Race: Halfling
Type: Small humanoid (halfling)
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Character Level: 2
Primary Class: Rogue 2
Multi-Classes: n/a
Prestige Classes: n/a
Ability Base Race Mod Age Mod Level Mod Magic Mod Total Modifier
STR: 12 -2 +0 +0 +0 10 +0
DEX: 15 +2 +0 +0 +0 17 +3
CON: 10 +0 +0 +0 +0 10 +0
INT: 14 +0 +0 +0 +0 14 +2
WIS: 8 +0 +0 +0 +0 8 -1
CHA: 13 +0 +0 +0 +0 13 +1
Saving Throws Base Ability Mod Magic Mod Misc Mod Total
Fortitude +0 +0 +0 +1 +1
Reflex +3 +3 +0 +1 +7
Will +0 -1 +0 +1 +0
Effective Character Level: 2
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points: 9
Power Points: 0
Initiative Modifier: +3 (+3 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Base Unarmed Attack Bonus: n/a
Spell & Power Resistance: n/a
Speed: 20 ft. (20 ft. base)
Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Halfling
Face/Reach: 5 ft. x 5 ft./5 ft.
Experience Points: 2,235
Armor Class: 16 (10 base, +1 size, +3 Dex, +2 leather armor; touch 14, flat-footed 13)
Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light)
Skills: Climb +7 (5 ranks, +2 racial bonus), Craft (stonemasonry) +7 (+2 Int, 5 ranks), Diplomacy +4 (+1 Cha, 3 ranks), Disable Device +7 (+2 Int, 5 ranks), Escape Artist +6 (+3 Dex, 3 ranks), Gather Information +3 (+1 Cha, 2 ranks), Hide +12 (+4 size, +3 Dex, 5 ranks), Jump +5 (3 ranks, +2 racial bonus), Listen +3 (-1 Wis, 0 ranks, +2 racial bonus, +2 Alertness feat), Move Silently +10 (+3 Dex, 5 ranks, +2 racial bonus), Open Lock +8 (+3 Dex, 5 ranks), Read Lips +3 (+2 Int, 1 ranks), Search +7 (+2 Int, 5 ranks), Spot +1 (-1 Wis, 0 ranks, +2 Alertness feat), Swim +0 (+0 Str, 0 ranks), Tumble +6 (+3 Dex, 3 ranks)
Attacks (favored weapons):

  • short sword +2 melee (1d6, crit. 19-20/x2)


  • dagger +2 melee (1d4, crit. 19-20/x2)


  • unarmed strike +2 melee (1d2 subdual, crit. 20/x2)


  • light crossbow +5 ranged (1d8, crit. 19-20/x2, 80 ft.)

Special Attacks/Qualities:
  • Halfling Abilities: +2 morale bonus on saving throws vs. fear; +1 racial attack bonus with thrown weapons; +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
  • Rogue Abilities: Evasion; +1d6 sneak attack.

  • Magical Items:
    • None

  • Nonmagical Items:
    • Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, 29 bolts, dagger, flint and steel, Free Warriors contract, Free Warriors emblem, leather armor, light crossbow, short sword, silk rope (50 ft.), torch, trail rations (10 days), waterskin, whetstone.

  • Treasure:
    • PP: 0, GP: 10, SP: 8, CP: 6

    • Gems & Jewelry:
    • Art Objects:
    • Other:

Biographical Information
Religion: Olidammara
Height: 3 ft.
Weight: 34 lb.
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Green
Age: 26
Homeland: Village of Torin, Lehigh province
Liege: None
Company: The Knights of the Moose
Rank: Adventurer
Clan: None
Bloodline: 100% Halfling
Maelstrom is the oldest of two children. His younger sister didn't share his enthusiasm for exploring the vast caves and ancient dungeons beneath his village of Torin. If she had been interested, maybe she'd be with him today.

Maelstrom never knew his father. Called to bear arms against the growing insurgency of rebel orcs and hobgoblins in the province of Lehigh, Maelstrom's father became a casualty in the Golic Wars.

Shortly after his father's death, the village of Torin was besieged by a band of ______. They raped the women, then beheaded them and their children. However, before the nighttime raid on the village, Maelstrom slipped out of bed to explore the village's underground labyrinth (he did his best exploring at night). He stopped by his sister's bed and asked her to join him. As usual, she declined.

Upon his return, he heard the thunderous footsteps of horses... many horses. His heart raced as he ran back toward the village. The screams of women and children pierced the veil of silence. The smell of burning flesh made him vomit. He managed to climb a nearby tree. The violent scenes he witnessed burned into his memory cells. He could see the double-bladed axe remove his mother's head. His sister was placed upon a horse, her hands tied. Maelstrom never felt so helpless and angry.

Homeless and with very little gold or silver, Maelstrom travels the province performing odd jobs for pay and collects the necessary intelligence needed for his mission... to rescue his only remaining family member from the band of _____, if she's still alive. The information he's collected thus far during his travels indicates that he's getting close, very, very close.

Picture from Elfwood
Mount: Male donkey; CR 1/6; Medium-size animal; HD 2d8+2 (11 hp); Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural; touch 11, flat-footed 12); Atk +1 melee (1d2, crit. 20/x2, bite); Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ Scent; AL N; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 4.

Skills and Feats: Balance +3, Listen +5, Spot +5.
Carrying Capacity: Light load - 50 lb., medium load - 51 to 100 lb., heavy load - 101 to 150 lb.; can drag up to 750 lb.
Gear: Bit and bridle, riding saddle.

Skills: Donkeys receive a +2 racial bonus to Balance.
Character Created On: 06/11/2002
Player Name: Terry Dunlap
Active Game Sessions: 5
Dungeon Master: John B. White, Ph.D.