BAB: +15/+10/+5 Lives Remaining: 7
Feats: Armor Proficiency (all), Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Extraordinary Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Greater Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Greater Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike), Hands As Weapons, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike), Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Bones, Iron Skin, Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), Natural Striker, Shield Proficiency (all), Simple Weapon Proficiency (all), Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Appraise +2 (+2 Int, 0 ranks),
Balance +10 (+3 Dex, 5 ranks, +2 synergy from Tumble),
Bluff +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Climb +10 (+5 Str, 5 ranks),
Concentration +9 (+3 Con, 6 ranks),
Diplomacy +3 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks, +2 synergy from Sense Motive),
Disguise +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Escape Artist +20 (+3 Dex, 17 ranks),
Forgery +2 (+2 Int, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Heal +4 (+4 Wis, 0 ranks),
Hide +14 (+3 Dex, 11 ranks),
Intimidate +1 (+1 Cha, 0 ranks),
Jump +12 (+5 Str, 5 ranks, +2 synergy from Tumble),
Knowledge (arcana) +12 (+2 Int, 10 ranks),
Knowledge (religion) +12 (+2 Int, 10 ranks),
Listen +15 (+4 Wis, 11 ranks),
Move Silently +19 (+3 Dex, 11 ranks, +5 boots of elvenkind),
Ride +3 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks),
Search +2 (+2 Int, 0 ranks),
Sense Motive +10 (+4 Wis, 6 ranks),
Spot +15 (+4 Wis, 11 ranks),
Survival +4 (+4 Wis, 0 ranks),
Swim +5 (+5 Str, 0 ranks),
Tumble +23 (+3 Dex, 18 ranks, +2 synergy from Jump),
Use Rope +3 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks)
Armor Check Penalty: -0; Swim Check Penalty: -0
Immunities: Normal (non-magical) Disease, Poison |
Special Attacks/Qualities:
Friar Spells Prepared (3/2/2/2; DC 14 + spell level; caster level 7th):
1stdivine favor, longstrider, protection from evil.
2ndcat's grace, resist energy.
3rdcure moderate wounds, prayer.
4thcure serious wounds, ray of exhaustion.
Friar Spell Selection: 1stbless, bless water, create water, cure light wounds, curse water, detect undead, divine favor, endure elements, inflict light wounds, longstrider, magic fang, protection from evil/good, resistance, virtue. 2ndbull's strength, cat's grace, false life, gust of wind, lesser restoration, owl's wisdom, remove paralysis, resist energy, shield of faith. 3rdcure moderate wounds, dispel magic, greater magic fang, inflict moderate wounds, magic circle against evil/good, prayer, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease. 4thbreak enchantment, cure serious wounds, death ward, freedom of movement, inflict serious wounds, magic vestment, neutralize poison, ray of exhaustion, restoration, tongues.
Magical Items: +2 amulet of natural armor (8,000 gp), +4 belt of giant strength (16,000 gp), boots of elvenkind (2,500 gp), +8 bracers of armor (64,000 gp), +3 raging earth hands as weapons (50,000 gp), +2 ring of protection (8,000 gp)
Potions: 2 potions of cure serious wounds (CL 5th; cures 3d8+5 hp) (750 gp each) Nonmagical Items: None
Biographical Information | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.; Weight: 169 lb.; Age: 29; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray Patron Deity: Tempus; Homeland: Damara; Heritage: 100% Human; Background: Blessed Blood Carrying Capacity: light loadup to 133 lbs.; medium load134-266 lbs.; heavy load267-400 lbs.; drag2,000 lbs.
Platinum (pp): 0, Gold (gp): 0, Silver (sp): 0, Copper (cp): 0
Character History:
Friar Larren is a dark-haired muscular man nearing his 30s. He was an orphan raised in a small hidden temple of Tempus during the years of Vaasa's occupation of Damara. He was taught to use his body as a weapon so as to avoid having to carry swords and other weapons that draw attention. With little to do each day but train, Larren became an extremely proficient combatant, mastering a martial arts style that emphasizes powerful strikes mixed with takedowns and disarming techniques.
Slain Enemy Record:
1 Mature Adult Red Dragon
Adventures: |