Realms Beyond - Fallen Kingdoms Campaign
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition
Character Played by Brian Blum; 1,480 GEMs
4 Active Game Sessions, Created on 04/21/2005
Name: Eberk Battlehmanner |
Alignment: Neutral |
Male Half-Dwarf |
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) |
Character Level: 6 |
XP: 21,250 |
Classes: Archer 6, Ecclesiastic 6 |
Ability |
Base |
Race |
Age |
Inherent |
Level |
Magic |
Temp |
Total |
Mod |
STR: |
16 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
16 / ____ |
+3 / ____ |
DEX: |
14 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
15 / ____ |
+2 / ____ |
CON: |
17 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
17 / ____ |
+3 / ____ |
INT: |
17 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
17 / ____ |
+3 / ____ |
WIS: |
15 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
16 / ____ |
+3 / ____ |
CHA: |
13 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
13 / ____ |
+1 / ____ |
16 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
16 / ____ |
+3 / ____ |
BAB: +4
melee touch: +7
ranged touch: +6
Grapple: +7
Bull Rush: +3
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Craft Points: 2,200
Lives Remaining: 9
Saving Throws |
Base |
Ability |
Magic |
Misc |
Total |
Penalties |
Fortitude |
+5 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+8 / ____ |
Attack Rolls: |
Damage Rolls: |
Reflex |
+2 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+4 / ____ |
Ability Checks: |
Skill Checks: |
Will |
+5 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+8 / ____ |
Saving Throws: |
Negative Levels: |
AC Changes |
Size |
Dex |
Natural |
Armor |
Shield |
Deflection |
Dodge |
Morale |
Circumstance |
Other |
AC |
Touch |
Flat-Footed |
Normal |
+0 |
+2 |
+0 |
+5 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
17 |
12 |
15 |
Modified |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (66 hp) |
49 |
33 |
16 |
Initiative Modifier: +2 (+2 Dex) |
Weapon |
Single Atk |
Secondary |
Full Atk |
Damage |
Critical |
Range |
Type |
masterwork dwarven battlehammer |
+9 |
n/a |
+9 |
1d10+3 |
20/x3 |
n/a |
Bludgeoning |
masterwork mighty (+3 Str) composite longbow |
+11 |
n/a |
+11/+11 |
1d8+3 |
20/x3 |
110 ft. |
Piercing |
throwing dagger |
+6 |
n/a |
+6 |
1d4+4 |
19-20/x2 |
15 ft. |
Piercing |
unarmed strike |
+7 |
n/a |
+7 |
1d3+3 nonlethal |
20/x2 |
n/a |
Bludgeoning |
Spell/Effect |
Duration |
Caster |
Armor Proficiency (light),
Armor Proficiency (medium),
Craft Masterwork Weapon,
Dead Shot,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven battlehammer),
Martial Weapon Proficiency (all ranged and light melee),
Pinpoint Accuracy,
Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot,
Simple Weapon Proficiency (all),
Skill Focus (Craft [bowyer]),
Weapon Focus (dwarven battlehammer),
Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills (armor check penalty -1; Knowledge [dungeoneering] is always a class skill):
Appraise +3 (+4 stone or metal items) (+3 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +1 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Bluff +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Climb +9 (+3 Str, 5 ranks, +2 racial, -1 armor),
Concentration +12 (+3 Con, 9 ranks),
Craft (bowyer) +17 (+18 stone or metal items) (+3 Int, 6 ranks, +3 archer, +3 Skill Focus, +2 masterwork tool),
Decipher Script +9 (+3 Int, 6 ranks),
Diplomacy +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Disguise +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +1 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Forgery +3 (+3 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Heal +7 (+3 Wis, 2 ranks, +2 racial),
Hide +10 (+2 Dex, 9 ranks, -1 armor),
Intimidate +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Jump +7 (+3 Str, 5 ranks, -1 armor),
Knowledge (arcana) +10 (+3 Int, 7 ranks),
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10 (+3 Int, 7 ranks),
Knowledge (geography) +10 (+3 Int, 7 ranks),
Knowledge (history) +10 (+3 Int, 7 ranks),
Listen +3 (+3 Wis, 0 ranks),
Move Silently +1 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Ride +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Search +3 (+3 Int, 0 ranks),
Sense Motive +3 (+3 Wis, 0 ranks),
Spellcraft +10 (+3 Int, 5 ranks, +2 synergy from Knowledge [arcana]),
Spot +9 (+3 Wis, 6 ranks),
Survival +5 (+7 underground, avoiding getting lost or natural hazards) (+3 Wis, 0 ranks, +2 racial),
Swim +3 (+3 Str, 0 ranks),
Use Rope +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks)
Languages: Chondathan, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Illuskan, Terran
Special Attacks/Qualities:
Background Abilities: Dwarf of the Halls; +1 racial bonus to attacks against humanoid (elves) and humanoid (gnolls).
