- Ch'ien 0, Ch'ao 0, Tael 20,200, Yuan 140, Fen 124
- Gems (Total Value0 gp)
- Jewelry and Art (Total ValueĬ gp)
string of white pearls (300 gp)
Magic Items
- Armor
8 +1 ashigaru armor (+4 armor; +5 max Dex; 15% spell failure) (1,175 gp),
5 +2 ashigaru armor (+5 armor; +5 max Dex; 15% spell failure) (4,175 gp),
+2 leather coat (+6 armor; -1 armor check penalty; 10% spell failure) (4,350 gp),
7 +1 leather scale armor (+4 armor; +6 max Dex; -1 armor check penalty; 15% spell failure) (1,185 gp),
7 +2 ornate reinforced great armor (+10 armor; +2 max Dex; -4 armor check penalty; 40% spell failure; +2 circumstance bonus Intimidate checks; heavy armor) (6,950 gp),
6 +2 vital coverage leather coat (+6 armor; +6 max Dex; -1 armor check penalty; 10% spell failure; +2 AC against critical hits; light armor) (4,550 gp)
- Helms
- Major Artifacts
- Minor Artifacts
- Perpetual Talismans
- Rings
ring of diamond mindinsightful strike (1/dayas part of normal melee attack, roll a Concentration check and use the result as damage instead of rolling damage normally) (3,000 gp),
4 +1 ring of protection (2,000 gp)
- Rods
- Scepters
- ScrollsArcane
- ScrollsDivine
- Shields
- Staffs
- Wands
- Weapons
6 +2 crystal laced serrated valorous bisento (+1 crystalline bonus attack and damage; double damage on charge attacks; +1 threat range; can be set against charge; can be used to trip) (21,810 gp),
5 +2 crystal-laced serrated wave-based katana (+1 crystalline bonus to attack and damage; +1 threat range; +1d6 water damage) (21,835 gp),
+2 earth-based heavy mace (+1d6 earth damage) (18,312 gp),
7 +1 fatiguing nine link chain whip (on critical fatigue target) (8,330 gp),
5 +1 shock light crossbow (8,335 gp),
2 +3 serrated katana (+1 threat range) (18,835 gp)
- Wondrous Items
8 +1 amulet of natural armor (2,000 gp),
7 +2 amulet of natural armor (8,000 gp),
6 +1 baldric of endless acidic uchi-ne (9,125 gp),
baldric of endless +2 serrated tantos (9,927 gp),
+1 barkskin cape (2,000 gp),
2 boots of striding and springing (+10 ft. speed; +5 competence Jump checks) (5,500 gp),
+2 bracers of armor (4,000 gp),
10 +3 bracers of armor (9,000 gp),
+2 cloak of charisma (4,000 gp),
7 +1 cloak of resistance (1,000 gp),
+2 cloak of resistance (4,000 gp),
7 devastating gauntlets (3 charges/day; on critical burn 1 charge to add 2d6, 2 charges add 3d6, or 3 charges add 4d6 damage) (2,000 gp),
2 gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp),
+2 gloves of dexterity (4,000 gp),
10 +1 monk's outfit of armor (1,500 gp),
7 odori of stealth (+5 competence Sneak) (2,500 gp),
6 +1 vest of resistance (1,000 gp)
- Yiyaos
Masterwork Items
- Armor
Large masterwork partial armor (+4 armor; +4 max Dex; -2 armor check penalty; 25% spell failure; medium armor) (250 gp)
- Helms
25 masterwork light helm (+1 helm; 5% spell failure) (185 gp)
- Other Goods and Services
- Weapons
5 balanced barbed hollow masterwork emei pierce (1d4+1 damage; crit. 20/x4; +1 enhancement attack and damage; holds 4 doses of poison, move action to release) (1,115 gp),
2 balanced crystal laced masterwork razor sharp serrated wakizashi (+1 enhancement attack and damage; +1 crystalline bonus attack and damage; +1 damage; +1 threat range) (5,110 gp),
7 balanced masterwork nunchaku (602 gp),
balanced masterwork razor sharp serrated surujin kama (+1 damage; +1 enhancement hit and damage; increase threat range by 1; double weapon) (2,202 gp),
7 balanced masterwork serrated wakizashi (+1 enhancement attack and damage; +1 threat range) (1,110 gp),
3 Large masterwork tetsubo (310 gp)
Mundane Items
- Armor
small dastana (+1 armor; -1 armor check penalty; 5% spell failure) (25 gp),
3 small studded leather armor (+3 armor; +5 max Dex; -1 armor check penalty; 15% spell failure) (25 gp)
- Helm
4 small light helm (+1 helm; -1 armor check penalty; 5% spell failure) (15 gp)
- Mounts
- Other Goods and Services
- Poisons
- Shields
- Weapons
Large naginata (16 gp),
Large whip (2 gp),
3 small tetsubo (5 gp)
Unidentified or Miscellaneous Items
- Miscellaneous
15 doses of Lazyfeet VI poison (injury DC 17 Fort; 1d8 Dex initial damage; 1d8 secondary damage) (625 gp each)