Damage Reduction n/a;
Fortification 0%;
Miss Chance 0%;
Spell Resistance 0%
Immune Dragon Fear, Electricity, Paralysis, Sleep;
Resist n/a;
Weakness n/a
Combat Options |
- Attack Bonus +1 racial bonus to attack monstrous humanoids
- Breath Weapon (Su) 30-ft. line of electricity; 5d6 electricity damage; DC 2010 base +3 Con modifier +5 one-half Dragon Shaman level +2 Ability Focus feat Reflex half; usable once every 1d4 rounds.
- Draconic Aura (Su) As swift action, affect all allies within 30 ft. including self, with a +3 base bonus.
- Energy Shield Any creature striking you or your ally with a natural attack or a nonreach melee weapon is dealt 2 points of electricity damage for each point of your aura bonus.
- Power Bonus on melee damage rolls equal to your aura bonus.
- Presence Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks equal to your aura bonus.
- Resistance Resistance to your totem dragon's energy type equal to 5 x your aura bonus.
- Senses Bonus on Listen and Spot checks, as well as on initiative checks, equal to your aura bonus.
- Toughness DR 1/magic for each point of your aura bonus (up to 5/magic at 20th level).
- Vigor Fast healing 1 for each point of your aura bonus, but only affects characters at or below one-half their full normal hit points.
- Evasive Fighting (Ex) Once per round, as an immediate action, 5-foot step out of the way of a charge. The opponent may still attack but loses the +2 charge bonus. Opponent ends movement where charge would have normally ended and still suffers -2 AC penalty.
- Pressing Attack (Ex) This feat allows you to follow an opponent who tries to step back from an area you threaten. The opponent must be in an area you threaten at the beginning of his action. If the opponent takes a 5-foot step to an area you do not threaten, you may immediately take a 5-foot step of your own to any unoccupied space where you again threaten the opponent. If no such space is available, you cannot use this feat. You may only use this feat once per round.
- Snap Kick (Ex) When making a Standard or Full Attack, add an additional unarmed strike at highest attack bonus -2 dealing unarmed damage plus 1/2 Strength modifier.
Spell/Effect |
Duration |
Caster/Level |
Languages High Shou
Appraise +0 (+0 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +0 (+1 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Bluff +2 (+2 Cha, 0 ranks),
Climb +10 (+4 Str, 7 ranks, -1 armor),
Concentration +3 (+3 Con, 0 ranks),
Diplomacy +2 (+2 Cha, 0 ranks),
Disguise +2 (+2 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +0 (+1 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Forgery +0 (+0 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +2 (+2 Cha, 0 ranks),
Heal +0 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks),
Iajutsu Focus +2 (+2 Cha, 0 ranks),
Intimidate +2 (+2 Cha, 0 ranks),
Jump +3 (+4 Str, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Knowledge (nature) +5 (+0 Int, 5 ranks),
Listen +2 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks, +2 Alertness),
Ride +1 (+1 Dex, 0 ranks),
Search +7 (+0 Int, 7 ranks),
Sense Motive +0 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks),
Sneak +0 (+1 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Spot +2 (+0 Wis, 0 ranks, +2 Alertness),
Survival +16 (+18 aboveground) (+0 Wis, 13 ranks, +3 Skill Focus),
Swim +9 (+4 Str, 7 ranks, -2 armor),
Use Rope +1 (+1 Dex, 0 ranks)
Armor Check Penalty
-1-1 armor -0 helm -0 shield;
Swim Check Penalty -2;
Permanent Class Skills None
Ability Focus (breath weapon),
Armor Proficiency (light),
Armor Proficiency (medium),
Combat Reflexes,
Evasive Fighting,
Improved Unarmed Strike,
Martial Weapon Proficiency (daikyu, duan jian, jian, throwing tanto),
Pressing Attack,
Shield Proficiency (all except tower shield),
Simple Weapon Proficiency (all),
Skill Focus (Survival),
Snap Kick
Special Qualities |
- Second Wind (Ex) □ Once per encounter, as a standard action that does not provoke, the character activates a healing surge and gains a +2 bonus to his Armor Class until his next turn.
- Totem Dragon Bronze.
- Touch of Vitality (Su) Heal by touch 4020 (x2 Dragon Shaman level) x 2 Cha modifier hit points of damage on self or other as a standard action. No effect upon undead.
- Water Breathing (Ex) You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use spells and other abilities underwater (always active).
Biographical Information |
- Why did you become an adventurer? Kavi seeks to challenge himself and grow more like the ancient dragons. Only through adversity can one progress.
