BAB: +15/+10/+5 Lives Remaining: 4
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Combat Reflexes, Easy Metamagic (Quicken Spell), | , Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), , , Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shield Proficiency (all except tower shields), Simple Weapon Proficiency (all), Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), Weapon Focus (ray), Weapon Specialization (quarterstaff)||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Appraise +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +2 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Bluff +10 (+5 Cha, 5 ranks),
Climb +3 (+2 Str, 2 ranks, -1 armor),
Concentration +25 (+2 Con, 23 ranks),
Diplomacy +11 (+5 Cha, 0 ranks, +2 racial, +2 synergy from Bluff, +2 synergy from Sense Motive),
Disguise +5 (+7 acting) (+5 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +2 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Forgery +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +7 (+5 Cha, 0 ranks, +2 racial),
Heal +5 (+5 Wis, 0 ranks),
Intimidate +7 (+5 Cha, 0 ranks, +2 synergy from Bluff),
Jump +3 (+2 Str, 2 ranks, -1 armor),
Knowledge (arcana) +7 (+1 Int, 6 ranks),
Knowledge (the planes) +8 (+1 Int, 7 ranks),
Knowledge (religion) +11 (+1 Int, 10 ranks),
Listen +6 (+5 Wis, 0 ranks, +1 racial),
Ride +6 (+3 Dex, 3 ranks),
Search +2 (+1 Int, 0 ranks, +1 racial),
Sense Motive +11 (+5 Wis, 6 ranks),
Sneak +2 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks, -1 armor),
Spellcraft +17 (+18 decipher scrolls) (+1 Int, 14 ranks, +2 synergy from Knowledge [arcana]),
Spot +5 (+4 Wis, 0 ranks, +1 racial),
Survival +5 (+5 Wis, 0 ranks),
Swim +0 (+2 Str, 0 ranks, -2 armor),
Use Magic Device +20 (+22 with scrolls) (+5 Cha, 15 ranks),
Use Rope +3 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks)
Armor Check Penalty: -1; Swim Check Penalty: -2
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron Resistances: |
Special Attacks/Qualities:
Warpriest Spells Known (5/7/6/6/6/6/5; DC 15 + spell level; caster level 20th):
0-levelcure minor wounds, daze, disrupt undead, flare, light, message, read magic, resistance.
1stastute fighting, bless, bless water, bless weapon, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, expeditious retreat.
2ndbear's endurance, cat's grace, cure moderate wounds, resist energy, see invisibility, silence, spiritual weapon, true strike.
3rdconfusion, cure serious wounds, greater magic weapon, invisibility purge, prayer, protection from energy, remove blindness/deafness, wind wall.
4thcontrol water, cure critical wounds, freedom of movement, furious assault, scourge foes, sending, spell immunity, summon monster IV.
5thbattlelink, flame strike, greater command, mass cure light wounds, righteous might, spell resistance, true seeing, wall of ice.
6thblade barrier, heal, heroes' feast, mass bear's endurance, mass cat's grace, mass cure moderate wounds, move earth, wall of stone.
Warlock Invocations (Sp): At will, as a standard action, which provokes an attack of opportunity. Not subject to spell failure in light armor. Save DC 15 + invocation level. Save DC is Charisma-based. Leasteldritch spear, hideous blow, spiderwalk. Lessercurse of despair (level 4), flee the scene (level 4), hellrime blast (level 4), voracious dispelling (level 4). Greaterwall of perilous flame (level 5), vitriolic blast (level 6). Darkdark discorporation (level 8), retributive invisibility (level 6).
Magical Items: +5 chain shirt (25,250 gp)
Potions: None Nonmagical Items: backpack, balanced masterwork short sword (610 gp), bedroll, belt pouch, 2 flasks of holy water, flint and steel, masterwork potion belt (60 gp), masterwork quarterstaff (300 gp), sack, silk rope (50 ft.), silver holy symbol of Sehaine (25 gp), torch, trail rations (6 days), waterskin, whetstone, winter blanket
Biographical Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Height: 5 ft. 4 in.; Weight: 126 lb.; Age: 32; Hair: Black; Eyes: Green Patron Deity: Sehaine Moonbow; Homeland: Everlund; Heritage: 37% Human, 50% Moon Elf, 13% Copper Dragon; Background: Dragon Kith Carrying Capacity: light loadup to 58 lbs.; medium load59-116 lbs.; heavy load117-175 lbs.; drag875 lbs.
Platinum (pp): 21, Gold (gp): 90,690, Silver (sp): 6, Copper (cp): 13
Character History:
Ilinari is an attractive, dark-haired half-elven beauty with a mischievous spirit and neverending wanderlust. She is lithe and agile due to her elven heritage, but her great grandfather was a copper dragon, and she has inherited his sense of humor and carefree spirit. Ilinari is a strong follower of the elven goddess Sehaine and is thus well trained with the quarterstaff and close-quarter fighting. Somewhere in her human heritage, Ilinari inherited the warlock talent and has set out on the road to mastering this dark art. Although she feels tainted by the energies within, she relishes the unbridled power and opportunity to use it for good.
Slain Enemy Record:
1 Arcanaloth General, 1 Cult Battleguard Captain, 1 Dragon Cultist Ghost Archmage, 1 Ettin Barbarian, 1 Gristule Bushwhacker, 1 Hill Giant, 1 Ibixian Favored Soul, 1 Ibixian Warmage, 1 Minotaur Zombie, 1 White Half-Dragon Dire Polar Bear
Adventures: DB01Getting to Know You, DB02Fangs of Ice, DB03A Land Asunder |
Stat Blocks for Power Up Suites |
righteous might
Size Large (10 ft. 8 in., 1,008 lb.); HD 20d10+80 (280 hp); AC 25 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +9 chain shirt, +4 righteous might; touch 12, flat-footed 22); Grapple +25; Atk +21 melee (1d8+11, 20/x2, masterwork quarterstaff); Full Atk +21/+16/+11 melee (1d8+11, 20/x2, masterwork quarterstaff); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SQ Damage reduction 15/evil; Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +11; Str 22, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 20, Luck 10. |