20 +1 caster level |
Primary Ability Wisdom
- Rage Cleric Spells Per Day (0-level 6 | 1st 6 | 2nd 5 | 3rd 4 | 4th 3 | 5th 2)
- DC to Resist 15 + spell level
- Caster Level 9th9 levels of rage cleric |
Spell Penetration d20+9d20 +9 caster level |
Primary Ability Wisdom
□create water,
□detect magic,
□detect poison,
□monkey climb,
□purify food & drink
□astute fighting,
□lesser shivering touch,
□potent weapon,
□□ray of hope
□animalistic power,
□bear's endurance,
□divine protection,
□lesser restoration,
□master's insight
□close wounds,
□remove disease,
□□searing light
□repel vermin
□flame strike,
□furious assault
Biographical Information  |
Princess Ayoli is the middle daughter of the minor Panahi Chief Mukanu of Ashenford. With both a brother and older sister, she is minor royalty in name only; she will likely never have any lands of her own. Ayoli is a devout follower of Ahi and fiercely loyal to her people. A beautiful, charismatic woman, she inspires those around her and brings out their best talents. Her prayers to Ahi tend to be those calling upon the goddess to bless her allies and strengthen them. Ayoli is also a skilled healer, capable of wielding divine magic exceptionally well to mend injury.
The Princess was the victim of a kidnapping by the frog cult who wanted to summon an aspect of their evil god to impregnate her with a godling. Fortunately, the Keiki Manuahis interrupted the ritual and rescued her in time. Her hand had been promised in marriage to one who would rescue her. She quickly fell for Laka Pokukeliki, a fellow priest of Ahi. The two were wed shortly thereafter and are making a deadly team.
- Why did you become an adventurer? The Panahi are a fierce and proud people, and their leaders must be strong as well.
- What is your favorite motto or saying? May Ahi caress your foes.
- How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Many are family heirlooms.
- What's the worst event in your life? Being kidnapped by the frog cult.
- Do you have surviving family? Do you stay in touch? Yes, parents, two sisters, and a brother in Ashenford.
- What is your biggest fear? Frogs.
- What makes you laugh out loud? When people under estimate your abilities.
- What makes you angry? Creatures doing harm to you and yours.
- What talent would you most like to have? The power to summon forth the might of the volcano.
- What are your sentiments toward witchery? Although not of the goddess, their power is unmistakable.
- What are your sentiments toward other cultures? Tolerant but aloof; as a princess of the Panahi, she is naturally above other humans.
- What would be your theme music? "Respect" by Aretha Franklin
Religion Ahi | Culture Panahi | Heritage 100% Human
Height 5 ft. 4 in. | Weight 136 lb. | Age 21 | Hair Black | Eyes Brown
Mannerisms Aggressive and haughty and devoted to the volcano goddess.
Appearance Beautiful, smooth-skinned young princess who moves with authority and grace.
Last Played September 9, 2010
Character Level Record |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Rage Cleric |
Equipment & Possessions  |
Magic Items Equipped
SHIELD+1 light fortification buckler (+2 shield; 5% spell failure; 25% fortification) (4,165 gp),
NECK+2 periapt of wisdom (4,000 gp),
CHEST+1 vest of resistance (1,000 gp),
SHOULDERS+2 barkskin cape (8,000 gp),
WAISThealing belt (+2 competence Heal checks; □□□ charges/day | touch and heal: 1 charge for 2d8, 2 charges for 3d8, 3 charges for 4d8) (750 gp),
HANDS+2 gloves of dexterity (4,000 gp),
FEETsandals of stealth (+5 competence Sneak) (2,500 gp),
BODY PIERCINGS+2 body piercing of protection (8,000 gp),
WRISTSarmband of maximized healing (1/dayUse Maximize Spell feat on any conjuration (healing) spell of 6th level or lower cast) (7,200 gp)
Magical Items None
- Masterwork Balm Belt
□□ balm of cure light wounds (cures 1d8+1 hp) (50 gp),
□ balm of cure moderate wounds (cures 2d8+3 hp) (300 gp),
□□□ balm of health cocktail (cures 3d8+4 hp) (525 gp),
□□ balm of jump (+10 enhancement Jump checks; 1 minute duration) (50 gp),
□□ vial of masterwork antitoxin (+6 alchemical bonus on Fort saves against poison for 1 hour) (100 gp each)
Nonmagical Items
backpack (2 gp),
balanced masterwork club (+1 enhancement attack rolls and damage) (600 gp),
bedroll (1 sp),
belt pouch (1 gp),
□□ candles (5-ft. radius illumination; 1 hour) (1 cp each),
empty flask (3 cp),
explorer's outfit (10 gp),
flint and striker (full-round action) (1 gp),
masterwork light helm (+1 helm; 5% spell failure) (165 gp),
masterwork potion belt (free action to retrieve; holds 10 potions) (60 gp),
peasant's outfit (1 sp),
renowned silk rope (50 ft.; +4 circumstance Use Rope checks) (210 gp),
2 sacks (1 sp each),
tent (10 gp),
□□□ torches (1 cp each),
trail rations (6 days) (5 sp/day),
waterskin (1 gp)
Black Pearls 0 |
White Pearls 0 |
Red Coral 0 |
Pink Coral 46 |
Blue Coral 5 |
Green Coral 2
Other Wealth None
Defeated Enemy Record