Dead Shot (Ex): A target's bonuses to AC from cover are halved (generally going from +4 to +2 AC). If the archer is unable to see his target, he is not able to make use of this ability. This ability cannot be used in conjunction with another feat or ability that gives a bonus to hit or damage a target with the benefit of cover.
Dwarven Blood (Ex): For all effects related to race, a half-dwarf is considered a dwarf.
Extra Shot (Ex): The archer can make one additional attack with his best attack bonus if he makes a full attack action. This extra shot stacks with the additional shot he may get with the Rapid Shot feat (although if using the Rapid Shot feat, all attacks that round are done at a -2 penalty, including the extra shot from this ability).
Half-Dwarf Traits: Darkvision 30 ft.; +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against giant types (such as ogres, trolls and hill giants); +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears); +1 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells and spell-like effects.
Knowledge Domain Granted Power: All Knowledge skills are ecclesiastic class skills; you cast Divination school spells at one caster level higher.
Lore (Ex): An ecclesiastic may make a special lore check with a bonus equal to his ecclesiastic level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the ecclesiastic has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.) An ecclesiastic may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
Pinpoint Accuracy (Ex): The archer gains the benefits of the Pinpoint Accuracy feat. By spending a full-round action doing nothing else but aiming at a target, the archer gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his attack roll against that target. (Aiming can last up to three rounds, or the character's Wisdom bonus in rounds, whichever is less, for a maximum of +6 to the attack roll on the fourth round.) The archer must use a full-attack action to make one attack that receives this bonus and he cannot be in an area threatened by an enemy while aiming or making the attack.
Primary Weapon (Ex): The archer gains a +3 compotence bonus when using longbow. This bonus stacks with the bonus from the Weapon Focus feat, and any other competence bonuses to attack the archer may have.
Spontaneous Casting: Convert non-domain spells to cure spell of same level.
Stability (Ex): A half-dwarf gains a +2 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, and so forth).
Turn Undead (Su): 4/dayAs a 6th-level cleric.
Ecclesiastic Domains: Craft, Knowledge, Metal
Ecclesiastic Spells Prepared (5/4+1/4+1/3+1; DC 13 + spell level; caster level 6th [7th for Divination school spells and creation subschool spells]):
* domain spell.
Magical Items: 9 +1 arrows (47 gp each), +1 chain shirt (1,250 gp), earth blast spell sphere (CL 5th; as sorcerous blastearth; 5d6 earth damage, DC 14 Reflex half; 750 gp), efficient quiver (1,800 gp), necklace of fireballs (one 7d6, two 5d6, three 3d6; DC 14 Reflex half) (3,900 gp).
Potions: potion of cure moderate wounds (CL 3rd; 2d8+3 hit points) (300 gp).
Nonmagical Items: 60 arrows, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, masterwork bowyer tool, masterwork dwarven battlehammer (340 gp), masterwork mighty (+3 Str) composite longbow (700 gp), masterwork potion belt, tent, throwing dagger, 3 torches, trail rations (6 days), waterskin, whetstone
Biographical Information |
Height: 4 ft. 5 in.; Weight: 152 lb.; Age: 31; Hair: Grey; Eyes: Grey
Patron Deity: Dumathoin; Homeland: Spine of the World; Heritage: 50% Human, 50% Shield Dwarf; Background: Dwarf of the Halls.
Carrying Capacity: light loadup to 76 lbs.; medium load77-153 lbs.; heavy load154-230 lbs.; drag1,150 lbs.
Platinum (pp): 0, Gold (gp): 1,049, Silver (sp): 10, Copper (cp): 10
Other Valuables: 1 onyx (50 gp), 1 silver chalice etched with unicorns (70 gp), 2 5-lb. silver Everlund trade bars (25 gp each)
Character Level Record |
Ecclesiastic |
Ecclesiastic |
Ecclesiastic |
Ecclesiastic |
Ecclesiastic |
Ecclesiastic |
Archer |
Archer |
Archer |
Archer |
Archer |
Archer |
Spellcasting Record |
0-level: |
1st: |
2 |
2nd: |
1 |
3rd: |
5 |
4th: |
5th: |
6th: |
7th: |
8th: |
9th: |
Character History:
Write character background. What's he like, who does he like, what motivates him, what's his family like, what are his quirks, what makes him angry, etc?
Slain Enemy Record:
1 Dekanter Goblin Wrestler, 1 Gnoll Archer, 2 Severed Hand Goblin Warriors
FK01: A Good Dead Goblin, FK02: Evil Underfoot