Lawful Magic-User 4

Combat Notes Movement Rate
Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage: Normal 90'
8 11 Encounter 30'
Running 90'
Attack Rolls AC: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Attack Roll Needed:   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20

Abilities Adjustments Saving Throws
12 Str +0 Attack, Damage, Open Doors 12 Death Ray or Poison
12 Int +0 Language(s), Extra Skill Slots 13 Magic Wands
11 Wis +0 Saving Throws vs. Spells 12 Paralysis or Turn to Stone
10 Dex +0 Init., Missile Atk Rolls,         AC 15 Dragon Breath
9 Con +0 Hit Points/Level 14 Rod, Staff, or Spell
16 Cha +2 Reactions Initiative: 1d6

Weapon Mastery ( Total Weapon Choices:   3   )
Weapon Level Ranges Damage Defense Special Effects
Dagger Basic 10 / 20 / 30 1d4
Sling Basic 40 / 80 / 160 1d4
Staff Basic 1d6

General Skills ( Total Skill Slots:   4   )
Magical Engineering (12), Muscle (12), Music (woodwind) (16), Singing (16)
Common, Lawful, Thyatian

Spells and Spellbooks
Memorized: 1st—magic missile, shield. 2nd—knock, wizard lock.

Spellbook: 1st—magic missile, read magic, shield. 2nd—knock, wizard lock.

Other Character Notes:
Additional Names and Titles: Race: Human Age: 36
Height: 5'5" Hair: Brown
Weight: 1,300 cn Eyes: Brown
Family Social Standing: Comfortable Ethnicity: Thyatian Home: Specularum
Experience / XP Adjustment: 18,094 of 20,000 / 0% Gender: Female Religion: Church of Traladara

Equipment Carried:
potion of diminution, ring of protection +1, 5' radius, sling stones +2 (7), Backpack (400 cn capacity) (enc 20; 5 gp), Dagger (enc 10; 3 gp), Sling (enc 20; 2 gp), 26 Sling Stones (enc 6; 0 gp), Staff (enc 40; 5 gp), Standard Rations (2 weeks, unpreserved) (enc 400; 10 gp), Tinder Box (enc 5; 3 gp), 12 Torches (enc 240; 1 gp), Waterskin (full) (30 enc; 1 gp), Wolfsbane (1 bunch) (enc 1; 10 gp)
Equipment Owned Elsewhere:

Carried — pp: 0 | gp: 44 | ep: 0 | sp: 0 | cp: 0 ; At Home — pp: 0 | gp: 0 | ep: 0 | sp: 0 | cp: 0 ; Elsewhere — pp: 0 | gp: 0 | ep: 0 | sp: 0 | cp: 0

Gems: None

Jewelry and Art: None

Encumbrance: 786

Defeated Enemy Record:
Bat, Bloodhead Hobgoblin, Giant Ferret, Hellhound, Hound of the Iron Ring, Reaver of the Iron Ring (2), Rock Baboon, Skeleton (2), Wolfskull Goblin (8), Zombie

Character sheet for BECMI / RC Dungeons & Dragons. Phoenix Gaming Club — 2020-2022.
50 Games Played | Last Played on 04/12/2022 | Created on 08/23/2020 | Played By Casey Scruggs