Realms Beyond - Dragonbane Campaign
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition
Character Played by Chris Roberts; 0 GEMs
2 Active Game Sessions, Created on 09/01/2005
Name: Lochinvar Telva |
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral |
Male Half-Elf |
Medium Humanoid (Elf) |
Character Level: 13 |
XP Earned: 84,500 |
Classes: Fighter 6, Hexblade 13, Rogue 7 |
Next Level Advance: 91,000 |
Ability |
Base |
Race |
Age |
Inherent |
Level |
Magic |
Temp |
Total |
Mod |
STR: |
15 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+4 |
20 / ____ |
+5 / ____ |
DEX: |
15 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
16 / ____ |
+3 / ____ |
CON: |
14 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
14 / ____ |
+2 / ____ |
INT: |
14 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
14 / ____ |
+2 / ____ |
WIS: |
14 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
15 / ____ |
+2 / ____ |
CHA: |
17 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+2 |
+0 |
19 / ____ |
+4 / ____ |
14 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
14 / ____ |
+2 / ____ |
BAB: +13/+8/+3
melee touch: +18
ranged touch: +16
Grapple: +18
Bull Rush: +5
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Craft Points: 9,100
Lives Remaining: 9
Saving Throws |
Base |
Ability |
Magic |
Misc |
Total |
Penalties |
Fortitude |
+8 |
+2 |
+2 |
+0 |
+12 / ____ |
Attack Rolls: |
Damage Rolls: |
Reflex |
+4 |
+3 |
+2 |
+0 |
+9 / ____ |
Ability Checks: |
Skill Checks: |
Will |
+8 |
+2 |
+2 |
+0 |
+12 / ____ |
Saving Throws: |
Negative Levels: |
AC Changes |
Size |
Dex |
Natural |
Armor |
Shield |
Deflection |
Dodge |
Morale |
Circumstance |
Other |
AC |
Touch |
Flat-Footed |
Normal |
+0 |
+3 |
+1 |
+8 |
+0 |
+2 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
26 |
17 |
26 |
Modified |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Hit Dice: 13d10+26 (156 hp) |
117 |
78 |
39* |
Initiative Modifier: +3 (+3 Dex) |
* Back to the Wall feat applies when in the RED.
Weapon |
Single Atk |
Secondary |
Full Atk |
Damage |
Critical |
Range |
Type |
+3 enfeebling scimitar |
melee |
+22 |
n/a |
+22/+17/+12 |
1d6+10 |
15-20/x2 plus 1d6+2 Str |
n/a |
Slashing |
+1 handaxe |
melee |
+19 |
n/a |
+19/+14/+9 |
1d6+6 |
20/x3 |
n/a |
Slashing |
unarmed strike |
melee |
+18 |
n/a |
+18/+13/+8 |
1d3+5 nonlethal |
20/x2 |
n/a |
Bludgeoning |
Spell/Effect |
Duration |
Caster |
Ability Focus (greater hexblade's curse),
Armor Focus (leather coat),
Armor Proficiency (all),
Back to the Wall,
Close-Quarters Fighting,
Combat Casting,
Combat Expertise,
Combat Reflexes,
Greater Spell Penetration,
Improved Critical (scimitar),
Improved Feint,
Martial Weapon Proficiency (all),
Shield Proficiency (all),
Simple Weapon Proficiency (all),
Spell Penetration,
Weapon Focus (scimitar),
Weapon Specialization (scimitar)
Appraise +2 (+2 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +6 (+3 Dex, 2 ranks, +2 synergy from Tumble, -1 armor),
Bluff +20 (+4 Cha, 14 ranks, +2 racial),
Climb +10 (+5 Str, 6 ranks, -1 armor),
Concentration +12 (+2 Con, 10 ranks),
Diplomacy +8 (+4 Cha, 0 ranks, +2 racial, +2 synergy from Bluff),
Disable Device +9 (+2 Int, 5 ranks, +2 masterwork thieves' tools),
Disguise +0 (+2 acting) (+4 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +6 (+3 Dex, 4 ranks, -1 armor),
Forgery +2 (+2 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +12 (+4 Cha, 4 ranks, +4 racial),
Heal +2 (+2 Wis, 0 ranks),
Hide +12 (+3 Dex, 8 ranks, -1 armor),
Intimidate +16 (+4 Cha, 10 ranks, +2 synergy from Bluff),
Jump +18 (+5 Str, 7 ranks, +2 synergy from Tumble, +5 boots of striding and springing, -1 armor),
Knowledge (arcana) +9 (+2 Int, 7 ranks),
Listen +8 (+2 Wis, 5 ranks, +1 racial),
Move Silently +10 (+3 Dex, 8 ranks, -1 armor),
Open Lock +9 (+3 Dex, 4 ranks, +2 masterwork thieves' tools),
Ride +8 (+3 Dex, 5 ranks),
Search +8 (+2 Int, 5 ranks, +1 racial),
Sense Motive +4 (+2 Wis, 0 ranks, +2 racial),
Sleight of Hand +11 (+3 Dex, 7 ranks, +2 synergy from Bluff, -1 armor),
Spellcraft +12 (+2 Int, 8 ranks, +2 synergy from Knowledge [arcana]),
Spot +8 (+2 Wis, 5 ranks, +1 racial),
Survival +2 (+2 Wis, 0 ranks),
Swim +3 (+5 Str, 0 ranks, -2 armor),
Tumble +20 (+3 Dex, 16 ranks, +2 synergy from Jump, -1 armor),
Use Rope +3 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks)
Armor Check Penalty: -1; Swim Check Penalty: -2
Permanent Class Skills: None
Languages: Chondathan, Common, Dragon, Elven, Goblin
Immunities: Magical sleep effects
Special Attacks/Qualities:
Arcane Resistance (Su): A hexblade gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum +1) on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
Aura of Unluck (Su): 1/dayA hexblade can create a baleful aura of misfortune. Any melee or ranged attack made against the hexblade while this aura of unluck is active has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effect concealment). Activating the aura is a free action, and the aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the hexblade's Charisma bonus (if any).