- Where did you learn your class skills? Kavi has studied budo from a young age. He has added to this experience combating dangerous oni, bakemono, and other monstrosities.
- How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Kavi has been given many items as tokens of thanks for services rendered to various temples and people.
- What's the worst event in your life? Seeing a bronze dragon slain by a group of oni.
- What's the best event in your life? The birth of his son, Kenthu.
- Do you have surviving family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? His parents have passed on, but he has a 5-year-old son.
- What is your biggest fear? Being unable to protect those unable to protect themselves.
- What makes you laugh out loud? Very little, Kavi is too seriously minded.
- What makes you angry? Dangerous creatures harming the defenseless.
- Do you have a secret? He doesn't tell many of his son for fear of exposing him to danger.
- What talent would you most like to have? Kavi would most like to be a dragon.
- What are your sentiments toward magic? Magic from the kami is acceptable but arcane magic is dangerous and frightening.
- What are your sentiments toward samurai? No one has the right to rule over others due to birthright.
Religion Eight Million Immortals; Homeland Petan; Heritage 100% Human; Background Militia
Height 5 ft. 5 in.; Weight 154 lb.; Age 24; Hair Black; Eyes Brown
Experience 45,001 of 55,000
Mannerisms Quiet, reserved, slow to anger, resolute in purpose.
Appearance Muscular, faintly scaled skin.
Last Played September 17, 2009
Character Level Record |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Dragon Shaman |
Defeated Enemy Record
Bakemono Yemanren, Go-Zu Oni, Oni Mauler, Xuejian Shi Flaming Lion
Equipment & Possessions |
Magic Items Equipped
WEAPON+2 earth-based heavy mace (+1d6 earth damage) (18,312 gp),
ARMOR/BACK+3 leather coat (+7 armor bonus; +6 max Dex; -1 armor check penalty; 10% spell failure; light armor) (9,350 gp),
SHOULDERS+2 cloak of charisma (4,000 gp),
WAISTbelt of stone dragonbonecrusher (1/dayas part of normal melee attack, add 4d6 damage plus DC 13 + Str modifier Fort save or suffer +10 to confirm critical hits until all damage healed) (3,000 gp),
HANDSgauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp),
RING (left)ring of diamond mindinsightful strike (1/dayas part of normal melee attack, roll a Concentration check and use the result as damage instead of rolling damage normally) (3,000 gp),
RING (right)None,
Magical Items None
- Masterwork Yayao Belt
□□ good night's rest admixtures (cure light wounds and healthful rest; cures 1d8+1 hp and doubles natural healing for 24 hours) (150 gp),
□□□□ health cocktail admixtures (cure light wounds and cure moderate wounds; cures 3d8+4 hp) (525 gp),
□□ liquid life admixtures (cure serious wounds and cure light wounds; cures 4d8+6 hp) (1,200 gp),
□□ yayaos of cure moderate wounds (CL 3rd; cures 2d8+3 hp) (300 gp)
Nonmagical Items
backpack (2 gp),
bedroll (1 sp),
belt pouch (1 gp),
□□ candles (5-ft. radius illumination; 1 hour) (1 cp each),
crowbar (+2 circumstance bonus Strength checks to break or open objects) (2 gp),
empty flask (3 cp),
explorer's outfit (10 gp),
□□□ flasks of oil (1 sp each),
flint and steel (full-round action) (1 gp),
grappling hook (Use Rope DC 10, +2 per 10 ft. of distance thrown) (1 gp),
hammer (5 sp),
masterwork light helm (+1 helm bonus; 5% spell failure) (165 gp),
masterwork light wooden shield (+1 shield bonus; 5% spell failure) (153 gp),
masterwork potion belt (free action to retrieve; holds 10 potions) (60 gp),
peasant's outfit (1 sp),
□□□□□□□□□□ pitons (1 sp each),
renowned climber's kit (+4 circumstance Climb checks) (280 gp),
renowned silk rope (50 ft.; +4 circumstance Use Rope checks) (210 gp),
2 sacks (1 sp each),
small steel mirror (10 gp),
tent (10 gp),
□□□ torches (1 cp each),
trail rations (6 days) (5 sp/day),
□□ vials of masterwork antitoxin (+6 alchemical bonus on Fort saves against poison for 1 hour) (100 gp each),
waterskin (1 gp),
whetstone (2 cp),
winter blanket (5 sp)
Ch'ien 0,
Ch'ao 0,
Tael 769,
Yuan 0,
Fen 0
Other Wealth None