Back to the Wall (Ex): You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and Armor Class when you are at one quarter or less of your maximum hit points.
Close-Quarters Fighting (Ex): You can make an attack of opportunity when someone tries to grapple you, provided that you are not flat-footed or already grappled, even if the attacker has the improved grab ability.
Any damage you deal with your attack of opportunity applies as a bonus to the ensuing grapple check you make to avoid becoming grappled. This feat does not grant you an additional attack of opportunity in a round, so the feat does not help you if you have no attacks of opportunity available.
Evasion (Ex): A rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Greater Hexblade's Curse (Su): 4/dayAs a free action, a hexblade can unleash a curse upon a foe. The target must be visible to the hexblade and within 60 feet. The target of a hexblade's curse takes a -4 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 1 hour thereafter. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hexblade's class level + hexblade's Charisma modifier + 2 Ability Focus) negates the effect.
Half-Elf Traits: Elven blood; low-light vision; +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
Improved Feint (Ex): Improved feinting is a move action. To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by a Sense Motive check by your target. The target may add his base attack bonus to this Sense Motive check. If your Bluff check result exceeds your target’s Sense Motive check result, the next melee attack you make against the target does not allow him to use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), which allows you to add sneak attack damage. This attack must be made on or before your next turn.
When feinting in this way against a nonhumanoid you take a –4 penalty. Against a creature of animal Intelligence (1 or 2), you take a –8 penalty. Against a nonintelligent creature, it’s impossible.
Feinting in combat does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Mettle (Ex): A hexblade can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hexblade does not gain the benefit of mettle.
Rogue Abilities: +4d6 sneak attack; trapfinding.
Trap Sense (Ex): A rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +2 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Hexblade Spells Known (2/2/2; DC 14 + spell level; +4 overcome Spell Resistance; caster level 6th):
1stcharm person, detect magic, entropic shield, expeditious retreat.
2ndblindness/deafness, glitterdust, see invisibility, spider climb.
3rddispel magic, slow, vampiric touch.
Magical Items: 2 +1 amulets of natural armor (2,000 gp each) (one not worn), bag of holding type I (2,500 gp), +4 belt of giant strength (16,000 gp), boots of striding and springing (5,500 gp), +2 cloak of resistance (4,000 gp), +3 enfeebling scimitar (32,315 gp), +1 handaxe (2,306 gp), 2 +3 lamellar armors (9,300 gp each) (not worn), +4 leather coat (16,350 gp), ring of invisibility (20,000 gp), +2 ring of protection (8,000 gp)
Potions: potion of blur (CL 3rd; 3 min. duration) (300 gp), 3 potions of cure serious wounds (CL 5th; cures 3d8+5 hp) (750 gp each)
Nonmagical Items: backpack (2 gp), bedroll (1 sp), belt pouch (1 gp), 2 candles (1 cp each), empty flask (3 cp), explorer's outfit (10 gp), flint and steel (1 gp), grappling hook (1 gp), masterwork potion belt (60 gp), masterwork thieves' tools (100 gp), peasant's outfit (1 sp), 2 sacks (1 sp each), silk rope (50 ft.) (10 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp), 3 torches (1 cp each), trail rations (6 days) (5 sp/day), waterskin (1 gp), whetstone (2 cp), winter blanket (5 sp)
Biographical Information |
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.; Weight: 157 lb.; Age: 27; Hair: Black; Eyes: Green
Patron Deity: Beshaba; Homeland: Westgate, Dragon Coast; Heritage: 50% Human, 50% Moon Elf; Background: Streetwise
Carrying Capacity: light loadup to 133 lbs.; medium load134-266 lbs.; heavy load267-400 lbs.; drag2,000 lbs.
Platinum (pp): 450, Gold (gp): 197, Silver (sp): 0, Copper (cp): 0
Other Wealth: None
Character Level Record |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Rogue |
Fighter |
Rogue |
Fighter |
Rogue |
Fighter |
Rogue |
Fighter |
Rogue |
Fighter |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Hexblade |
Rogue |
Fighter |
Rogue |
Spellcasting Record |
0-level: |
1st: |
2nd: |
3rd: |
1 |
4th: |
5th: |
6th: |
7th: |
8th: |
9th: |
Character History:
Slain Enemy Record:
1 Ibixian Soldier, 1 Wrathful White Half-Dragon Polar Bear